Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 41 How Dare You Be Rude To The Master

With the efforts of Liu Chuhe and Wu Xiaoxiao, the lounge was quickly decorated.

"Look...no, I've been busy for a long time, and I'm still a little hungry." Liu Chuhe touched his stomach and asked, "We are strengthening the Masters Guild, there should be a canteen."

"Yes." Wu Xiaoxiao nodded slightly.

"Is it free?"

"Free, free..."

"Come on, take me there."

Liu Chuhe has always believed that the free meals at major 4S stores are very good and taste good, but when he comes to the free canteen of the Strengthening Masters Association,

He regrets now, why, why didn't he find such a good place in the first place!

"Hiccup..." Liu Chuhe burped. He was too full. Now that he has money, he doesn't need to eat so much food to supplement. He doesn't want to eat so much either. It's just because the food is so delicious.

After decorating the room, the Strengthening Master assessment was finally over. The Strengthening Master Guild was officially opened to the public. At the same time, some people came here to dine. They finally saw something today. They have never seen such a good person in their lives.

Sure enough, being fat makes sense.

Liu Chuhe stood up slowly. The moment he stood up, his body was shaking a little.

Wu Xiaoxiao quickly stepped forward to support him. After eating so much, she was really worried that Master Liu wouldn't be able to walk.

Liu Chuhe was wandering out while thinking, his little assistant is very attentive, but I will leave soon, isn't that a trap for others, this conscience is a little bit too bad.

Forget it, let’s teach something later.

It's definitely not possible to directly teach how to strengthen the gene chain. My own memory chain skill will definitely involve a lot. Who knows if someone knows the strengthening method. Once noticed, wouldn't I be in danger?

I can only teach you some knowledge.

He thought as he moved forward, but this time Wu Xiaoxiao was not leading the way, and then he realized that he had taken a detour.

Why did you come to the hall?

The Strengthening Masters Guild will not close its doors.

At night, most of the enhancers from the Enhancers Guild have gone back, but there will still be assistants of the enhancers or staff from the Enhancers Guild staying here.

If someone needs urgent reinforcement, they will see whether to contact the reinforcement specialist based on the situation.

Of course, the charge for this kind of emergency enhancement must be sky-high.

Suddenly, an urgent voice came over.

"Please ask, we want to ask Guild Master Fang to strengthen the chain skills, but we have been unable to make an appointment. When can we ask Guild Master Fang to strengthen the chain skills?"

Strengthening the Master's Guild, five young men surrounded the front desk.

The female receptionist with short hair shook her head slightly: "We are not sure when the president will come back, but it is impossible to come back in the last two or three days."

"So, it will be three days at the earliest!" A handsome man looked embarrassed.

On the side, a muscular man frowned even more: "Even if we leave tomorrow, we are in a hurry. After three days, it will definitely be too late."

A slightly thin man asked: "Old Zhang, isn't there any other strengthening master who can strengthen the blind mist chain technique?"

The man who inquired at the front desk said helplessly: "I have checked, and apart from our President Fang in Huangsang City, there are only two masters in the provincial capital who have time to take on our strengthening tasks.

But the problem is that one of the masters now enjoys more family happiness. Unless it is a huge favor, no matter how much money he has, he will not accept strengthening tasks from outside. "

"What about the other master?"

"I'm afraid we can't afford another master. That's a five-star enhancement master."

The other people all fell silent.

Even if they strengthen the same chain skill, different strengtheners charge different fees. Naturally, the difference between the fees of a five-star strengthener and a two-star or three-star strengthener is even greater.

Especially for out-of-town enhancements, the more powerful the enhancer is, the more terrifying the out-of-home charges will be. How could such a powerful strengthener risk going out with you without giving him enough money?

Also, such a powerful enhancer needs sufficient protection when going out.

The strength of the five of them is really not enough to protect a five-star enhancement master. If they are not strong enough, they have to spend money to hire powerful geneticists. This is money.

They really can't afford it.

"Then what should we do? Our team's tactics...this chain skill is the key!"

"It's really unlucky. We managed to get the Blind Mist Chain Skill with great difficulty and collected enough money, but we can't strengthen it. Bai Yin's Blind Mist Chain Skill is far from enough."

Liu Chuhe listened to the conversation between several people, and his heart moved. Can he go out?

If I just practice, it will take some time to break through. If I go out and keep fighting, I will have a chance to break through. Then I can absorb another chain skill and wait until President Fang returns to the guild for another assessment. Then I can harvest wool again. .

Although I can go home and eat soft food soon, it is still my family's money. I would be guilty of not collecting free wool!

Following these people out is equivalent to being a free bodyguard. Give me money. Where can I find such a good thing?

Liu Chuhe looked at the five people who seemed to be about to leave. He turned slightly and blocked their path: "Enhance the blind fog, right? I can do it."


The five young people looked at the fat man opposite, you? You look smaller than us. Are you telling us that you can strengthen the blind mist chain skill?

That's a silver chain skill, or a very rare chain skill, do you know it? You are playing tricks on us here!

The majestic man seemed to be very annoyed because he couldn't find anyone to strengthen his chain skills.

"Step aside!"

He said before reaching out to push the other person away.

"Stop!" Suddenly, a stern voice came out. A beautiful woman with an outstanding appearance and an even more outstanding figure stopped in front of the fat student opposite them and looked at the group of people with an angry face, "How dare you be rude to Master Liu!"


The five young people looked at the beautiful woman wearing the attire of the Strengthening Masters Guild, and then looked back at the fat man in school uniform. They were all stunned for a moment.

he? Grandmaster?

Isn’t this just a student?

Wu Xiaoxiao first glared at several people fiercely, then stepped aside, looked at Liu Chuhe with admiration and introduced: "This is the two-star reinforcement master of our reinforcement master guild, Master Liu."

"He? Two-star enhanced master?"

"You're kidding!"

Several people spoke almost subconsciously, but as soon as the words came out, they felt that they were so stupid. This person was from the Enhancer Guild, and he was still in the Enhancer Guild. How could he tell lies!

But the problem is, this one is too young.

I have never heard of such a young two-star enhanced master in Huangsang City!

They had just been rude to the master.

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