Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 340 The Little Skeleton Is Exposed!

Feng Hongyi's hands even trembled slightly with anger. He even had to control himself. He was afraid. He was afraid that if he couldn't control himself, he would kill this lawless student!

His whole body was like a piece of ten thousand-year-old ice, and he said coldly: "Tell me, what else do you have to explain now?"

"This is just a clip, what about the front? Why doesn't he put it in the front?"

As Liu Chuhe spoke, he felt that his teeth were trembling slightly. He even felt the murderous aura from Feng Hongyi's body. If he hadn't been hunting strange beasts in the undead and different dimensions, he would have even suspected that he was here. He couldn't even stand under the overwhelming momentum.

"Before this, she and her five teammates wanted to kill me directly." Liu Chuhe pointed at Si Tuoyu and sneered, "Why don't you release those contents?"

"I didn't see it." Si Tuoyu spread his hands, then looked at Feng Hongyi, and said with respect, "Dean Feng, I just want to set up a camera to study the undead beasts in Jinyun space at night. activities.

When I put the camera on, I was discovered by the strange beast and had no choice but to run away. As for what he said, I didn't see it. My body camera can prove it. "

While Si Tuoyu was speaking, he glanced at Liu Chuhe inadvertently and sneered in his heart. Since he dared to threaten Liu Chuhe with a video, he was naturally fully prepared. He did have a camera on his body, and the camera was always filming, but the camera could Not 360 degrees.

Although he couldn't kill someone with the camera on without being captured by the camera, he could still do it by using his position and body movement to allow the camera to briefly record what he didn't want to record.

His camera did not record the footage of the five assassins hunting others. Otherwise, after the camera was handed over, how could he use the video to threaten the five assassins and Xu Jiameng.

Of course, he recorded everything with a backup camera.

It's just a pity that those five people and Xu Jiameng are all dead. Otherwise, there would be a few more chess pieces in the school that are completely under his control.

Many people around heard the sound and raised questions.

"There are five more people? Where are the five people?"

"You're kidding! According to you, if five assassins and one healer kill one of you, can you survive?"

"That's nonsense!"

Liu Chuhe said with a frosty face: "Because I ran out of the cave, they were killed by the undead beasts."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became even more disbelieving.

"Run out of the cave? There are so many dead beasts, can you survive?"

"It's so funny. How can undead beasts recognize you? They kill others but not you?"

"This fat guy is insulting everyone's intelligence."

Amidst the shouts, suddenly, someone pointed at the projection and shouted: "This skeleton, what is going on?"

In the projection, a skeleton appeared at the entrance of the cave, followed by a three-legged wolf. Then Liu Chuhe walked out of the cave and beat the three-legged wolf to death.

There were only this little skeleton and Liu Chuhe around, and there were no other strange beasts.

"What's happening here?"

"That little skeleton, was it communicating with Liu Chu Hebi before?"

"Weren't there a lot of strange beasts before? Why are those strange beasts gone?"

"It seems that the little skeleton said something, and the other beasts ran away."

"It can also command other alien beasts. It is a skeleton. It is normal to be able to command skeletons, but it can even command zombie alien beasts. How many stars must this alien beast be?"

"If it was strong, why didn't it attack Liu Chuhe?"

"Has anyone seen this strange beast?"

"No, according to the data, there are no such strange beasts in Jinyun space."

"What's happening here?"

Every student and even several teachers, including Feng Hongyi, were stunned when they saw the surveillance footage. They also couldn't understand what was going on.

Suddenly, several more exclamations came.

"Look at that little skeleton."

"It...it's eating the three-legged wolf."

"All the three-legged wolves that were much bigger than it were eaten by it."

"Not all of it was eaten. It also left the left front paw of the three-legged wolf."

"Do skeleton beasts also eat their own kind?"

"never heard of that!"

"Is the skeleton still hungry? What does it eat?"

"There's something weird about this skeleton!"

"Nonsense, even a fool knows it's not normal."

"Look, the gangster seems to have taken out something, as if he was communicating with the skeleton."

"What kind of skeleton is this?"

For a moment, no one paid attention to Liu Chuhe anymore, but discussed the skeleton. The main reason was that they had never heard of this special skeleton beast, let alone seeing it.

Among the freshmen, Yu Yihan frowned slightly. Isn't this little skeleton the one that lured away the Yunyang Bone Dragon and Puxian Bone Dragon that she was about to kill?

This skeleton and Liu Chuhe...

He should be Liu Chuhe, right.

She knew Liu Chuhe when she was a child, but she hasn't seen Liu Chuhe in three years. These three years happened to be the three years when people's appearance changed the most, especially now that Liu Chuhe is still fat. Like this.

However, the name Liu Chuhe seems to be unlikely to have the same name, and his appearance can vaguely reveal a bit of his former appearance.

He is Liu Chuhe.

Why did he come to Wuhan University in the mountain city?

What is his relationship with this little skeleton?

Also, how could he kill someone?

In my impression, Liu Chuhe is a very honest person who has low self-esteem, is a little autistic, and doesn't like to talk.


What did he experience outside? Not only has his body shape changed so drastically, but his personality seems to have also changed drastically, as if he is a completely different person.

Why did he kill?

Feng Hongyi was born and raised in the mountain city. Although the mountain city has the most overlapping spaces in China, he has achieved the achievement of entering every overlapping space in the mountain city.

He had entered Jinyun Space before, more than once, but even he had never encountered such a special beast.

This skeleton can command those alien beasts. It should be a higher-level alien beast. Why did it not react at all when it saw Liu Chuhe killing a three-legged wolf?

It even gave him a feeling that this skeleton was deliberately made by Liu Chuhe to kill the three-legged bone wolf, and then it tasted the three-legged bone wolf.

But why doesn't it do it itself?

Why didn't it attack Liu Chuhe?

Countless doubts suddenly appeared in Feng Hongyi's mind, and he thought of several possibilities, and finally turned them into one sentence and asked: "Why doesn't this skeleton attack you?"

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