Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 298 The Problem Of Strengthening Hidden Chain Skills

Liu Chuhe insisted that Shen Zhaodi accept the honor points. If the two of them were in the same school in the future, the honor points would be the same in both hands, and he would not even need to buy a space ring.

The problem is, they will no longer be in the same school, and Shen Zhaodi is still so promiscuous, how can we not give her some honor points?

"Okay, the space ring will keep your mark, but I don't need that many honor points. Give me twelve points and it's enough."

"Twelve o'clock is too little."

Fu Jianwei can't stand these two people anymore. If you show affection, just show affection. How about you change places? What kind of place is this? This is a hotel. The hotel is a place for you to show affection. The hotel is...

Okay, this place seems quite suitable. How about I be your cameraman? The asking price is not high, just one honor point.

In the end, Liu Chuhe transferred thirteen honor points to Shen Zhaodi.

In this way, he originally had 60 honor points, but he spent 27 points to buy the space ring, and gave 13 points to Shen Zhaodi, leaving him with exactly 20 honor points.

On the side, Fu Jianwei was bored and used his mobile phone to check all the gene chains. He looked at the two of them and said: "They are all relatively common gene chains, but they can be sold for some money."

He has no idea about these gene chains. Others have given him a few points of honor, so he doesn't want these gene chains.

Liu Chuhe had known what kind of gene chains these were, but he remembered that some of them were pretty good and should be suitable for Fu Jianwei. He looked at Fu Jianwei curiously and asked: "Why, these genes There is nothing in the chain that you can use? What gene chain are you going to absorb?"

Fu Jianwei heard the sound, shook his neck slightly, made a few crisp clicks, and said with a proud look on his face: "I made some money this time, I am going to be extravagant and get a nine-star exotic beast, the giant crocodile of the abyss." Gene chain.”

"Nine-star alien beast, you are a star sea level... you are so luxurious!" Liu Chu was convinced, this was not an ordinary luxury.

Fu Jianwei is Xinghai level. Unlike himself, all chain skills can be infinitely enhanced, so he must want to absorb platinum quality chain skills.

Seven-star alien beasts and eight-star alien beasts both possess platinum-quality chain skills.

However, seven-star alien beasts will also have gold-quality chain skills, so during the insurance period, eight-star quality alien beasts can be absorbed.

The nine-star quality beasts have diamond-quality chain skills, but they also have platinum-quality chain skills.

Some nine-star beasts possess only one platinum-quality chain skill.

A Xinghai level cannot absorb diamond-quality chain skills no matter what, so if he absorbs the gene chain of the nine-star alien beast, he will definitely absorb the chain skills he wants to absorb as long as he succeeds.

The problem is that this is too luxurious.

For example, the Juyuan level absorbs the gene chain of five-star alien beasts, and the Galaxy level absorbs the gene chain of seven-star alien beasts. This is easy to understand.

Many wealthy families will also choose to absorb the gene chain in this way, so that there will be no such thing as a warrior absorbing the magic chain skill, and a healer absorbing the assassin chain skill.

However, the value of the Nine-Star Alien Beast is completely different!

Liu Chuhe quickly marked the words "Abyss Giant Crocodile" on the Honor Mall. After seeing the price, he finally understood why Fu Jianwei was competing with honor points and credits all day long.

The price of the Abyss Giant Crocodile Gene Chain: three honor points, one piece!

This is one!

The higher the quality of the gene chain, the more difficult it is to absorb. It is not surprising that all ten gene chains failed to be absorbed.

Fu Jianwei's ten honor points can be used to buy up to three Abyssal Crocodile gene chains.

Want to succeed after three times?

He is not himself, so this guy is really brainless.

As for the genetic chain of the Abyssal Crocodile, there are a total of four chain skills, only one of which is platinum quality.

The traces of the crocodile are obvious - a rapid strike, with (a small amount of armor-piercing effect), causing (a small amount of -) damage, and at the same time producing a bleeding effect, continuously causing (a certain) damage.

For platinum quality, the words given by memory chain skills are generally in small ranges. Only those with stronger chain skills will use certain words. Obviously, Crocodile Trace is the stronger type among the platinum quality chain skills.

The chain skill is good, but the problem is that it costs a lot.

After Fu Jianwei finished speaking, he ignored the two of them and quickly searched on his mobile phone. The more he checked, the more confused he became: "Damn, you guys in Huangsang City are really weak. I only have seven chain skills." The four chain skills are strengthened in Huangsang City.

I don’t know about the strengthening routes of those masters. I use perfect strengthening. The strengthening routes are different and I can’t strengthen them. "

Fu Jianwei said, turning to look at Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi and saying in a negotiating tone: "Otherwise, you two will stay in Huangsang City for a day, and I will go to Quancheng to strengthen my chain skills.

I think the people from the Impermanence Sect are mainly targeting you two, and they probably won’t take action against me. "

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like you're not very good at math?"

Liu Chuhe interrupted Fu Jianwei and said: "You should have nine chain skills. Except for your initial bronze-quality chain skill that cannot be strengthened, you should have eight remaining chain skills that can be strengthened. Why did you only say seven? "

"Nonsense, I have a hidden chain skill, do you still expect to strengthen it in Huangsang City? That is a hidden chain skill, and even Quancheng may not have an enhancer who can strengthen that chain skill for me. Strengthening the hidden chain Skills need to be considered in the long term.

We can only wait until we return to the mountain city to see if the vice-principal can do anything. "

Hidden chain skills are indeed extremely powerful, but similarly, the strengthening of hidden chain skills is also a big problem.

Since there are many other chain skills, after a long period of research, I slowly figured out how to strengthen them.

But the hidden chain skill, if it is the kind of hidden chain skill that has appeared before, it is okay, maybe you are lucky, you can find a master who has enhanced the same chain skill.

If it is a hidden chain skill that has never appeared before, that would be bad luck. No one has seen this kind of chain skill, how can it be strengthened?

It can only be studied as a topic.

And generally it is not researched by one master, but by several masters.

Unfortunately, his bloody battle chain skill was a hidden chain skill that had never appeared before. He had searched for it for a long time, and there had been such chain skills before that could only restore his own vitality.

The problem is that none of those hidden chain skills can increase movement speed like Bloody Fight.

"Vice principal?" Liu Chuhe was stunned.

"That's right, Vice President Qin of our Mountain City Martial Arts University is a perfect six-star enhancement master."

Fu Jianwei said with admiration: "There are only two perfect six-star enhancement masters in our mountain city, and one of them is in our mountain city Wuhan University.

Vice President Qin is also known as the most unprovoked person in our mountain city Wuhan University. "

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