As a noble two-star enhancement master, how could he go downstairs to go through various procedures in person? Personnel from the own reinforcement master's guild went directly to the reception room to help sign the agreement and collect payment.

Then Liu Chuhe was stumped.

How much does it cost?

He has no experience and has never received money.

Fortunately, we have an assistant

Liu Chuhe turned to look at Wu Xiaoxiao and asked, "How much does it usually cost to strengthen this chain skill?"

Wu Xiaoxiao had obviously made inquiries just now. As soon as he heard the question, he immediately replied: "Since the enhancement of the blind mist chain skill requires going out, the price for ordinary enhancement is around 10 million."

Under normal circumstances, the ordinary enhanced price of silver chain skills is between 5 million and 7 million.


So dark!

Liu Chuhe finally knew how much money the reinforcement master made.

For this ordinary enhancement, how much does the gene chain cost?

He waved his hand very confidently and said: "Don't talk about ordinary enhancements. I will give them perfect enhancements. Just tell them the price of perfect enhancements."

"The price of a silver-quality chain skill that is perfectly enhanced is about 20 million. If you go out to strengthen it, the price of the blind fog chain skill should be around 50 million. But Master Liu..."

Wu Xiaoxiao's voice suddenly became softer when she spoke: "Master, you are now an ordinary two-star enhancer, so you cannot charge the price of a perfect two-star enhancer."

The fees charged by the enhancers are naturally determined by the enhancers themselves, but there must be a limit. You cannot do ordinary enhancements for others, and charge more than perfect enhancements.

Liu Chuhe was dumbfounded. There is still such a rule. Am I humiliating myself?

"Then ten million."

Enhancers always charge a fee first and then strengthen the products. It is not a deposit but a full payment.

What to do if reinforcement fails?

Naturally, there will be a refund from the Strengthening Masters Guild or the 4S store.

Enhancers are still very humane. Others' chain skills have failed to be enhanced. Naturally, they are very sad. If no refund is given at this time, it will be miserable.

As for the required gene chain, the money will naturally come from those who strengthen the chain skills.

After Du Haowei contributed his Blind Mist Chain Skill, he waited in the reception room with his team, while Liu Chuhe directly wrote a list and asked Wu Xiaoxiao to get it.

Strengthening outside does not mean that all the strengthening must be done outside. Generally, it is the last step that requires strengthening outside. Before that, part of the strengthening must be strengthened in the laboratory.

As for the records recording the gene chain, they are all recorded using the most original book pages. If you use tools such as mobile phones, who knows whether they will be monitored and analyzed by big data in the background, which is too unsafe.

Wu Xiaoxiao looked at the list in his hand and was a little confused: "Master, you only have this list."

"What? Is there any problem?" Liu Chuhe was puzzled. It's just to strengthen a chain skill. You don't want one list, but two?

"This..." Wu Xiaoxiao hesitated. Generally, masters would buy some gene chains in advance and save them.

Then when it's time to strengthen, use part of it, and then use other gene chains with similar prices in the list to confuse them, so as to ensure that their materials are not leaked.

Just like Master Liu, it is easy to reveal what kind of gene chain he is strengthened with. This is the most basic principle for an intensifier to strengthen.

As a reinforcement master, how could Master Liu not know this?

She hesitated. It would be a good thing for her if she didn't say it. Because she is a direct service personnel, she can know the materials directly.

But in this way, not only she, but also the person responsible for approving the gene chain can know. For Master Liu, this is a great loss.

If once told, there would be no chance to know what kind of gene chain Master Liu used for enhancement.

Why is she so crazy about becoming an enhancer? Isn't it just because of lack of money?

And if she could always deduce based on the gene chain used by Master Liu, the gene chain needed to strengthen a certain chain skill could be sold at a terrifying price.

With a large sum of money, my sister no longer has to think about going out on adventures and taking on dangerous missions every day.

But she...

She really couldn't do such a thing.

Liu Chuhe looked at the cute-looking assistant in front of him with a puzzled expression and asked curiously: "Why are you in a daze? Why don't you speak?"

"Master Liu, don't you need another list? Buy it separately..." Wu Xiaoxiao still said it truthfully. As the last words fell, she felt much more relaxed.

Liu Chuhe was dumbfounded. He was careless, really careless. It turns out that the strengthening masters still have such basic principles. They are really a bunch of old Yinbi.

Although, over time, I will definitely understand this principle, but I am afraid that within this period of time, the gene chain that I need to strengthen will be discovered and understood by others, and then noticed by someone who is interested.

Fortunately, I have an assistant to remind me.

Liu Chuhe took the paper and tore it up without saying a word. Then he picked up the pen and wrote another copy and handed it to Wu Xiaoxiao: "Oh, I'm used to taking assessments. I thought I could get three copies of the materials. Take the test three times.

Fortunately you reminded me, otherwise those five people would have suffered a big loss. Just take this list and I'll prepare the rest of the gene chain myself. "

Wu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment. Did the other five people suffer big losses? What's the meaning? Could it be...

She suddenly realized that in Master Liu's previous assessment, he had used up all three opportunities, and the materials used in the three times were different.

Master Liu did that on purpose, to confuse others and prevent them from knowing what materials he used to strengthen it.

So he said that the other five people would probably suffer big losses because he was used to assessments and had to divide them into three parts to get the gene chain.

I just said, how could a young strengthening master like Master Liu forget the most basic principles!

Wu Xiaoxiao took the list given by Liu Chuhe and went to get the gene chain.

Liu Chuhe, on the other hand, left the Enhancer Guild directly, found a Gene Chain 4S store, and bought some of the Gene Chain needed to enhance the blind fog and returned.

Of course, he won't lose money either.

On the list he gave Wu Xiaoxiao, there were some gene chains that he could use when he strengthened his current life gift chain skills. The money for these gene chains and the money for the gene chains he purchased separately could offset each other.

Generally, others are not allowed to observe the strengthening of the strengthener, even the chain technician being strengthened, so everyone goes to the strengthener's guild or major national chain 4S stores for strengthening.

Naturally, the first choice is to join the Enhancer Guild, so at least you don't have to worry about the Enhancer taking your chain skills and running away.

After leaving his chain skills through the instrument, Du Haowei left the enhancement room and entered the living room to wait.

Liu Chuhe picked up a gene chain and started to strengthen it. He had used this instrument many times yesterday and was already familiar with it. As for strengthening?

You have the memory chain skill, but are you still worried about strengthening it wrongly?

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