The five people reacted quickly and started to make amends quickly.

"We are blind!"

"Master, we..."

Liu Chuhe had a calm look on his face, and he waved his hands like a master and said: "I don't blame those who don't know, but I have to change my temper in the future, not everyone is like me.

Aren't you strengthening it? Come to my lab and talk. "I'm going to use these people as free bodyguards in a while, so I won't get to know them.

Wu Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Chuhe who was not angry at all, and admired him more and more. People who have achieved such achievements at such a young age cannot be said to be domineering, but they all have their own arrogance, but Master Liu has such Broad mind.

Look at my sister again. She is just like Master Liu, even from the same school, but she is so flamboyant. What kind of school should be the leader? Is this what a girl should do? After a while, I was done, and I had to educate her well.

The five people followed them in confusion, waiting for them to enter the laboratory. They finally confirmed that the person in front of them was really a two-star enhancement master.

"Master, my name is Zhang Xiaohua, the captain of our team." The handsome man said, then pointed to the thinnest man in the team and introduced, "This is Du Haowei.

This time we want to perfectly strengthen his silver chain skill Blind Mist. Don’t know what the master’s number is? "

Not only the enhancers of the Enhancer Guild, but all the enhancers in the world are numbered. When the enhancers receive enhancement tasks, they must report their numbers. This is a kind of protection for the geneticists who need enhancement.

For example, when you go to buy something, the seller says that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the item, but you don’t understand the seller. How can you be sure that the seller didn’t lie to you?

The same goes for fortifiers.

The strengthener has repeatedly promised that there is no problem, but you failed in the end, so what is the calculation?

If the strengthening fails, if it is serious, the chain skill will be completely useless.

But it's different with the number. The numbers of all strengtheners are provided by the Strengthener Guild. Various data of the strengthener will be recorded, including what chain skills they are good at strengthening, what chain skills they have strengthened, the number of successes and the number of failures.

In this way, those who want to strengthen can easily decide whether to find the other party to strengthen after seeing the number.

Generally speaking, whether it is a fortifier guild or a fortifier in a 4S store, their number information will be recorded on the official website of the local fortifier guild, which is also convenient for inquiry.

Zhang Xiaohua had already checked the official website of the Enhancers Guild in Huangsang City before coming here. Apart from President Fang, there was no geneticist who could complete the enhancement of the Blind Mist Chain Technique, let alone the one who could perfectly enhance the Blind Mist Chain Technique.

So, he asked directly for the number.

"Number...I really don't know my number." Liu Chuhe was a little confused when asked.

The five people who just came to the laboratory and confirmed Liu Chuhe's identity have become serious again. You don't even know your own number. Are you sure you are really an enhancer?

"Master, your number is 23365055000." Wu Xiaoxiao quickly reported Liu Chuhe's number and said, "Master, your number is actually engraved on the back of your Enhancer badge."

Liu Chuhe heard the sound and took out the badge Wu Xiaoxiao had just given and looked at it: "There are really numbers..."

Zhang Xiaohua...

The five of them were speechless. Why did they feel that the enhanced master in front of them was so unreliable?

Zhang Xiaohua quickly clicked on the official website of the Strengthening Masters Guild and entered the number.

In the reception room of the Enhancer Guild and Liu Chuhe's laboratory, a three-dimensional projection appeared in front of several people. It was just a projection, just a blurry person whose face could not be seen.

Zhang Xiaohua and the other five people had no doubts about this.

There is a lot of information released by strengthening masters to the public, but it is not fair. The key is the content behind it.

Paragraphs of text introduction appeared in the air.

Master Liu, a two-star strengthening master, is the youngest one-star perfect strengthening master and a two-star strengthening master in the history of Huangsang City. One-star enhancement master assessment, perfect enhancement of the three chain skills of Black Sound Witch Scream, Blood Kissing Scorpion Venom Needle and Snow Lotus's Frost Ice Ball.

After the two-star assessment, he successfully strengthened the heavy-hoofed beast's shield, the cave spirit's throwing, and the frost songbird's frost, three chain skills.

Good at strengthening chain skills - none.

Number of successes - none.

Number of failures - None.

Zhang Xiaohua and the other five looked at the large series of Wus, and they were all speechless. You, a Three Wus Enhancer, called us to your laboratory, and you are playing tricks on us!

But unfortunately, the other party was still an intensifier, a young and outrageous intensifier, and they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

"Master Liu, this... we want to strengthen it perfectly, but you..."

"I can perfectly enhance the Blind Mist Chain Skill. It's just that the Blind Mist Chain Skill requires going out. It was too troublesome to test the Blind Mist Chain Skill during the assessment, so I didn't take the test."

Liu Chuhe complained endlessly. With my level of enhancement, I will strengthen it for you, and you will make a lot of money! You are still here to pick and choose!

"This..." Zhang Xiaohua didn't answer immediately. He was thinking about how to reject the other party. The other party's introduction did not say that he was good at strengthening the blind mist chain skill. Even the strengthening master did not have any strengthening records. He really didn't trust the other party to do it. Strengthen their team members' chain skills.

What they wanted was perfect strengthening, and he couldn't take the risk. He could only refuse.

Generally speaking, when looking for someone to strengthen, after entering the strengthener's room, they will directly choose to strengthen without saying no.

After all, when looking for someone to strengthen, you first search for information about various masters in the Enhancer Guild, find a suitable master, and then contact the other person's assistant. After a brief inquiry, you are sure to find this master to strengthen.

Many strengthening masters don't like to let others know their existence. After the strengthening, the customers can't even see the master. It's always the assistant who comes forward.

However, his situation was a bit special. The master came to them on his own initiative, and they didn't pay any money.

"Master, we..."

Before Zhang Xiaohua finished speaking, Du Haowei spoke first: "Then I'll trouble you, Master."

"Lao Du!"

All around, the other four people looked over.

Du Haowei smiled and said, "Since Master Liu is confident as a two-star enhancement master, what else do I have to worry about?"

For the reinforcement master, the loss of reputation caused by one failure is too great. Especially if the first reinforcement failed, who would ask him for reinforcement in the future?

Therefore, he believed that no enhancement master would casually joke about his own enhancement future.

Since the other party dares to strengthen, he must be confident.

However, it was not Zhang Xiaohua and the others who had strengthened their chain skills, so they did not dare to let him take risks!

"You are very discerning." Liu Chuhe looked back at Wu Xiaoxiao and asked, "I will help them strengthen it. What is the specific process?"

"Master Liu, we just need to inform the guild and sign the agreement."

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