Liu Chuhe didn't believe it. A martial arts university in a mountain city could have such a rule! He seriously suspected that the boy in front of him was jealous of having a beautiful woman like Xiaoxiao around him and deliberately deceived him.

"That's right, you must go after registering. The main thing is that four people in a dormitory have just registered you, and the dormitory has been automatically assigned to you, so if you go to the dormitory, it would be unfair to others if you don't go.

Anyway, go to the dormitory now, it will be of benefit to you. "Zhai Xiang's attitude is pretty good. The main reason is that he doesn't know what the relationship between the beautiful woman next to him and this guy is. Why would he bring his girlfriend to school right after school starts?

But it feels like this beauty is older than this guy, or maybe they are siblings? Maybe this guy will become his brother-in-law. He can make friends first and save the country by playing tricks.

"What? Four people in a dormitory? Is this the mountain city of Wuhan University?" Liu Chuhe was really shocked. Isn't this the same as high school? Some high school dormitories have better benefits than this. Is this still a university? Martial Arts University?

He even looked up at the big characters above the school gate.

That’s right, it’s Shancheng Wuhan University, not some copycat school like Sancheng Wuhan University or Shancheng Wuhan University.

"It's just a temporary dormitory. You don't know that? Come with me now. As for this beauty, he can go to the school hotel and we can issue a certificate for her." Zhai Xiang was really convinced. This was the first time he met Such a weird thing, before you enroll in school, don't you know to check the school rules at night?

"Wait a minute..." Liu Chuhe thought this rule was weird. We knew each other at Wuhan University in the mountain city. He took out his mobile phone and called Fu Jianwei.

"Old man, let me ask you something. After registering at Shancheng Wuhan University, do you have to go to the dormitory? Or is it a four-person dormitory? Is there any other rule?"

"Yes, this is indeed a rule. The main thing is... hello..." In a restaurant not far from Wuhan University in Shancheng City, Fu Jianwei listened to the busy signal from the phone and took a bite of the food. The boy could It's not that I didn't tell you the rules, it was you who took my phone number. You can't blame me.

Forget it, let's eat quickly and take revenge after eating.

Liu Chuhe felt completely bad. This weird rule turned out to be true. What kind of bad martial arts university is this? It’s one of the five major martial arts universities. Bad reviews, big bad reviews!

He had no choice but to follow Zhai Xiang into the gate of Wuhan University in the mountain city alone. As for Wu Xiaoxiao, he could only go to the house he had been assigned to live alone.

The house he was assigned was not far away, right next to Wuhan University in the mountain city. Wu Xiaoxiao didn't need anyone to take care of him, he could just go alone.

From the beginning to the end, the beautiful woman resting with her eyes closed under the parasol never opened her eyes.

At this glance, you can tell that he is a big boss, and he should be a very fierce boss. Just look at the pair of big axes. Is it possible for a normal girl to use such a weapon?

Liu Chuhe asked curiously as he walked into the campus: "Senior, who is that beautiful woman with her eyes closed all the time? She is the only one with a parasol, and she looks so awesome."

"Of course she's amazing, she...let me tell you this, why do you think we have to work so hard to come here to receive new students?"

Liu Chuhe replied without thinking: "Of course it's for the beauty." Is there any need to ask? When Xiaoxiao came over just now, you all looked at me like that. Do you think I am blind?

"Ahem..." Zhai Xiang almost choked, junior fellow student, you are too direct. He slowed down for a moment before continuing, "Well, we welcome new students because there are rewards. A total of five credits will be given in two days."

"Five credits in two days? So many? Didn't you say that credits are difficult to earn?" Liu Chuhe looked at Zhai Xiang with wide eyes. Fu Jianwei said that credits are very difficult to earn, but when he arrived, he was received here As a new student, you have five credits. How difficult is it to earn credits?

"Credit credits are naturally difficult to earn." Zhai Xiang explained as he walked, "So, if you pick up new students here for two days, you will be rewarded with five credits. This kind of good thing, except senior seniors, cannot participate, all students They will all break their heads. As for how to rob..."

Having said this, Zhai Xiang paused for a moment, then raised his fist and shook it in front of Liu Chuhe and said: "This is the Military University, so of course it's for fighting.

As you can imagine, almost all students would compete for this opportunity to earn credits. There were more than 4,000 people in the two sessions above you, but there were only ten places. To be able to grab this spot, you can imagine how strong she is. "

Liu Chuhe was concerned about another issue: "You said there are only ten people, but I think there are sixty or seventy people."

"It's different." Zhai Xiang shook his head and explained, "Only the ten people sitting there are rewarded with credits, and the rest like us are the ones they asked for help.

As for how to find people to come to school, it doesn’t matter. Whether you ask friends to simply help, give others some benefits, or threaten others to help, the student union will not care. As long as you can find enough people, don’t delay the registration of new students. Just do it.

Of course, classmate Lu Jinyu is still very friendly. We are all friends. We are helping out of pure friendship and are not threatened. "

"Student union?" Liu Chuhe looked at Zhai Xiang's emphatic look and felt that this kid was threatened and was here to work as a free laborer, or else he was here to be a dog licker.

Zhai Xiang didn't notice the strange look in Liu Chuhe's eyes at all. He continued to introduce the school: "You heard it right, it's the student union. Wuhan University and high schools are different. Some high schools don't seem to have student unions.

However, every martial arts university has a student union, and the student union's rights are not small.

There are many things that the school does not care about, such as the registration of new students and the allocation of dormitories, which are directly handled by the student union. "

Liu Chuhe immediately realized a problem: "So, the credits are also issued by people from the student union?"

"How is that possible?" Zhai Xiang shook his head and said, "The school still distributes the credits, but other matters, such as who is responsible for receiving new students, the school does not care about. This is the responsibility of the student union.

Of course, the school will also supervise it. Otherwise, students will choose people at will, so what should they do? The student union must also act according to the rules and let everyone speak based on their strength. "

"You put it like that, the student union is just an errand boy and doesn't have much power." Liu Chuhe disdained, what's the use of a student union if it can't enrich itself and engage in corruption?

"The student union is still very important. You will understand it when you actually enroll. Let's continue the topic just now. In fact, it is for your own good that the school allows you to enter the temporary dormitory after registration."

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