Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 299 I’Ll Introduce You To A Master

Fu Jianwei introduced to Liu Chuhe: "Who dares to offend Vice Principal Qin? Those masters who have been strengthened by Vice Principal Qin's chain skills, and the masters who are waiting for Vice Principal Qin's help to strengthen their chain skills, can even sneeze." Spray you to death.

A master like Vice-Principal Qin must be interested in studying gene chains. After my bloody battle, I had to go back to Vice-Principal Qin for help. "

"Oh? Let me ask you a question." Liu Chuhe pointed at himself and said, "I have the invisible chain skill, you know."

"Of course I do."

Fu Jianwei nodded blankly, and then suddenly realized: "No, your hidden chain skills, those four hidden chain skills are all silver quality, and after you break through, all your hidden chain skills become A gold-quality chain skill."

He recalled the scene he saw at the Quancheng Strengthening Masters Guild. Liu Chuhe knew a president of the Qilu Province Strengthening Masters Guild. This guy was very well-connected in the Strengthening Masters Guild, and there must be several in the Qilu Province Strengthening Masters Guild who were good at strengthening. The master of hidden chain skills is here.

Fu Jian only looked at Liu Chuhe with a flattering face and said: "Junior, Old Liu, you have to help me.

Even if you can't strengthen my bloody battle, please help me introduce a reliable strengthener to strengthen my remaining seven chain skills.

Of course, it would be better if there was a strengthening master who could, by the way, study my bloody battles for me. "

Liu Chuhe's four hidden chain skills can all be strengthened by others. Maybe there is really a particularly strong strengthening master in Qilu Province? Or are there several masters who are good at studying hidden chain skills?

"No problem, which one of us follows who? Let me tell you, I know a master called Master Peng. My chain skills are all strengthened by Master Peng. Not only me, most of Zhaodi's chain skills are also master Peng Reinforced.

I'll contact Master Peng for you. However, you have to remember one thing. Don't reveal that Master Peng and I are familiar with each other. Master Peng is a low-key person and doesn't like too many people to disturb him.

After others knew that I was acquainted with Master Peng, they all came to me and made trouble if they couldn't find Master Peng. "

Fu Jianwei quickly assured: "No problem, I promise not to reveal it. I can't reveal anything about the strengthening master at will. I still understand the most basic rules."

"Okay, first tell me what your chain skills are, so I can ask Master Peng..." After Fu Jianwei told him about the chain skills, Liu Chuhe quickly took out his mobile phone and pretended to initiate a message.

After a while, he said to Fu Jianwei: "Let's go, I will take you to Huangsang City to strengthen the Master Guild. Master Peng has promised to strengthen it for you."

"Going to Huangsang City to strengthen the Masters Guild?" Fu Jianwei looked at Liu Chuhe with some surprise, "Master Peng is in Huangsang City?"

"Of course, otherwise how would I know him? Come with me." Liu Chuhe looked at Fu Jianwei and his eyes became very friendly. He is a good person. Anyone who gives him money is a good person.

Fu Jianwei hurriedly followed, and with a good attitude, he asked: "Okay, let's go now. Well, let me ask, did Master Peng tell me which chain skills to strengthen for me?"

"All of them." Liu Chuhe's smile became brighter.

"Ah, everything?" Fu Jianwei paused in his advance, looked at Liu Chuhe in disbelief and asked, "Everything Master Peng said? Are you sure?"

He suddenly felt that the Master Peng Liu Chuhe was talking about was a little unreliable. Not to mention those strengthening masters who only strengthened one or two chain skills, but also those masters who strengthened many chain skills. Generally, they had specialized area of ​​expertise.

For example, a strengthener who is particularly good at strengthening fire magic chain skills, a master who is particularly good at strengthening defensive chain skills...

My own chain skills contain a variety of chain skills, and it can even be said that there are no duplicates of the same type of chain skills. Master Peng will strengthen all of them?

He seriously doubted whether Liu Chuhe was teasing him.

"Nonsense, would I joke about something like this? Ask Zhaodi yourself who strengthened her chain skills." Liu Chuhe suddenly became upset. How much money can I make by strengthening one or two chain skills for you? It must be All have to be strengthened.

Shen Zhaodi followed the two of them and walked out, saying as they walked: "All my chain skills were enhanced by Master Peng."

"Is there such a powerful master?" Fu Jianwei followed the two of them out doubtfully. Anyway, he had nothing to do now, so he would follow Liu Chuhe first.

When Liu Chu walked into the Strengthened Masters Guild in Huangsang City again after a long time.

"You two wait here for a moment, I'll go find Master Peng." Liu Chuhe said, quickly left and returned to his reinforcement room, changed his clothes, and then called his assistant Wu Yuya to go find him. Fu Jianwei and two others came in.

As for Fu Jianwei's question about why he didn't show up later, he had already thought of the answer.

Master Peng admired him and he had been observing in the strengthening room.

Yes, he is also an enhancement master. Now, he is not afraid of exposing his identity as an enhancement master.

Not long after, Fu Jianwei and Shen Zhaodi met Wu Yuya.

Wu Yuya recognized Shen Zhaodi at a glance. After all, Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chuhe were the most famous people in Huangsang City these days.

Moreover, she had been in contact with Shen Zhaodi before, but the other person beside her was very unfamiliar.

She quickly walked up to the two of them and said: "You two, the master is already waiting for you.

Among the gene chain materials required for this enhancement, there are five types that our Enhancer Guild does not have at the moment. They need to be shipped from the Quancheng Enhancer Guild. Please go and settle the bill first. The cost of the gene chain material is 800 million, and the enhancement The fee is 800 million, a total of 1.6 billion. "

The price of the strengthener is the same as the material fee. This is how you can make money by strengthening the strengthener. Moreover, the higher the quality of the strengthening, the higher the cost of the strengthener.

"Six billion!"

Fu Jianwei immediately understood that the master wanted to strengthen the seven chain skills for him, otherwise he would not charge such a high fee.

That master can really strengthen him in everything!

When Liu Chuhe said that, he might be doubtful, but now, a strengthening master actually said that he would be strengthened, and he immediately believed it.

Enhancers pay great attention to their credibility and will not make fun of such things casually.

Fu Jianwei quickly went to pay.

He had been preparing for a breakthrough early, and a very important point was to prepare enough reinforcement costs.

If it weren't for his good luck, he wouldn't be able to collect the 1.6 billion.

Geneticists make money quickly, but spend money even faster!

Fu Jianwei did not meet the so-called Master Peng. His chain skills were all stripped off by Master Peng's female assistant.

But this is normal. Many masters do not show their faces during the entire process when strengthening people.

As the strengthening continued, Fu Jianwei became more and more convinced.

That Master Peng is really too strong. Five of his chain skills were strengthened by others before, but Master Peng can still strengthen them again.

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