One day later, August 24th.

Early in the morning, Liu Chuhe, Wu Xiaoxiao and Fu Jianwei left for Quancheng.

Today and tomorrow are the days to enter Wuhan University in the mountain city. There is no airport in Huangsang City, so they can only go to the nearest Quancheng. Along with them are Sun Shengnan and Ding Zizi, who are packed with bags, and their parents.

Neither Liu Chuhe nor Shen Zhaodi went to Yuzhou Wuhan University, but Sun Shengnan and Ding Zizi did.

The two of them are members of the Qilu Province championship team. Even though they have the lowest evaluation among the team, there is still no problem in going to Yuzhou Wuhan University, which is about to be expelled from the first-class Wuhan University and enter the second-tier.

As for Han Xinnian, she went to the stronger Wuhan University in Rongcheng.

In the year since they met, Liu Chuhe has also taught her some knowledge about reinforcement. When she takes the exam to become a reinforcement teacher again, she should have no problem passing the exam.

In the business car, Ding Zizi looked at the two cars guarding them in front of their car, and sighed: "Teacher Jia is really a good teacher. When we went to Quancheng to take a plane, he was still sitting in the car of the governor's mansion. Accompany you throughout the entire journey.

I used to always cry out like a peacock, a peacock behind his back. "

Liu Chuhe lowered his head and said nothing. He knew that the reason why Teacher Jia was sitting in the car was because he was worried that the cult would attack him.

Teacher Jia obviously has super strength, but he is extremely cautious, and the most puzzling thing is why he is short of money. Even if he is really short of money, he can go into the overlapping spaces by himself and kill the strange beasts. .

However, he would rather be a wedding officiant to make some money than take risks.

However, when he and Shen Zhaodi entered the overlapping space of the Zhulong River that had just appeared, Teacher Jia broke into this extremely dangerous overlapping space alone in order to save them.

After that, the three of them were chased by a cult again. Teacher Jia once again entered the overlapping space, and now he is protecting them as they go to Quancheng.

Teacher Jia is obviously most afraid of trouble and cautious, and does not want to have anything to do with danger, but he takes risks again and again for them.

Now, he is going to the mountain city. From now on, I am afraid that I will rarely see Teacher Jia or hear his nagging.

He listened to Ding Zizi's words and recalled the scenes of contact with Teacher Jia. He didn't know why, but suddenly felt sad.

Ding Zizi said, then turned to look at Fu Jianwei and asked: "After going to Wuhan University, is there anything I need to pay special attention to, and does the senior have any experience to impart?"

She knew that the person in front of her was Liu Chuhe's senior at Shancheng Wuhan University, and was specially sent by Shancheng Wuhan University to protect Liu Chuhe.

They had briefly contacted each other a few times before. Although Fu Jianwei and she were not in the same school, she also called her senior along with Liu Chuhe.

"There's nothing you need to pay attention to. If anyone messes with you, hit him back hard." Fu Jianwei said extremely domineeringly, "If there is a problem, come to Wuhan University in the mountain city to see your Brother Fu. Brother Fu will support you."

"Thank you, senior." Ding Zizi's eyes suddenly turned into crescent-shaped smiles. Before she could be moved for a long time, Liu Chuhe's voice came from the side.

"When you find him, be careful about your honor points."

Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan also have honor points. According to convention, every member of the championship team in each provincial competition can receive an honor point reward.

As for MVP and best lineup, there are also rewards.

Liu Chuhe had previously lent Fu Jianwei two honor points, and later received three more honor points due to the provincial competition, and now has 21 honor points.

Fu Jianwei was immediately annoyed: "What about honor? Am I that kind of person?"

This Fatty Liu, a man who is full does not know that a man who is hungry is hungry. All my honor points have been emptied out. What’s wrong with thinking about the connections in advance? You are such a person who forgets your loyalty and values ​​your sex over your friends. You are really not a thing.

"Oh, aren't you that kind of person? Okay, Zizi and Shengnan, you two must remember this. If you have any problems in the future, you can contact Jian Wei and he will help you solve the problem without spending any honor points."

"Okay." The two girls responded in succession. They even realized a problem. After going to school, honor points are very important and cannot be spent easily.

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