Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 48 If You Are Looking For A Tank, What Does It Have To Do With My Human Shield?

There was not only one bloodthirsty evil worm, but only one of the bloodthirsty evil worms that had been besieging Liu Chuhe in the surroundings continued to attack Liu Chuhe. The rest of the bloodthirsty evil worms turned their heads and attacked Du Haowei crazily. Come.

They were stimulated by the smell of blood.

Du Haowei's figure quickly moved between the bloodthirsty creeps, like a butterfly walking through a flower. He only dodged a few times and lost his original calmness.

He is fast, and these bloodthirsty creeps are equally fast!

Within a few breaths, drops of sweat appeared on his face. While dodging, he shouted loudly towards Liu Chuhe: "Master Liu, hurry up and ridicule, hurry up and ridicule!"

"Taunting?" There were not so many bloodthirsty and evil attacks. Liu Chuhe finally raised his head. He looked at Du Haowei with a serious look on his face and said, "Okay, wait a moment."

There were more and more beads of sweat on Du Haowei's face. While he was carefully dodging the attacks of the bloodthirsty creeps, he was cursing in his heart. It's already this time, so don't answer me. Just taunt me!

Unfortunately, the enhancer in front of him was not his teammate. He did not dare to curse directly, so he could only curse in his heart.

Liu Chuhe raised his head, took a sudden breath and shouted at the group of bloodthirsty creeps surrounding Du Haowei: "Grandsons, grandpa is here, come here and let me have fun with you. Grandsons, look here, don't surround me." Looking at him...%#@..."

While Du Haowei was dodging, his body was accidentally bumped by a bloodthirsty worm, and a sharp pain shot through his body. He hurriedly dodged to the side, while shouting loudly: "Master Liu, stop making trouble, come on and mock me. ! I can’t hold it anymore!”

"I've already ridiculed you!" Liu Chuhe looked at Du Haowei seriously and shouted, "Don't worry, I'll increase my intensity!"

Du Haowei felt that he was going crazy and shouted quickly: "Master, I asked you to use the taunting chain skill, not to taunt with your mouth."

Liu Chuhe said very simply: "Taunting the chain skill? I can't do it."

Du Haowei was really crazy: "No, master, didn't you say you are a human shield?"

"Yes, I am a human shield. Taunting is a chain skill that tanks should learn. If you are looking for a tank, what does it have to do with my human shield?"

Liu Chuhe looked at Du Haowei in a matter-of-fact manner. Tanks are versatile, must be controlled, and can be carried. The meat shield is meaty enough. Is there anyone at the same level who is meatier than me? I'm a human shield, nothing wrong with me.

Du Haowei found that he couldn't refute it for a while. He was finally sure of one thing. His feeling when he first learned that Liu Chuhe was a two-star enhancement master was correct, that is - this master is really unreliable!

I shouldn't believe him.

"What? Who are you looking down on? Isn't it just mocking?"

Liu Chuhe felt deep contempt. He turned back to look at the bloodthirsty worm that Du Haowei had stabbed. He suddenly jumped up and from behind where the bloodthirsty worm couldn't see, a flying giant came directly. Pounce, throw it to the ground.

For a moment, streams of bright red blood flowed onto his body, and the thick bloody aura dispersed outwards.

Suddenly, the bloodthirsty worms turned around and stared at Liu Chuhe with their scarlet eyes. The next moment, they swarmed up like ferocious beasts that had finally seen meat after being hungry for more than ten days.

Liu Chuhe was overjoyed, yes, this is the feeling, this sour feeling.

In the distance, Chang Wenkang was almost stunned, Master, we were wrong! Please, if you want to draw hatred, just draw hatred. There is no one like you who can draw so many monsters at one time. Even Ran Wenping can't handle so many monsters.

Although the bloodthirsty worm likes to hit people and attack, it is not just such an attack method. If it is far away, it will still spit, and their saliva contains toxins!

He was frightened for a moment and frantically threw out the healing chain skills as if they were free of charge. He was really afraid that Master Liu would hang out here.

All intensifiers must be recorded when they go out to strengthen. Once an accident occurs when the intensifier goes out to strengthen, then both the party that pays for the intensifier and the party that serves as the escort are responsible. How much responsibility should they bear? Let’s look at the survey results of the Strengthened Masters Guild.

Moreover, no matter what the final result is, the responsibility this time will be recorded. When they graduate, go to work in various places, or join a hunting team, these records will be available.

When the time comes, others will see that the protection and strengthening division has failed, and then our team will have to consider whether to hire you.

Normally, this consideration will last a lifetime.

For the sake of his future future, we must not let anything happen to Liu Chuhe.

Chang Wenkang has never unleashed his healing chain skills so crazily like today. In this way, he didn't see any improvement in Master Liu's condition.

"I don't believe it anymore. I'm a great Xinghe-level master, but I can't beat your little Juyuan-level master."

Chang Wenkang became even more crazy... Then, Ran Wenping's roar came.

"Nice me, milk me quickly. Don't just milk Master Liu, there's still me!"

Chang Wenkang heard his teammates calling for help and had to terminate the game with Liu Chuhe and treat Ran Wenping instead.

Without comparison, he wouldn't have noticed that he had just finished breastfeeding Liu Chuhe and then started breastfeeding Chang Wenkang again. He found that it was so easy.

He is a full-time nanny, and he has quite a complete set of healing skills. There are two types of healing chain skills, which are direct release and consumption of fixed source energy. He has chain skills that treat fixed damage, or continuous consumption of source energy for a period of time. He also has chain skills that have more Origin Qi and better healing effects.

When treating Liu Chuhe, his second type of healing chain skill needs to be released continuously, but treating Ran Wenping is simple, just release it continuously for three to five seconds. Does this mean that Master Liu’s blood volume is higher than Ran Wenping?

How can this be!

Ran Wenping is a galaxy-level existence.

No, there is another situation. Master Liu’s defensive chain skills are very poor, or...

Chang Wenkang carefully observed Liu Chuhe's battle, and soon made an astonishing discovery. Only a silver shadow appeared under Master Liu, which was a silver-quality chain skill.

There was only a shadow, which meant that Master Liu only released this chain skill.

Attack-type chain skills will not reveal chain skill shadows unless released, but defensive chain skills will 100% show chain skill shadows as long as they are hit.

Master Liu has been being beaten, but only one chain skill has appeared. In other words, Master Liu only has one defensive chain skill.

For the amount of treatment he needs, without even thinking about it, it must be a chain skill that increases vitality.

A tank, no, a human shield only has chain skills that increase vitality, but not chain skills that increase defense. You are cheating on your treatment!

Are you still saying that you are a human shield?

I saw the meat, you are real meat, but where is the shield?

Without a shield, whoever teams up with you will be unlucky?

You are a specialist in treatment!

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