Liu Chuhe broke through to the Galaxy level, but perfectly strengthened the six chain skills.

Not to mention the six chain skills. When he was at the Juyuan level, he strengthened one chain skill and felt that he was about to break through. Now that he has strengthened six chain skills, he just felt that he was not far from a breakthrough. There is no direct breakthrough.

It took me a month to break through, but I felt that the speed of breakthrough was really getting slower and slower.

Fu Jianwei didn't want to speak.


He said that Shen Zhaodi was a genius and he admitted it, but Liu Chuhe?

If that kid could be considered a genius, the genius would have gone away long ago.

Just when he was complaining in his heart, opposite him, Liu Chuhe had already taken the gene chain of the green skull leader.

Although he had always felt that the damage caused by the countershock chain skill was not particularly terrifying, but it was a hidden chain skill anyway, so he still chose to absorb the countershock.

Countershock (gold quality): After being attacked, the surrounding air will automatically vibrate, forming a countershock force, causing the enemy to suffer (certain -) countershock damage.

[Countershock damage is related to the damage caused by the enemy to oneself. The greater the damage caused by the enemy, the stronger the force of the countershock. 】

Fu Jianwei looked at Liu Chuhe with wide eyes: "Did you absorb it successfully?"

Liu Chuhe nodded lightly and said matter-of-factly: "Of course it was successful. What's so surprising about that?"

"Succeeded in one attempt. With your luck...which chain skill have you absorbed?" Fu Jianwei continued to ask. He remembered that the green skeleton leader also had two gold-quality chain skills.

Liu Chuhe chuckled and said, "Hit me."

"Depend on!"

Fu Jianwei immediately swore, "Does this kid really think that he owes him some honor so he doesn't dare to hit him?" Doesn't he know that the uncle is the one who owes money these days?

"You asked me to hit you."

Fu Jianwei grabbed the long knife and chopped it off with his backhand, naturally using the back of the knife.

There was a muffled sound of "touch". Obviously, even if he used his back, the force available was not small.

As the back of the knife touched Liu Chuhe's body, a wave of air visible to the naked eye surged out of Liu Chuhe's body and suddenly rushed to Fu Jianwei's body.

Fu Jianwei's sword was not too forceful, and he had a Origin Qi suit on him. All the repulsive air waves were blocked by the Origin Qi suit and did not hurt him at all, but he looked like he had seen it. He looked at Liu Chuhe like a ghost.

"Countershock? You absorbed its hidden chain skill? You..."

Fu Jianwei looked up at the sky, almost bursting into tears. God is so unfair. This kid Liu Chuhe got the hidden chain skill with just one puff!

Look at myself again. It took me fifteen honor points to absorb a chain skill.

In the days that followed, Fu Jianwei vented all his unhappiness on the skeletons.

Liu Chuhe finally determined that his own counter-shock damage would probably bounce back to the attacker about one-tenth of the damage received.

One-tenth feels like it’s not high.

The problem is, he's meaty enough.

He has no chain skills to increase his defense, all of them are chain skills to increase his vitality.

Among those little squishies like mages and assassins, who among them would absorb chain skills that increase vitality or increase defense?

It's really more important than their vitality. My own vitality can really be ten times that of theirs.

Therefore, it seems that I have accomplished a great achievement - if I move, I lose.

He just stood still and allowed the attacks of those little assassins and mage to kill them alive.

Liu Chuhe discovered that he had really found his future path.

What kind of random chain skills are there for me to absorb? All I have to do is absorb the chain skills that increase my vitality.

Moreover, he also found that the counter-shock chain skill and the sky-shattering strike were still matched in the same way. The counter-inflicted damage would also cause harm to others.

As the three of them continued to fight in this different dimension, Fu Jianwei became more and more bitter. He couldn't understand how Liu Chuhe's life was so good.

Generally speaking, this kind of chain skill that counters damage is suitable for tanks, but which tank doesn't absorb the chain skill that increases defense power? Isn't that a trap for themselves and a trap for them to add their own treatment?

With chain skills that increase defense power, when someone attacks you, the damage will naturally be weakened a lot. This weakens a lot of damage and reduces a lot of back damage, but in fact it doesn't cause much damage.

But Liu Chuhe is such a weirdo. He doesn't have any chain skills to increase his defense, and he also has two hidden chain skills to increase his vitality, coupled with a hidden chain skill to counter damage.

Can't think about it, can't think about it anymore, the more I think about it, the angrier it becomes. It's better to kill the skeleton.

He finally understood why Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi were so murderous at such a young age. It was him who had been fighting these skeletons here for more than a month, and his body was now full of murderous energy. Killing spirit.

These skeletons are really like an army. Each skeleton is like a soldier who has fought many battles. After fighting and experiencing such skeletons, how can they not have such killing aura in their bodies.

He is also an experience maniac and has been to many dangerous places, but nowhere is the effect of experience as strong as here.

As time passed day by day, Liu Chuhe continued to fight, and his Yihu stick technique became more and more refined.

When he participated in the provincial competition, he relied more on chain skills and the exquisiteness of the stick method, but in fact, his application of the stick method was not that strong.

And this summer vacation, in addition to fighting, he was fighting, and he was also fighting skeletons who were like elite soldiers in hundreds of battles. He was growing at an astonishing speed.

Before we know it, summer vacation has come to an end.

All major martial arts universities start on September 1st, but the registration dates are different.

On August 23, Shen Zhaodi left Huangsang City and headed to the Demon City.

The day to report to the Demon City is coming.

Before leaving, Shen Zhaodi left the key to space to Liu Chuhe, along with Wu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Chuhe looked at Wu Xiaoxiao and then at Shen Zhaodi, feeling a little confused. "No, why did you leave Xiaoxiao behind?"

The reason Shen Zhaodi went to the Demon Capital Wuhan University was because Wu Xiaoxiao asked her to go. However, she ran away and Wu Xiaoxiao refused to go. She had to entrust Wu Xiaoxiao to herself.

Shen Zhaodi shook her fist in front of Liu Chuhe and threatened: "Let my sister follow you so that you can teach her how to strengthen her. Don't think too much!"

"You don't need to tell me, I will teach Xiaoxiao well." Liu Chuhe glared at Shen Zhaodi unconvinced, looked at Shen Zhaodi's back as she turned away, and shouted loudly, "Be careful."

He has been with Shen Zhaodi almost every day this year, and he knows even more how much Shen Zhaodi cares about her sister. Now, before she went to the demon capital, she left behind her sister who depended on her. He could only want one reason.

For them, the demon capital is too dangerous, and she dare not let her sister go to the demon capital.

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