Even though Zhang Xiaohua and the other four were fighting against the gravel monster, they were always observing the situation on the other side. When they saw the tire-like beasts, their expressions instantly changed.

"Bloodthirsty creep!"

"Go away!"

"Why is there a little lunatic in this place?"

"What did Lao Du do? He lured away the gravel monster and brought in a bunch of little lunatics!"

"Lao Du, don't run this way."

Du Haowei ran all the way, looking at the gravel monsters from a distance, his eyes instantly became serious. Why are there so many gravel monsters?

This is trouble.

It had been going smoothly before luring away the group of gravel monsters, but who knew that a group of bloodthirsty creeps suddenly appeared.

Although they are also four-star alien beasts, they are much more difficult to deal with than the gravel monsters. Although their vitality is not strong, which is often said to be brittle, these things are extremely fast and have extremely strong attack power.

The most troublesome thing is that any human who appears in their sight will be attacked wildly.

For other alien beasts, after those humans run out of their sphere of influence, or enter the sphere of influence of alien beasts that are stronger than them, they will retreat and stop chasing.

But the little lunatic is different, they will keep chasing! Just like this, some people call them Gungun, because they run as if they are rolling, but more people call them little madmen.

Looking at the entire Qilu Province, Little Madman is one of the most difficult four-star beasts.

If it were in the past, even if he was targeted by a group of lunatics, he would be able to escape after releasing the blind fog.

But now, his Blind Mist still has the final step to strengthen. If he uses it at this time, all the previous strengthening will be in vain, and he can only run back.

Under normal circumstances, they are a complete team. Although the little lunatic is difficult to deal with, it is enough to kill him.

But who would have thought that Zhang Xiaohua and the others would now be entangled by a group of gravel monsters. Moreover, I don’t know why, their formation is so weird.

Shouldn't Master Liu be protected from the rear, while Ran Liangping and Zhang Xiaohua rush to the front?

Why did Master Liu end up among the monsters?

Chang Wenkang and Zhu Xuefeng are still rushing forward?

What are they doing?

Du Haowei's whole body was in a mess. He was standing there and leading these little lunatics over...

The gravel monster can resist, and the little madman can fight. The combined effect of these two strange beasts is definitely 1+1>2. They also have to protect an enhancer. How can they fight?

Turn around?

But when he turned around, he faced these little lunatics directly, and he would definitely die!

Du Haowei hesitated for a moment, but still instinctively turned a corner.

"Don't turn around, come at me!"

Liu Chu was so anxious, there were so many strange beasts, what a great opportunity for leveling up, why are you running away!

He immediately released his hands from the gravel monster's thighs, and at the same time jumped up with both legs.


The gravel monster in front of him punched him, and his body suddenly made a muffled sound and was sent flying far away.

Liu Chuhe looked at the bloodthirsty creeps getting closer and closer, a smile appeared on his face, a perfect blow!

Du Haowei looked at the huge black shadow falling in front of him and was dumbfounded. Master Liu, what are you doing?

There are tanks over there, there are healers to protect you, what are you doing here? This is a four-star alien beast!

The bloodthirsty creep saw a human appear in front of him. His body bounced on the ground, like a tire that was bounced off after landing, and pushed directly towards Liu Chuhe.

A huge force came, and Liu Chuhe was immediately pushed to the ground. Before he could stand up, bloodthirsty evil worms bounced around him one after another, attacking crazily at the man who appeared in front of them.

The bloodthirsty creep's attack frequency was much faster than that of the gravel monster. For a moment, Liu Chuhe felt as if he had been hit by countless falling rocks.

This feeling...

It hurts!

"Treat, heal!"

In the distance, Zhang Xiaohua shouted crazily.

Under Chang Wenkang, a silvery shadow like a leaf appeared, and a green brilliance flew out of his hands and fell into Liu Chuhe's body.

"Lianghei, you protect the two of them, and I will protect the master!"

Zhang Xiaohua no longer struggled with the gravel monster in front of him, quickly pulled away and ran towards the direction of Liu Chuhe.

On the other hand, Du Haowei subconsciously rushed in the direction of Liu Chuhe to protect Master Liu, but as soon as he took a step out, he immediately stopped.

There are more little lunatics around him. Wouldn't rushing towards them harm Master Liu? It's better to take the little lunatics around you elsewhere first, lest these little lunatics be lured away by Master Liu later.

The idea had just emerged in his mind when Master Liu's voice came over.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you quickly lure the monsters over? I'm a human shield!" Although Liu Chuhe was lying on the ground, he still shouted eagerly. You are not working with so many monsters. Isn't that right? Will it delay my upgrade?

What are a dozen four-star exotic beasts?

When my life gift was only a bronze chain skill, I could kill a sucking mosquito. Now that my chain skills are all silver chain skills, am I still afraid of these worms?

Du Haowei was a little confused. Master Liu is trying to protect me?

Shouldn't we be the ones protecting Master Liu?

Is the Master a human shield?

However, although the master looks embarrassed, if you look closely, you can see that there is no serious injury on the master at all. He even gives people the feeling that he is fine, and he seems to be able to handle it.

Several others also found that the situation was different from what they expected. Master Liu could handle much more than they thought.

Even with Chang Wenkang's treatment, ordinary people would definitely be unable to hold on. After all, Chang Wenkang's treatment is a gradual recovery, not an instantaneous recovery and cure.

Zhang Xiaohua slashed at the head of a bloodthirsty worm, cutting a clear crack. Looking back at Liu Chuhe who was not far away, he had some reaction. Master Liu could not be a fool to become a two-star enhancement master at such a young age. .

Since Master Liu dared to rush out again and again, he was naturally sure that nothing would happen. He had been worried about Master Liu's safety before.

Master, he is really a human shield, and he can handle it quite well.

Du Haowei also reacted and ran directly behind Liu Chuhe with several bloodthirsty evil worms behind him. At the same time, he stabbed the bloodthirsty evil worm with its back to him and was attacking Liu Chuhe.

Different from Zhang Xiaohua's machete, his knife is a small dagger, not long enough or big enough, but sharper.

The knife fell and pierced the bloodthirsty creep's body directly. As the dagger was drawn out, a large amount of bright red blood spurted out like a fountain, directly into his face.

The injured bloodthirsty creep roared, turned around, stared at Du Haowei with scarlet eyes, and struck madly, much faster than when he attacked Liu Chu just now.

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