Liu Chuhe quickly showed the look of a good student on his face, and shouted with a smile: "Hello, principal." He must please this person, because he will count on Principal Qin's thigh in the school from now on.

Principal Qin didn't look particularly enthusiastic. He just nodded slightly, then took a pen and continued to write and draw on a piece of paper.

After President Ye introduced President Qin, she looked to her left. A serious-looking old woman in black clothes who looked to be in her sixties introduced: "This person is from our Shancheng Strengthening Master Guild. Chairman, Chairman Li. Chairman Li and Chairman Qin are also the only two perfect six-star enhanced masters in our mountain city."

Liu Chuhe called out very sweetly: "Hello, President Li." This is the boss of the Shancheng Strengthening Master Guild, and he will also be able to develop into his big partner in the future. To build a good relationship, you must build a good relationship.

President Li's attitude was much better than that of Principal Qin. She nodded with a smile and said, "Welcome to the Shancheng Strengthening Masters Guild."

Liu Chuhe used to belong to the Qilu Provincial Strengthening Masters Guild, but now he comes to Shancheng to study, and the guild he belongs to has also been transferred to Shancheng. The welfare of his strengthening masters is also provided by the Mountain City Strengthening Masters Guild.

President Ye finally pointed to the last one among them, the man with gold-rimmed glasses, and said: "This is Master Yang, a six-star fortified master. The largest 4S store in the mountain city is famous for its 4S store. It is his family's business. In the mountain city, People’s first choice for strengthening is Shancheng Strengthening Masters Guild, and the second choice is Yangming 4S store.”

Liu Chuhe spoke again: "Hello, Master Yang."

This must be done well. I will definitely go to his 4S store to visit him when I have time in a few days.

"Okay, you are here too, let's take a look at the gene chain first." After President Ye finished the introduction, he pointed at the chain that came out of a bottle of glass hanging in the middle of the table and said: "This is what we are going to study today. Chain skill is a hidden chain skill that has never appeared before. The owner of the chain skill named it Jedi Counterattack.

The characteristic of this chain skill is that after it is used, it can quickly restore a certain amount of vitality. At the same time, within three seconds, it will greatly improve its own agility, strength, and defense. Within these three seconds, he can directly devour the enemy with his attack. The opponent's vitality is turned into one's own use. "

Liu Chuhe himself had already looked at this chain skill, and at the same time, an introduction to this chain skill quickly appeared in his mind.

Chain skill:

Bloody Zongheng (gold quality): Turn your own blood and source energy into your will, attach it to the sharp blade in your hand, and release it to instantly restore (slightly +) your vitality. At the same time, within three seconds, your own agility and strength will be (certainly) improved, and you can absorb it when attacking. The opponent’s vitality.

[The amount of life force absorbed from the opponent depends on the damage caused to the opponent. 】

Hidden chain skills, this is hidden chain skills, a chain skill has three effects.

Liu Chuhe was instantly sore. This is the hidden chain skill most suitable for warriors. The name of this chain skill is Bloody Zongheng, and it is not called Jedi Counterattack at all.

Although three seconds is short, it is an all-round improvement in these three seconds. Also, the last introduction, how much vitality is absorbed in these three seconds depends entirely on the damage caused by oneself.

Then if you have this chain skill, and it happens to be stuck when you release the sky-shattering strike, and release this three-second real man's chain skill, wouldn't your sky-shattering strike be stronger? Then, how much life force can you absorb with one stick?

I love this chain skill, I love it!

President Ye saw that Liu Chuhe was already watching the gene chain, and continued: "I saw the information that you once helped a student named Fu Jianwei strengthen his hidden chain skills, and his hidden chain skills were also It can restore one's own vitality in an instant and improve agility."

All around, the enhancement masters standing one by one showed no reaction. They had heard President Ye say before that the person who was coming had completed the perfect enhancement of gold-quality hidden chain skills to platinum quality.

Zaiyinafu's eyes suddenly widened and she turned back to look at Liu Chuhe. As expected, he was also an enhancement master, and he had even played the perfect enhancement of the hidden chain skill!

No matter what quality of hidden chain skill it is, even if it is a bronze quality hidden chain skill, it is still a hidden chain skill. The ability to complete the perfect hidden chain skill is enhanced, and it can even be called a precious wealth. A valuable asset in strengthening the division.

After all, there are too few hidden chain skills, and there are even fewer people with hidden chain skills.

He can actually strengthen the hidden chain skill, and it is a perfect enhancement!

Liu Chuhe shook his head slightly when he heard the sound and said: "It's different. Fu Jianwei's chain skill improves not agility, but running speed. It just makes him run faster. Moreover, Fu Jianwei's chain skill restores more vitality." , but it is not an instant recovery, but a continuous and slow recovery. This chain skill..."

As he was talking, he suddenly realized something was wrong. He suddenly stopped and looked straight at President Ye. Shouldn't my identity as a perfect three-star enhancement master be kept secret? I have only been in the mountain city for a few days, why did you say it?

President Ye seemed to know what Liu Chuhe was worried about. She raised her hand and lowered it slightly to signal Liu Chuhe not to worry, and comforted: "Don't be afraid. Those who can walk into this room are all people whom everyone can trust. You don't have to worry." Your perfect three-star enhancer’s identity has been revealed.”

As President Ye said, he looked up at the several reinforcement masters standing behind him and said, "Liu Chuhe is different from everyone else. He is also a geneticist and often goes out for training. Therefore, I hope everyone will not tell others that he is perfect." Samsung strengthens the identity of the division."

"No, definitely not."

"President Ye, we won't talk nonsense."

One by one, the fortifiers quickly spoke their minds to assure themselves.

There was an obvious look of surprise on Zaiyinafu's face with three-dimensional facial features. A perfect three-star enhancement master?

Liu Chuhe had just entered school, which meant that he became a perfect three-star strengthener at the same age as himself.

Liu Chuhe looked around, and after thinking about it, he felt that President Ye was right. There were four top enhancement masters sitting here, and there was no one to protect them.

If anyone from the cult sneaks into this place, what else can they hide? They will be killed directly by the group.

Hey, it seems that I am the strongest here, and I can really destroy them together.

If I destroy them...

Forget it, let me think about it, I don’t want to join a cult yet.

There should be no cult here.

Liu Chuhe thought about it and felt relieved. Since it was safe, why should he hide it? He should solve the problem quickly.

He pointed to the gene chain in the center and said: "Let's continue the topic just now, this three-second real man chain skill."

"Three Seconds of Real Man?" President Ye heard Liu Chuhe's words and looked over in surprise.

Some of the young people standing behind him understood instantly and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The trace of admiration that had just appeared on Zaiyinafu's face disappeared in an instant. Sure enough, he was really a gangster!

Liu Chuhe pointed to the chain skill in the middle and said: "This chain skill, Three Seconds Real Man, was not named by me, but by my master."

"Your master?"

"Yes, my master, my strengthening is all taught by my master. My master once talked about this chain skill. Although he has not strengthened this chain skill, in our strengthening inheritance, we have strengthened it. A record of this chain technique.

When I strengthened Fu Jianwei's chain skills, the master specifically told me about them because the two chain skills were somewhat similar, and I had a very clear impression. "Liu Chuhe looked at everyone seriously, I don't care, I am a perfect three-star enhancement master at such a young age, so I must have a master, otherwise who taught me the enhancement technique, and my master is also very powerful.

Normally, he really doesn't want to pretend to be this X, but the problem now is that he wants to go to Jinyun space to rescue the little skeleton quickly. If he doesn't take action, who knows how these people can study how to strengthen the chain skill, it will take several days. , the day lilies were cold by then.

As soon as his so-called master appeared, everyone's eyes suddenly fell on him. Principal Qin, who had been immersed in his own world and kept writing and drawing, stopped writing and looked at Liu Chu. what.

Master Yang even asked: "I wonder who the respected master is?"

To be able to teach such a young perfect three-star enhancement master apprentice, and more importantly, to have the inheritance of a geneticist, or the inheritance of hidden chain skills, he must be an enhancement master!

In China, even if everyone has never seen a powerful reinforcement master, they have all heard of their names.

"I don't know either. If he doesn't tell me, I always call him old man." Liu Chuhe shook his head gently, what should I say? Did I say that I am not a great mage?

"Don't know?" Master Yang was a little surprised. Yes, the strengtheners have weird tempers. Indeed, there are some strengtheners who don't like to say their names to others. The problem is, you are his apprentice and he won't tell you. Didn’t the master tell you who the inheritance came from?

It's impossible for this kid not to know his master's name. It's probably because his master doesn't like to tell others about it, so he deliberately said he didn't know it.

President Ye did not dwell on this issue, but asked: "Does your master have any methods to strengthen this chain skill?"

"There should be." Liu Chuhe picked up the phone and pretended, "I'll ask my master."

As he spoke, he raised his head and glanced around. Sure enough, it would be simple if there was no monitoring in an enhanced room of this level.

He held his mobile phone and switched back and forth between his two accounts, pretending to be typing.

In the room, the strengthening masters and genius strengthening masters were just watching him quietly typing something on his mobile phone.

After a while, he raised his hand and looked at everyone and said: "My teacher has already told me how to strengthen it. Let's just strengthen it."

Everyone around looked at each other in confusion. Is this the end? It's that simple? Are you sure you can? Your master just said a few words to you, and then you can directly strengthen it?

President Ye was even more concerned and asked: "Normal enhancement or perfect enhancement?"

Liu Chuhe replied matter-of-factly: "Of course it's perfect enhancement." Using ordinary enhancement on others, isn't that cheating others? Besides, how much does ordinary enhancement cost? Is the price of perfect enhancement comparable to that of ordinary enhancement?

"Perfect enhancement, can you just read it once?" President Ye asked worriedly: "Are you sure?"

"What's so difficult about this? I've strengthened that hidden chain skill before, and it actually has something in common with this one. I've had experience with both. There's no problem in strengthening this hidden chain skill. Just prepare the materials and strengthen it. ."

All around, it was quiet.

There are so many masters here, and finally let such a small three-star enhancement master be strengthened?

No matter how weird you think about this, no one will believe it if you tell me.

Also, have you completed strengthening? So what are we here to do?

We are here to observe and learn, and you directly reinforced it. What should we learn?

Can you still let us watch you strengthen? How can it be!

So, today we have a lonely one?

Liu Chuhe looked at the weird looks of everyone around him, and his eyes inadvertently swept over the paper where Principal Qin was writing and drawing, and his eyes fell on one of the formulas. He said with a thought: "It's actually not that complicated.

This chain skill has three effects, so let’s consider these three effects separately. To instantly restore vitality, we must consider the healing chain skill. If you can increase agility and strength, then naturally you should look for chain skills that increase agility and strength..."

Don’t you believe it? I'll reveal a little bit to you and make you believe it, which should strengthen me.

All around, the strengthening masters stood speechless. No one said you were fat, so you started to gasp. Although you were really fat, there were four strengthening masters here. Can it be your turn to explain?

Not to mention the four masters, which one of us is not better than you?

Liu Chuhe said, paused slightly and then continued: "Of course, we have to consider the integration of these three abilities, as well as the issue of gene nodes. In fact, this can also be enumerated by formulas. I think Principal Qin has already enumerated them. I came up with a formula, and there is basically no problem with this formula.

It’s the third formula listed by Principal Qin. It only needs a small change. We can change it to 7De+Cx+Ge2+═Ce3++He3+FX-6P&SD..."

Before he could finish speaking, President Ye on the side interrupted him directly: "Xiao Liu, don't talk nonsense here." What is this kid doing? Are you questioning Principal Qin?

There were already people around looking at Liu Chuhe and shaking their heads. You, a little perfect three-star strengthener, changed Principal Qin's formula in front of so many people? Principal Qin is a perfect six-star enhancement teacher!

Even if you have a little bit of talent, you can't do it anymore? If you weren't fatter, would you float to the sky?

Look at Principal Qin again, with a frown on his face, he is obviously unhappy. Boy, you are finished. I am afraid that President Ye will not be able to call you here again for this kind of opportunity.

Principal Qin stretched out his hand to rub his brow, and after a long while, he suddenly said: "You changed Fe4 to Ce3. If you change it like this, there will be changes in the front. This is based on the energy loss theorem. In this case, the gene Chain, I should use the anteater tree gene chain."

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