As the elevator continued to rise, a smile slowly appeared on Zaiyinafu's face.

What did Chairman Ye's assistant say just now?

Principal Qin took her to observe and study.

As a student of the Enhancer Academy, she had heard too many rumors about Principal Qin. One of them was that Principal Qin generally did not go to the Enhancer Guild. If he did, it would usually be with several other Enhancers in Shancheng. Master, let’s study the enhancement of a certain gene chain together.

Therefore, Principal Qin is going to work with several other masters to study and strengthen that gene chain!

And you can watch and learn from the sidelines!

Those who can study gene chains with Principal Qin must be the top enhancement masters.

By studying with them, you can not only learn all kinds of knowledge, but more importantly, you can learn their reinforcement ideas and their theories.

Many masters, when they are studying and strengthening, will bring their students or people close to them to observe and learn.

However, Principal Qin is different. He rarely brings students from the college to observe.

This time, he actually let himself observe.

While she was thinking about it, she looked at Liu Chuhe beside her. She really didn't know this fat man, but when she was on the road just now, she turned on her phone and checked it a little. She didn't know if she didn't check it. After checking it, Only then did she realize that there was such a guy in her school.

On the first day of school, he acted like a hooligan. During the trial, he made trouble for others and even killed his classmates. He was ordered to be locked up in the school by Dean Feng.

Then, Principal Qin asked him to take him away?

Or come directly to the Enhancer Guild? From what he heard, it was President Ye who came to him and asked him to observe.

Is he also an enhancement master?

However, students of the Strengthening Teacher Academy do not need to participate in the trial, so why did he go to participate in the trial?

While Yi Nafu was thinking, the elevator stopped.

As the elevator door opened, they saw fire keepers walking and patrolling on the top floor.

President Ye's assistant led the two of them to a reinforced outdoor room that occupied almost one-third of the entire top floor. Then she stood still without knocking on the door or calling anyone.

One second, two seconds... In the blink of an eye, more than ten seconds passed, and the assistant was still standing at the door, making no move.

"Well, beauty, don't just stand here, knock on the door." Liu Chuhe was speechless. What do you mean by taking us to a place and then standing here without moving? Do you also like to install statues? How about I introduce you to the statue guy in the dormitory?

"No!" The assistant shook his head very seriously: "Several masters are discussing inside. How can we make noise to disturb the masters? I have just pressed the internal prompt light. After a while, when the masters are free, I found the prompt After the lights come on, if I want you to come in, I will let you in. Me, you... what are you doing?"

As the assistant was speaking, his eyes suddenly widened.

Liu Chuhe had already taken out his mobile phone and dialed President Ye's number directly.

Are you kidding me, waiting here, how long will it take!

He is in a hurry. He will deal with it quickly. He has to go to Jinyun Space!

The call came through quickly.

"President Ye, I'm here. I'm at the entrance of the laboratory... Okay, okay." Liu Chuhe was also speechless. He was already at the door and still had to make a phone call. What a big deal.

On the side, the assistant and Zai Yinafu were speechless. You just called President Ye directly? President Ye and several reinforcement masters are studying reinforcement inside. If you call me and interrupt the masters' thinking, can you bear this responsibility?


Outside the laboratory, Chairman Ye's voice quickly sounded from the loudspeaker.

"Let them both in."

Liu Chuhe immediately stepped forward and walked inside. After taking a step, he suddenly thought of something. He turned back to look at President Ye's assistant and said, "I want to ask you something."

"You said it." President Ye's assistant quickly recovered from his surprise.

Liu Chuhe asked seriously: "Are you single?"

After a few words fell, President Ye's assistant was stunned.

On the side, Zaiyinafu paused in his advance and almost sprained his feet. What he said on the school forum was indeed true. This fat man is really a gangster. Is he teasing others?

The problem is, this assistant doesn't seem to be very pretty.

President Ye's assistant was obviously stunned for a few seconds, and replied in a stiff tone: "I'm married."

"Oh, that's a shame. I also want to introduce you to my roommate. I think you two are a perfect match." Liu Chuhe shook his head with a disappointed look on his face, turned and walked into the enhancement room.

Speaking of which, what is the name of my roommate who likes to install statues?

Zai Yinafu followed Liu Chuhe in with a look of disdain. She didn't want to expose this fat man and give him a roommate. You are locked up in a room. What kind of roommate can you have? Your roommate is not you.

Shancheng Strengthening Master Guild, Strengthening Room No. 1, young strengthening masters standing behind several strengthening masters heard the sound of opening the door and turned their heads to look in the direction of the door. They were curious about being valued by President Ye. , not even taking into account the calculation of identity, what kind of person is the person who allows him to join the Intensifier Academy.

Soon, two people appeared in their sight.

She was a beauty, and she was also a beauty who played with the temptation of OL uniforms and was full of exotic amorous feelings. But everyone just glanced at this beauty and immediately turned their eyes away and fell on the fat man beside her.

President Ye is talking about a man, not a woman.

Liu Chuhe felt the gazes of everyone, especially the gazes from men. He really wanted to run out. You must be sick. If you don't look at beautiful women, look at me. I am a grown man. You are not all gay. Well, as expected, there is no normal person among the strengtheners.

Zaiyinafu glanced at the room and saw the young strengthening masters standing one by one, and suddenly realized a problem.

From the looks of them, it was obvious that they had arrived a long time ago. Principal Qin just called him to come now. It was obviously a long time late. If Principal Qin had planned to let him come to observe and study, he should have informed him earlier. Therefore, he was temporary. Being called?

Looking at Liu Chuhe next to her, she thought of a possibility.

My main task is to bring Liu Chuhe here, and then, since I have already been here, I can take a look and learn by the way?

When President Ye saw Liu Chuhe, he waved with a smile and said, "Come here, let me introduce you to some masters."

After Liu Chuhe walked over quickly, she first looked at the opposite side of her. An old man with messy hair, unshaved beard, and very casual clothes, giving people a somewhat sloppy look, introduced: "This, please It’s Principal Qin of your school.”

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