Fu Jianwei turned around and ran away with the help of his bloody battle and chain skills!

Why not run? Others are going crazy. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to confront each other head-on at this time?

Fatty Liu is a tank anyway, so he doesn't need to protect himself, just let that kid carry it.

Liu Chuhe looked at Fu Jianwei who ran away in an instant, and his whole body was broken. He released your hidden chain skill next to you, not to fight with others, but because the speed became faster and you could run!

You are really cheating, whoever you designate as your teammate will be cheated to death by you!

There is no other way but to enlarge it.

A sky-shattering blow!

Liu Chuhe suddenly appeared in front of Deacon Huang and swung his long stick downwards.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound, and the long black stick struck Deacon Huang on the head like a world-destroying dragon flying out of the Nine Nether Abyss.

In an instant, there was a loud noise like a mountain exploding. The Origin Qi suit around Fu Jianwei's head suddenly spread out, and his entire head was exploded by the bombardment. He could even be seen under the crack. In his head, streams of source energy flowed rapidly, protecting his brain.

And his whole body crashed to the ground, sending countless grass clippings flying into the sky.


Deacon Huang let out a loud shout, staring at Liu Chuhe with his eyes full of madness. He raised his hand and smashed it hard on the ground, and his body jumped up with the force of the smash.

Liu Chuhe looked at the leaping Butler Huang with a look of shock on his face. His head was split. He was still not dead? This vitality is too tenacious.

Just as Butler Huang jumped up, a huge fireball suddenly flew down in the air beside him.

In the distance, Fu Jianwei is still releasing fireballs. He, Fu Jianwei, is not just a warrior, he is also a mage. Even if he can only fire one fireball, he is still a mage!


With a muffled sound, Deacon Huang was hit from the front and fell to the ground again. Before he could make a move, a sharp dagger appeared, and then Shen Zhaodi's slender figure emerged.

Needle crack!

The dagger shimmering with cold light penetrated directly into the crack in Deacon Huang's head.


Deacon Huang looked at the sudden appearance of Shen Zhaodi, raised his hand and waved the long knife in his hand, but the long knife fell down weakly just after he had swung it halfway.

Shen Zhaodi stood aside and panted heavily. On her pale face, big drops of sweat appeared, and there were even faint traces of blood on her clothes.

Her injury had not healed, and she forced a chain attack, causing the wound to open again.

"I told you not to be aggressive. Just stay back and come up." Liu Chuhe scolded while taking out bandages and other things from the space ring to treat Shen Zhaodi's wounds again.

"He's already dead, so why treat his wounds?" Fu Jian only pointed at Deacon Huang lying on the ground and said, "Look for something and go back to get treatment. Why don't you give her a few mouthfuls of milk?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to inspect Deacon Huang's body.

"This man is really poor. He is still at the Xinghai level. It is simply embarrassing. He has nothing. Hey, this ring, this is a space ring! He is so developed that he even has a space ring!"

Fu Jianwei stood at this moment as if he had gone crazy and shouted loudly: "The space ring, is it really a space ring? Are all the people in the cult so rich?

Doesn’t it mean that the people in the cult are all extremely poor? Why do Xinghai-class ones also have space rings? This guy is probably the person in charge of Huangsang City. Unlock it. I have to unlock it first. Let me try..."

Fu Jianwei quickly grabbed Deacon Huang's fingers and started testing them one by one. Soon, a light appeared on the space ring.

"Unlocked successfully, let me see what's there." Fu Jianwei just wanted to study, but Liu Chuhe loudly interrupted, "It's not too late to go back and study again. Now, take her back to heal."

Not long after, the figures of Liu Chuhe and three others suddenly appeared outside the Zhulong River space in Huangsang City.

Liu Chuhe grabbed Shen Zhaodi and quickly ran towards the entrance of the Zhonglong River space. The Zhonglong River space was guarded, so there must be treatment inside.

Fu Jianwei followed closely behind Liu Chuhe. He looked at the fat hands and thin hands holding each other in front of him, and then looked at the body of Butler Huang he was holding. His happy mood was not so beautiful anymore. Holding the girl's hand, but I was holding the body's hand?


In the past, there were always people queuing up at the entrance of the Zhulong River Space. After all, the animals inside were all unique beasts of the Oriya Kingdom. There was only one such place in the country!

But now, there is no one outside the Zhulong River space.

The overlapping space of the Zhulong River is closed. This is the first time it has been closed since the overlapping space of the Zhulong River was opened to the public.

To be more precise, today's overlapping space of the Zhulong River is only allowed to leave but not enter.

People who come out of it have to undergo much stricter inspections than in the past.

There is only one reason. The two geniuses of Huangsang City were hunted down by the cult and entered the overlapping space of the Zhulong River.

Now the Huangsang City Governor's Office has sent a large number of personnel to look for the two people.

Although the overlapping space of the Zhulong River is special and does not fall under the jurisdiction of Huangsang City, it is in Huangsang City after all. The brains in Huangsang City went crazy, and they also cooperated to close the overlapping space.

Since the overlapping space was closed, everyone was much more relaxed than before.

Behind the entrance, several people were talking softly.

"Today's cults are really getting more and more rampant. Two geniuses finally appeared in Huangsang City, and they immediately started to hunt them down!"

"Hey, it's been so long, I'm afraid they are..."

"They still have a bright future..."

"Damn cult!"

Suddenly, in the distance, several figures ran quickly. One of them, a fat man, shouted, "Is there any treatment? We need treatment."

"Here...it's them!" A guard exclaimed after seeing the appearance of the three of them clearly.

"Shen Zhaodi, Liu Chuhe!"

"Aren't they outside the overlapping space? Why are they here?"

"The one in the back, that person is still holding a corpse!"

After several people saw the appearance of Liu Chuhe and the others, they did not stop the three from moving forward. One of them even asked loudly: "Who needs treatment?"

"She, her injuries are extremely serious." Liu Chuhe pointed at Shen Zhaodi and said anxiously, "Treat her quickly."

As he finished speaking, a cyan healing chain skill flew out, and then suddenly fell on Liu Chuhe.


Liu Chuhe was instantly embarrassed. He didn't mean it. He really didn't mean it. The problem was that he couldn't control the flower of affinity.

Fortunately, the treatment here used platinum-quality healing chain skills. Liu Chuhe had not been seriously injured before. Soon, the treatment fell on Shen Zhaodi.

Liu Chuhe and the other three were also left at the entrance of the overlapping space of the Zhulong River.

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