After all, Zhang Xiaohua and others were galaxy-level beings, especially Zhang Xiaohua and Du Haowei, who had gold-quality chain skills. After adding Liu Chuhe to hold up countless alien beasts, they began to kill the alien beasts one by one.

As the alien beasts continued to die, the pressure on the few people became less and less.

After constant fighting, they were even more surprised to find that in terms of pure ability to resist monsters, Liu Chuhe was only stronger than Ran Wenping!

Liu Chuhe only has one silver-quality chain skill!

What chain skill can allow a person to carry it so well at the Juyuan level?

Hidden chain skills!

There is only one answer in a few people's minds. Only hidden chain skills can make silver chain skills have power comparable to gold chain skills!

What kind of luck is this!

Why is the gap between people so big?

Others are strengthening masters at a young age and also possess hidden chain skills. Look at a few of them...

Forget it, it’s better not to read it.


As the last stone monster fell, all the surrounding beasts were finally killed.

Liu Chuhe was breathing heavily, and his face was bruised and purple. He was so sloppy, so sloppy!

Although the gift of life has been strengthened to silver quality, there are too many strange beasts, and he is a little unable to bear the constant beatings. Fortunately, there is a wet nurse.

That's it, because of the consumption of vitality, the vitality is no longer so strong, and the injuries on his body cannot recover so quickly.

The four of Du Haowei did not rest because all the alien beasts were wiped out, but quickly went to collect gene chains one by one. This was all money! Although the battle was rushed this time, especially since Du Haowei also attracted a group of lunatics, the battle was also fierce.

But after all, there are so many strange beasts, how can I extract a few chain skills?

Zhang Xiaohua walked towards Liu Chuhe: "Master Liu, thanks to you this time, otherwise we would have been in big trouble this time. It was our mistake this time, and I apologize to you.

In addition, we will give you all the gene chains of these exotic beasts. I know you may look down on this money, but please accept it. "

As he spoke, he paused for a moment and then continued: "Also, Master, I think there seems to be some problems with your application of Origin Qi. Take the fact that the gravel monster knocked you away at the beginning. Although the gravel monster The force is strong enough, but you have Origin Qi, so you shouldn't be knocked back that far.

When the gravel monster attacks you, you should use your source energy. When defending, you cannot rely solely on your source energy for defense. You should..."

The flexible application of Origin Qi is the most basic knowledge that every geneticist can master. Even if he didn't say it, Master Liu would also master it in the future. It is not a secret that is not passed down.

At this time, he is naturally willing to impart his experience and sell well. After all, the other party is a very promising enhancer.

Liu Chuhe listened very carefully to the experience taught by Zhang Xiaohua. He had just become an intensifier at the beginning of the school year. Then he participated in the trial, and then skipped class on the first day. He had no time to accept the teacher's guidance.

With Zhang Xiaohua's guidance, he quickly mastered theoretical knowledge and quickly put it into practice.

The number of strange beasts in the overlapping space of Helian Lake is much greater than that of the overlapping space of Huangsang Mountain where he went to test.

Zhang Xiaohua and others, after knowing that Liu Chuhe was extremely capable of resisting, and knowing that Liu Chuhe wanted to hone himself, they all tacitly stepped aside and let Liu Chuhe fight against these strange beasts.

Even after Liu Chuhe fought (and was beaten) with the alien beast for a period of time, they took turns to come forward and demonstrate to Liu Chuhe how to fight the alien beast and how to use Origin Qi.

Liu Chuhe could clearly feel his progress.

Among those classes, the rich students who hire geneticists to take care of their training probably don't get this kind of treatment.

This is the status of a strengthener!

Outside the overlapping space, Huangsang City, east of the city.

Although there are no slums in China, the places where the rich and poor live are naturally different. The housing prices in the east area of ​​the city are the cheapest in Huangsang City. Of course, the fireworks here are much stronger than those in the west area, especially the only 5A-level wet market in the country.

Jingtaiyuan is the oldest residential area in the east area of ​​the city. Residential areas older than it have long since been demolished.

Wu Xiaoxiao did not leave the Strengthening Masters Guild immediately after Liu Chuhe left. Instead, she kept thinking about the knowledge taught by Master Liu with her notes in hand.

After a long time, she swam out of the ocean of knowledge, put away her notes, cleaned the laboratory again, and washed Liu Chuhe's clothes.

Although there was a robot that could clean it, she still performed her duties and cleaned the huge laboratory with her own hands. It was already early in the morning, and then she hurriedly left the Enhancer Guild, got on her car, and headed towards her home in Jingtai Garden. Go.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw an empty house.

It was an empty house with only her.

"Shen Zhaodi, where have you been?"

In front of Liu Chuhe, the graceful, gentle and well-behaved Wu Xiaoxiao was glaring with anger and dialed her sister's number.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

Listening to the voice coming from the phone, the anger on her face completely disappeared. She sighed helplessly and said to herself: "If you can't get through, you must have gone to the overlapping space again. You are obviously still a child, But I have to take risks again and again.

It's all because my sister didn't do a good job. If my sister was a geneticist or a strengthener, you wouldn't have to work so hard...

But it's coming soon. Soon, my sister will become a strengthener. Then you won't have to take risks again and again. "

Liu Chuhe followed the others and kept fighting. Before he knew it, it was the second day.

In the afternoon, in the dim underground cave, Liu Chuhe and Ran Wenping were at the front. Together, they carried a two-meter-long strange beast with a wolf head and body and an earthy yellow body.

On the ground beside them, two identical beasts were lying.

Crypto Jackal (five stars)

chain skill

Heavy attack (gold quality): Gather the whole body's strength to strike hard, and gain a (small -) increase in strength in a short period of time.

Shock (Silver quality): When a crypt jackal reaches adulthood, its tail will automatically fall off and a new tail will grow. The shed tail will become extremely hard after a week.

From then on, what was once a tail will become their weapon. A part of their former body becomes a weapon, allowing them to be extremely proficient and familiar with it. They can use special techniques to give their attacks a (weakened) knockback effect.

Dust mist (gold quality): The long underground life has allowed the crypt jackal to absorb more soil. Some of it is stored in the body and turned into special dust. It is sprayed out through the mouth, which can reduce the visibility within a three-meter radius ( -)reduce.

Comment: Its meat tastes terrible.

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