Guard Zhao seemed to know what Liu Chuhe was worried about. He gently patted Liu Chuhe on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, since you got the key to space, it is naturally yours.

However, keep it carefully, its secret is far from simple. However, it is of no use or benefit for you to know the specific secret now.

I will tell you two when you enter the Starry Sky Level. "

Liu Chuhe finally felt relieved. As long as he didn't take away the key to space, that would be fine. As for the secret?

Isn't the secret another dimension? We had discovered it earlier. They didn't tell us until we got to the Starry Sky Level. We at the Galaxy Level were all killed seven in and seven out.

But no matter what, the three decided to hide far away from the cult first, but before hiding, they had to equip themselves with mobile phones. All the three's mobile phones were destroyed in the previous battle.

The three of them really had no special needs for mobile phones. After quickly buying mobile phones, the three of them came to a hotel.

Liu Chuhe lives in the Strengthening Masters Guild, and he doesn't want to expose this yet.

Shen Zhaodi simply didn't want to take others to her home, so she had no choice but to go to the hotel.

In the hotel, after Liu Chuhe bound his identity account on his mobile phone, he found that there was a small program on his mobile phone - Honor Mall.

Clicking to enter, he immediately found the 'My' option and entered it.

"Sixty honor points, authority - bronze." Liu Chuhe complained in his heart, wondering if he could be a little creative all day long with nothing but bronze and silver.

As for this authority, do you still need to think about it?

There must be some things that you don't have enough authority to buy even if you have enough honor points. It's an outdated old routine.

"Sixty honor points, let me see what I can buy first."

Liu Chuhe quickly clicked on the popular items and looked at each item.

"Eight-star alien beast killer mosquito gene chain, a little honor."

"Seven-star alien beasts, three sky-splitting leopard gene chains, a little bit of honor."

"Yuehua Group, S-level auxiliary gene chain (used by Galaxy level), a little bit of honor."

Liu Chuhe suddenly turned his head and looked at Fu Jianwei: "Senior, our school is a bit tricked. The S-level auxiliary gene chain used by the Galaxy level requires three credits in our school. Just a few honor points outside are enough."

"Yes, our school is too bad." Fu Jianwei nodded heavily without blushing, but his heart was bleeding.

"Senior, I found a good way to make money."

Liu Chuhe suddenly said: "Senior, I can use my honor points to buy all S-level auxiliary potions. In this way, I can buy sixty bottles of S-level auxiliary potions for Galaxy level.

Then senior, you can take it to the school and sell it. I don’t care what price you can sell it for, senior. That’s all your business. I’ll give you two credits per bottle. How about selling it to the senior? "

How about it?

It’s definitely not that good anymore!

Isn’t this obviously a money-losing business?

Fu Jianwei is so angry, you think I'm a fool, don't you? I...that's not right, that honor seems not to be Liu Chuhe's own.

Fu Jianwei suddenly came to his senses, looked at Liu Chuhe and shouted: "No, the fifty honor points we exchanged for Kong Yaotu of the Guards Mansion are not your own, they belong to the three of us. We need these Evenly divided.”

Liu Chuhe pointed to the ring on Fu Jianwei's hand and said, "Deuce, didn't you take the space ring?"

"The problem is that the value of my space ring is twenty-seven honor points. You took fifty. You should..." Fu Jianwei suddenly stopped talking.

It seems that I have done something outrageous.

The space ring plus fifty honor points is seventy-seven honor points. If three people share it equally, one person will have more than twenty-five honor points. If you contribute more, count yourself as twenty-six honor points and get it yourself. The ring is worth twenty-seven honor points. Doesn't that mean that I have to give away a few honor points?

"Okay, let's divide it like this."

Shen Zhaodi, who had been speechless, suddenly said: "Fu Jianwei took away the space ring and left the remaining honor points to Liu Chuhe. Don't you want to buy a space ring?

Fifty honor points can just buy a sixty cubic meter space ring. "

"Yes, yes, I agree, junior, please place your order quickly." Fu Jianwei nodded repeatedly when he heard this, as long as he didn't let himself give up the honor points.

Even though this girl doesn't seem to like talking to people very much, at critical moments, her character can still be seen.

She didn't care about the honor points, it was just to repay the favor in the hidden chain skill gene.

No, this girl told Fatty Liu to place the order directly. In other words, she didn't need her own twenty-five honor points?

That’s a point of honor!

It’s a point of honor!

This girl is so good to Fatty Liu, she...

Is she nearsighted and has bad eyesight?

What's so good about a fat man? Look at me again. I'm so handsome, otherwise we'd be in trouble?

Fu Jianwei looked at Shen Zhaodi and felt that this girl's whole person was outlined with honor points.

"Sixty cubic meters? Why would I buy such a big space ring?"

Liu Chuhe was moved in his heart. Shen Yatou was famous for being stingy. When she was in school, she used to collect protection money. There was no reason to spit out the money that came into her hands, let alone the more precious honor. Clicked.

But right now, this girl doesn't want the honor points she deserves, but wants to give them all to herself.

He did not express the emotion in his heart, but shouted: "There is no need for a sixty-year-old space ring. I think a thirty-year space should be five meters by six meters, which is enough."

Shen Zhaodi couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her forehead: "You, go back and take some elementary school mathematics. The space ring is cubic meters, not square meters. The calculation method is length times width times height!

A standard thirty-cubic-meter space ring is four meters long, three meters wide, and 2.5 meters high. "

"Almost, almost, it's enough." Liu Chuhe directly placed an order for the space ring.

He found that buying things in the Honor Mall is no different from ordinary online shopping. You fill in the address and pay the bill.

Immediately, he found Shen Zhaodi and directly transferred twenty-five honor points.

Shen Zhaodi frowned: "Why are you transferring so many honor points?"

Liu Chuhe said matter-of-factly: "Kong Yao Tu was sold for 50 honor points, and we will share it equally. Twenty-five points per person is fine."

"Keep it for yourself."

Shen Zhaodi shook the space ring around her neck and said: "This space ring was discovered by the two of us. If you leave the honor points, it will be treated as if I bought this space ring, and it will belong to me from now on."

"Do you think I'm stupid? This space ring is bigger, and you can't buy it with twenty-five honor points.

Don't try to erase my mark. This space ring still belongs to both of us. I'm just lending it to you temporarily. You accept the honor points. "

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