Liu Chuhe looked at the falling sword and quickly blocked it with his stick.

Although his Wing Tiger Stick Technique emphasizes going forward and attacking without defending, the problem is, he is not stupid. This is a Xinghai level person attacking him. He doesn't defend but only attacks? He's not out of his mind!

When the swords and sticks collided, there was a loud noise that made people's ears buzz, and sparks flew everywhere.

Liu Chuhe only felt a huge force like a surging tide coming towards him. The shock caused his jaw to hurt, his arms were sore and numb, and he couldn't help but take two steps back. The long stick in his hand also shook under the impact of this huge force. Swing to the side.

Butler Huang had a cold look on his face, and behind him, the shadow of a giant elephant appeared.

Platinum quality chain skills, the shadow formed when releasing the chain skills will not only appear under the feet, but also appear in other places.

The shadow almost overlapped with Butler Huang, and the long knife in Butler Huang's hand seemed to be ivory.


Liu Chuhe raised his hand and fired a chaotic shot.

The next moment, the shadow behind Butler Huang suddenly disappeared, and the blow that was originally full of momentum turned into an ordinary sword.

Chaos takes effect, but unfortunately, there is no chance of triggering the nerf.

Liu Chu had no time to fight back with his stick to stop him, so he could only turn aside quickly. At the same time, he raised his hand and waved again. A green light flew out of his hand and fell directly on Deacon Huang.

It seemed that because of the sudden disappearance of the chain skill, Butler Huang's strike was a bit slower than his normal strike. Although Liu Chuhe's movements were embarrassing, he completely dodged it.

On the side, Fu Jianwei had already raised his sword to chop it down.

Deacon Huang quickly waved his sword to resist and left.

Liu Chuhe quickly pulled away and retreated. Yes, you two are both Xinghai level. You fight first, and I will help you from the side.

There was nothing he could do. If he continued to carry it on, he was afraid that he would really have no chance to use the sky-shattering strike.

Fu Jianwei was stunned when he saw Liu Chuhe who quickly jumped to the side. Didn't we agree that you would contain him from the front and I would sneak attack from behind? How come I'm trying to contain him from the front?

Are you making a sneak attack? Apart from that one blow, what can you do in a sneak attack with your little attack power?

Although Fu Jianwei has broken through to the Xinghai level, all of his chain skills are of gold quality. However, his chain skills that increase strength, the chain skills that increase defense, the chain skills that increase vitality, and the chain skills that increase agility are all of them. Yes, these chain skills are not strengthened, and the impact is really big.

Deacon Huang also became more and more impatient as he fought. Although the boy's chain skills were all of gold quality, his fighting skills were terrifyingly high and not at all like what the other person had at his age.

He was able to suppress the opponent, but there was Liu Chuhe on the side who kept causing trouble. For a while, he was unable to completely defeat the opponent. The most important thing was that Liu Chuhe kept poisoning him.

It's just that the gold-quality poison is not that powerful. The problem is that it cannot be contained for a long time.

A look of eagerness appeared on Butler Huang's face. Behind him, the shadow of the giant elephant appeared again, but the next moment, another black light fell, and the chain skill he was about to use disappeared again.

Damn fat man!

This feeling of losing control of chain skills is so disgusting!

A ferocious look appeared on Butler Huang's face, and the shadow of an extremely huge giant ape floated behind him. This giant ape had fangs in its mouth and its face was red, as if it was burning with a blazing flame.

Platinum Chain Skill—Ape’s Madness!

If he continues to fight, he is sure to win, but the battle lasts too long. What if such a big movement attracts other people?

This must not continue!

Butler Huang's face was full of madness, and he was slashing towards Fu Jianwei like a madman.

Fu Jianwei's eyes suddenly widened, and Butler Huang's speed increased dramatically, much faster than before.

Caught off guard, he was struck in the shoulder with a knife.

After the sword hit, Butler Huang did not draw out his long sword, but continued to rush forward. The light on the long sword became brighter and brighter, pushing Fu Jianwei to take another step back. Then he suddenly drew out his long sword. The knife brought out a large amount of bright red blood.

The next moment, the long knife in his hand slashed forward again.

In just a short moment, he had already slashed three times. Every time the sword fell, it shattered the fighting spirit in Fu Jianwei's body. And every time the sword fell, it would leave a mark on Fu Jianwei's body that was deeply visible to the bones. Wound.

Deacon Huang seemed to be a completely different person, suppressing Fu Jianwei's crazy attack. Suddenly, Fu Jianwei raised his hand and waved forward, and green vines flew out.

Vine cage!

The vines trapped Deacon Huang directly inside.

Fu Jianwei showed a proud look on his face, and he even said to Liu Chuhe: "Junior, do you know what kind of chain skill this is? This is the ape's crazy chain skill. After it is used, the whole person becomes He will become like a madman, and his speed and attack power will skyrocket.

However, this type of chain skill release also has very big flaws, and a certain price must be paid. As for the cost, some involve sacrificing one's own defense capabilities, making oneself very vulnerable, and some even temporarily sacrifice part of one's vitality. The ape's madness means sacrificing part of his vitality. "

Liu Chuhe understood instantly, isn't this just violent? Sacrifice part of your vitality, how much is that sacrifice?

Fu Jianwei drew his knife and slashed at Butler Huang along the cracks in the vines, while proudly explaining: "Also, this type of chain technique is indeed terrifying, but they also have their biggest nemesis, which is the control chain technique. .

This chain skill won't last long, once it's controlled, hehe..."

Fu Jianwei just laughed, and his face suddenly changed. A huge crocodile shadow appeared under Butler Huang. A dark brown light suddenly appeared on his long knife, and he slashed at the vines in front of him. It was like an ancient giant crocodile opening its bloody mouth and biting it down.

The cage exploded with a bang, and the vines flew everywhere!

"Holy shit!"

Fu Jianwei was shocked and uttered a curse word, and the healing light emerged from his body.

Fight bloody battle!

If I don’t use my big move, I really can’t handle it anymore!

On the side, Liu Chuhe raised his hand and shot out another burst of Poison. Now, Butler Huang had the mark of the Sky-shattering Strike on his body, but he still did not use the Sky-Shattering Strike. The opponent was a Xinghai-level master. The chain skills are all of platinum quality. Even if some so-called ape madness is released, I may not be able to kill him with a stick. If I can't kill him with a stick, I will be miserable.

Let Fu Jianwei hold on for a while longer before releasing the sky-shattering strike.


Fu Jianwei, you cheater!

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