Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 308 You Can’T Leave Once You Come In

Because it was the day for freshmen to register, the wide road in front of the spacious gate of Wuhan University in the mountain city seemed a bit congested. Outside the gate, students and parents were surrounded. Moreover, there were obviously many more parents than students. .

After Fu Jianwei brought Liu Chuhe and Liu Chuhe to the door, he raised his hand and pointed at the door and said: "You go in by yourselves. According to the rules, I can't bring you into the school. Goodbye."

Liu Chuhe pulled Wu Xiaoxiao and after a lot of effort, he walked outside the Wumen Gate of the mountain city.

Through the gate, you can see that many students are walking on campus, but there are no parents. It seems that all the parents are blocked outside.

Liu Chuhe didn't care at all and walked straight to the door with Wu Xiaoxiao.

The gate of Shancheng Wuhan University is definitely in line with the school's status as one of the five major martial arts universities. It is just a gate, and it is more than fifty meters wide by visual inspection.

At this time, the door was almost completely open, and then divided into several areas with isolation belts. Each area had several old students responsible for reception.

Among all the reception points, there is only one with a parasol. A girl with a pair of long legs and a very domineering figure is sitting leisurely on the seat, closing her eyes slightly and taking a nap. The table next to it is also filled with milk tea, Fruit, and two extremely huge axes leaning against the seat.

With an axe, this woman looks like a warrior.

Not far away from the girls, several old students looked at the new students who were approaching with bright eyes.

"Tsk tsk, the quality of this year's freshmen is pretty good."

"Look at that girl with long legs, that white, those legs... Such a beautiful girl, why doesn't she come from our side?"

"I think the girl who just walked in is better, except she is shorter, but the murder weapon, I think, can compare with Lu Jinyu lying behind us."

"Maybe a little bigger."

"How many of them can... holy shit, this student is so fierce!"

"You can tell at a glance that this beauty must have a great temper. After all, she has a broad mind."

"This face is so big, no, I mean, this waist is so beautiful!"

In an instant, the eyes of these old students all fell on the man and woman who were walking towards them. Each boy's eyes shone brightly, while the two girls on the side looked at the woman walking towards them and then lowered their heads. Looking at myself, looking at a large part of the shoes exposed, I almost burst into tears. We are all the same people, how come the gap is so big?

"It's mine, it's my turn, no one can compete with me, my spring is here!" A thin man almost screamed with excitement.

Suddenly, he pushed aside and saw another handsome man walking forward. He was immediately annoyed, grabbed the other man and shouted: "Old Wang, what are you doing! The order in which we receive new students But it was arranged early in the morning, and now it’s my turn, why are you joining in the fun!”

"Yes, it's your turn. The problem is these are two students."

The handsome man pointed at the two people approaching and said: "Look, the fat man is walking in front, so the fat man needs you to receive him, while the beautiful woman is behind. She is already the second person, so I will receive her."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone reacted and shouted: "What Lao Wang said is correct."

"Zhai Xiang, wait a minute. If the beauty comes first, you will naturally ask the beauty."

Zhai Xiang's face suddenly became extremely wonderful. He wanted to scold Lao Wang for being shameless, but there was nothing wrong with what Lao Wang said and he didn't have to refute it.

He could only hope that the fat man would walk slower and the beauty would come over quickly so that he could receive her.

In his eyes full of expectation, the fat man walked over.

Zhai Xiang couldn't help but wailed, you said you are so fat, why are you walking so fast! Fatty, just wait, senior, I will remember you.

There was no other way, everyone was here, and he had to accept them no matter how reluctant he was.

He looked at the fat man in front of him with a look of resentment and said, "Classmate, please show me your admission notice."


Liu Chuhe took out his mobile phone and clicked on his admission notice. It is said that the Imperial Wuhan University and the Magical University of Wuhan pursue a sense of ritual. The admission notices are always paper, while the other three Wuhan University among the five universities directly use Electronically speaking, this is called advancing with the times.

Although Zhai Xiang was the receptionist Liu Chuhe, he only glanced at Liu Chuhe's admission notice, but kept his eyes on the beauty next to him. When he first saw this beauty before, he was instantly attracted by the beauty's broad mind. , Now take a closer look, this beauty's appearance is also top-notch, and she is the type that gets better and better the more she looks at her.

Damn Lao Wang, this beauty should have been received by himself and taken to the old dormitory area by himself.

On the other side, Lao Wang looked at Wu Xiaoxiao with a bright face and said: "This classmate, please show your admission notice. I am a junior student, Wang Zeyang. I will be responsible for taking you to register."

"Admission notice?" Wu Xiaoxiao shook her head slightly and said, "You misunderstood, I am not a student of Shancheng Wuhan University."

"She is with me." Liu Chuhe stepped forward and stood in front of Wu Xiaoxiao. What are you animals thinking about? Just deal with me and be more enthusiastic towards Xiaoxiao. Enthusiasm, you are thinking nonsense.

"Aren't you a student of Yamacheng Wuhan University? Well, our Shancheng Wuhan University has regulations. When students register, no one else is allowed to enter the school except students."

Lao Wang was instantly discouraged. If the person in front of him hadn't been a beautiful woman, he would have scolded her a long time ago. When you, a student, came to school, didn't you know to ask about the school's rules?

There are so many parents outside. If you see any parent walking towards the school gate, they are not all waiting outside obediently, especially you.

"It's okay. We are not going into the school. We are just going to the house assigned by the school." Liu Chuhe called up a page on his mobile phone, pointed to a house and asked, "Where is Building 16 in this Shancheng Garden?"

Before he came to school, the school allocated a house. The house allocated by the school should also be in the mountain city of Wuhan University.

"Did you get a house?" Zhai Xiang looked at the fat man in front of him in surprise. He knew that most of the students recruited by the school with rewards would be given houses as rewards.

So, is this fat man in front of me, who looks unremarkable at all, still a genius?

Zhai Xiang was surprised for a moment, and quickly said: "The house is next door. If you haven't come to register yet, you can live there, but now you can't. You have to go to the dormitory."

"No, what do you mean? I have to go to the dormitory?" Liu Chuhe looked at Zhai Xiang in disbelief and said, "You mean I can't go to the dormitory now? What kind of rule is this, forcibly restricting personal freedom?"

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