Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 341 What Has He Experienced In The Past Three Years?

"Because I saved it."

Liu Chuhe just said nonsense: "I met this skeleton by chance before, and it was fighting another extremely powerful alien beast, and both alien beasts were seriously injured.

Then I happened to pass by and killed another powerful beast. Of course, after I took action, I was also very weak, and it was no longer possible to kill this little skeleton.

And this little skeleton was also extremely weak and did not attack me. After that, I was attacked by the woman and five other assassins. I had no choice but to escape, and then I met this skeleton.

I don't know why, but it seemed to want to repay the favor and didn't let other strange beasts attack me. "

On Yu Yihan's fair face, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and she was lying. She could 100% confirm that Liu Chuhe was lying.

Although the little skeleton exuded a very strong aura and felt like an eight-star alien beast, she just released an ordinary secret chain skill and almost killed the little skeleton.

It definitely couldn't be an eight-star alien beast, not even a five-star alien beast, at most it was a four-star alien beast.

Therefore, Liu Chuhe's statement that this skeleton was fighting a powerful alien beast was simply nonsense. Liu Chuhe must know this skeleton, but not in this way.

Also, this skeleton lured away the strange beasts that it was about to kill. Where did it lead those strange beasts to? Could it have led to Liu Chuhe?

Did it take the initiative, or was it Liu Chuhe's signal?

Is he targeting himself?

This...there is no reason for this!

If you want to target him, you should be targeting him. The person whose engagement is annulled is you, not him!

Besides, why did he kill someone?

Liu Chuhe would never do such a thing in the past.

How could Liu Chu change so much in three years?

Even though she hadn't seen Liu Chuhe for three years, she still didn't believe that the kind-hearted young man had changed so much.

Seeing that everyone's focus was on the mutated skeleton, Si Tuoyu shouted again: "Even if you know this skeleton, it doesn't mean anything. You have no evidence to prove that the female classmate has attacked you. However, the video showed that you were attacking the female classmate."

Everyone around heard the sound and reacted one after another.

"You're right. This at best proves that he had the opportunity to return to the cave from the outside, but it can't prove that someone has been chasing him."

"Is that female classmate alone? Normally, a healer shouldn't be alone. She may really have teammates, but those teammates may also be tricked and killed by Liu Chuhe and the alien beast."

"Yes, it's possible that Liu Chuhe was raped. Why would you help such a powerful beast? He must be useful to the beast."

"That makes sense."

Liu Chuhe said speechlessly: "Didn't you see that the little skeleton brought me some packages? Don't you think about where those packages came from? Naturally, it was after the five assassins were killed by the alien beasts The rest of the package.

Besides, am I crazy? Why should I kill her when I have nothing to do? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Si Tuoyu didn't even need to speak, someone was already shouting.

"Who knows where that skeleton got those packages from."

"Perhaps you were really raped. These are the packages left after you killed others."

"Why did you kill someone? Who doesn't know that you molested other girls just after registration? A gangster like you must have seen that this female classmate is beautiful and alone, and then you grew evil and wanted to bully others. , if people don’t obey, then you’ll kill them.”

Yu Yihan was startled again. She came to report just before the trial was about to begin. She really didn't know what happened before. Why was Liu Chu acting like a gangster?

In the past, he would blush when he saw or talked to him. How could such a shy person become a gangster?

He has changed too much in the past three years. What has he experienced outside?

Countless images flashed through her mind instantly.

Si Tuoyu listened to the voices around him and laughed secretly in his heart. The camera he installed on the mountain wall was facing the entrance of the cave, but it really didn't capture the bodies of the five dead people.

Liu Chuhe was confused, how come I have become the public enemy of the world, can't you think better of me? I'm obviously a good person, but the mutated little skeleton is obviously a bestiality.

He had no choice but to attract Si Tuoyu again. He raised his hand and pointed at Si Tuoyu and said, "Then, haven't you ever thought about why he took the initiative to become my friend when I didn't know Si Tuoyu before?" ?”

"Adding your friend is just to give you a chance." Si Tuoyu shook his head gently, as if I, as a senior, am all for your good, and looked extremely regretful and said: "Although you made a mistake, However, I still hope that you can realize your own mistakes and take the initiative to admit your mistakes. That’s why I chatted with you privately and asked you to take the initiative to admit it.

But who would have thought that not only would you deny it, but you would also slander me. Why……"

Si Tuoyu said and sighed again. In an instant, the good seniors were established.

Liu Chuhe sneered: "Awesome, really awesome. Senior, you are so good, why did you gamble before? And then after losing twenty-five credits, you still threaten me? Your personality is inconsistent."

"Betting on credits is normal in school. Tuoyu, our company, accepts the bet and admits defeat. I am not threatening you, my junior."

"Okay, shut up!" Feng Hongyi impatiently interrupted the two people arguing, raised his hand and pointed at Liu Chuhe and said: "The school will not wrongly accuse any student. The school will continue to investigate this matter."

As he spoke, he paused slightly and spoke again, his voice as cold as ice blowing from the North Pole.

"At that time, the school would not let go of anyone who hurts classmates! And you, from today on, are prohibited from leaving the mountain city of Wuhan University. In addition, your score is ninth in the trial, and your reward has been suspended."

Among the crowd in the distance, a man with a handsome appearance, but a little short stature, and two long staggered knives stuck in his back frowned slightly. Did the fat man kill someone?

On the first day he entered Jinyun Space, he had been following this fat man and didn't see anyone who looked like he could kill people.

He even felt that the fat man was somewhat kind.

This fat guy does try to mess with other people's treatments everywhere, and it seems like he is causing trouble for others, but the fat guy doesn't mess with all the team's treatments.

He could tell that Fatty would only try to get someone else's treatment after making sure that he would not put the other team's team in danger.

Otherwise, if the fat man really tries to treat people when he sees them, his recovery speed and the speed of killing strange beasts will be greatly improved, and he will gain more points.

A person who would rather waste time than waste time on treatment would kill people for no reason?

Anyway, he has turned in all his cameras. When the time comes, teachers from the school will naturally find out what he noticed. There is no need to say more. Now, he needs to strengthen his chain skills quickly.

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