Liu Chuhe was cautious when he strengthened for the first time yesterday. Now, he started to lose focus while strengthening.

The more I use my memory chain skill, the more powerful it becomes. The more I use it, the more involved it becomes. I have to be careful in the future and never expose it.

And that group leader, this memory chain skill must be related to the group leader?

But what about the group leader?

I didn't see him after I woke up.

Where did that guy go?

Or was there an accident and he died too?

But he didn't see the body. So where did he go?

Liu Chuhe shook his head and stopped thinking about the group leader. He couldn't be exposed now, thanks to his assistant. He's about to leave. He has to teach his little assistant something, and he can't deceive others.

Liu Chuhe was thinking about it, and then he asked Wu Xiaoxiao, who was waiting at any time in the outer laboratory: "Is there any enhancement that you are particularly interested in, or which gene chain enhancement do you know more about?"

Wu Xiaoxiao suddenly heard Master Liu's question and was a little confused. What was Master asking for?

Does the master want to teach himself to strengthen?

It's impossible, I just met the master.

Although she was puzzled, she still answered truthfully: "I have some understanding of the strengthening of the Black Sound Witch's scream chain skill."

Black Sound Witch's Screaming Chain Skill is one of the few bronze-quality chain skills that can launch sonic attacks. At the same time, Black Sound Witch's other chain skill is fast and practical, so Black Sound Witch's Gene Chain is very popular. There are not a few people who have obtained the scream chain skill.

The number of people with chain skills is large, so the demand for strengthening is naturally huge.

This is a popular chain skill enhancement, so she specially studied the chain skill enhancement of Black Sound Witch, but no one taught her. Most of the information was obtained by her sister through various methods, and she then studied it herself.

"After the scream chain skill is strengthened, the distance and intensity of the scream are enhanced. In fact, the voice becomes louder. Think about it, how can you make the voice louder?"

Liu Chuhe started to guide. It was impossible for him to directly tell the strengthening steps of his memory chain technique.

On the other hand, the theory of strengthening knowledge can be discussed, but we must first check whether the theoretical knowledge strengthened by other strengthening masters is the same as that in the memory chain technique.

"Of course it's a chain skill for sound amplification, for example..." There was a slight trembling in Wu Xiaoxiao's voice.

She is not stupid, otherwise she would not want to become an enhancement master, nor would she have a certain understanding of the enhancement of the Screaming Chain Technique just based on the miscellaneous information obtained by her sister.

She vaguely felt that Master Liu seemed to be giving her advice!

"These are not enough, have you ever thought about the problem of the outbreak..." Liu Chuhe continued to guide Wu Xiaoxiao.

In fact, he was copying Wu Xiaoxiao's words. After using it for a while, he found that the theory of strengthening techniques in the memory chain technique was basically the same, so he began to teach the theory with confidence.

Wu Xiaoxiao took out her notes while listening. The more she listened, the more she admired Master Liu. This was the real master.

It's not about directly talking about how to strengthen, but about teaching the theory through guidance. This is teaching people how to fish!

As far as she knows, there are actually some strengthening masters who can strengthen certain chain skills, but they are only taught how to strengthen them and are not proficient in the specific principles and knowledge.

But Master Liu is only about the same size as his sister, and he has mastered the principles of strengthening to an astonishing level. I really don’t know how he does it, explaining it in such a simple way!

She even had a feeling that if she went back and studied for a while, she could strengthen the scream herself!

She really didn't expect that she had just served as Master Liu's assistant, and Master Liu took the initiative to impart such in-depth knowledge without asking for anything in return.

This is a true master, a master that people can only respect!

Liu Chuhe guided Wu Xiaoxiao while strengthening the gene chain in front of him. Unknowingly, the first step of strengthening was completed, and the rest was to go out and strengthen it.


Although Huangsang City is only a small third-tier or even fourth-tier city, most famous for its barbecue and a 5A-level vegetable market, and the city's area is also very small, Huangsang City is full of mountains and rivers.

In Huangsang City, there are three overlapping spaces where strange animals gather, one is Yuanlun Mountain, the second is Huangsang Mountain, and the third is Helian Lake.

Among them, Yuanlun Mountain is the most dangerous, Huangsang Mountain has the weakest beasts, and Helian Lake is in between.

The Crypt Jackal required to strengthen the Blind Mist Chain Skill is in the Lotus Lake.

Liu Chuhe did not take the light rail this time. Instead, he got into a seven-seater off-road vehicle driven by Zhang Xiaohua and Du Haowei and went directly to Helian Lake.

Like Mount Huangsang, the entrance to Helian Lake is also guarded by soldiers. The difference is that before, he entered Helian Lake directly, but this time, he had to queue up!

Through the bright lights, we can see that in front of them is also a team of six people. Five of them are men who are full of murderous aura. Like the stars over the moon, a slender figure with a somewhat expressionless face is placed in front of them. The pale young man guarded the center.

The young man looked to be about the same age as Zhang Xiaohua and the others, but his face was full of arrogance, and his nose was almost pointing towards the sky.

When Zhang Xiaohua saw this young man, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Meng Ruicheng!"

The other four people heard the sound and looked towards the so-called Meng Ruicheng.

"You said his name is Meng Ruicheng? Is this what you said, the most talented enhancer in Feizheng City?"

"Yes, he is as old as us, but he is already a three-star enhancement master!"

"Such a talented reinforcement master has never appeared in the history of our Zhoubin City."

"So, his name has already spread throughout our Feizheng City."

Meng Ruicheng seemed to have heard what a few people said, and his nose turned up even higher for a moment, but he still didn't even look at Zhang Xiaohua and the others. After the people from the guarding mansion checked the identities of the people, he walked away. Entered Holyland Lake.

Liu Chuhe looked at the other person's leaving figure with a look of disdain on his face. How great is a three-star enhancement master? Wait a few days, wait for the so-called president Fang to come back. We are also three-star enhancement masters, and we are younger than you.

Well, the sophomore three-star strengthening masters are so famous and amazing. Aren't the high school students more famous? When the news comes out, it will definitely explode. Are you afraid that your family won't see it?

When you see it, you have to take my genius home quickly!

By the time……

The more Liu Chuhe thought about it, the happier he became. Until at the door, a town guard in charge of guarding the town hall stopped several people: "Guys, please show your IDs."

Liu Chuhe watched Zhang Xiaohua and others take out their student ID cards and hand them to the town guard in front of him, and then silently took out his own student ID cards.

The town guard took Liu Chuhe's student ID card. When he saw that he was a student of No. 2 Middle School, his eyes were slightly startled under his sharp eyebrows, but he didn't say much.

He glanced at Zhang Xiaohua and others again, and after confirming their identities, he nodded and said: "Half price for students, 300,000 for six people."

Zhang Xiaohua immediately stepped forward to pay the fee without saying a word, and the six of them successfully entered the Lotus Lake.

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