On the ground, the body of this crypt jackal was already covered with criss-crossing knife marks, and many of the knife wounds had burn marks.

After experiencing the gravel monster and the bloodthirsty worm, Zhang Xiaohua and others fully recognized Liu Chuhe's strength. After that, they were relieved to let Liu Chuhe and Ran Wenping rush to the front together.

After each battle, Liu Chuhe also clearly felt that his Origin Qi was becoming more and more abundant, and he had a vague feeling of breaking through a bottleneck.


The underground jackal waved his long stick, and a golden light appeared on it, hitting Liu Chuhe hard.


Liu Chuhe's shoulder clearly bulged when he was hit. It was obviously his shoulder, but he felt that all the internal organs in his body were shaken, and his whole body took a small step back.

At the same time, the Origin Qi surged crazily in his body, with a feeling like the impact of a flood. He felt as if a shackle was being washed away from his body.

Juyuan second floor!

After being beaten again and again, he finally broke through under the brutal beating of the Five-Star Alien Beast's Golden Chain Technique!

He has another chain skill that he can absorb!

On the side, Zhang Xiaohua nodded secretly. The Crypt Jackal is a five-star alien beast after all. Even if it does not have the chain skill to increase its strength, even if the heavy blow has no knockback effect, as a five-star alien beast, its power is not that of a second-level source-gathering beast. Geneticists can fight against it.

Along the way, Master Liu has experienced many battles, and his use of Origin Qi has improved a lot.

If Master Liu, who had just entered Lotus Lake yesterday, would have been hit by such a blow and it would no longer have been a matter of how many steps he took, he would have flown out directly.

While he was observing Liu Chuhe, the movement of the long knife in his hand did not slow down at all. This time, his long knife did not chop like before, but held the knife with both hands and thrust out like a spear.

A cold light flashed, and the tip of the long knife in his hand pierced the crypt wolf's chest. The sharp sword cut through the crypt wolf's hard skin.

At the same time, a bright silver light burst out from the sword, and under Zhang Xiaohua's feet, a silver shadow of a long stick in the hand of a crypt wolf appeared.

Shock back!

Chain skill from Crypt Jackal.

But it's not just the crypt jackal that can be knocked back. One of his chain skills is the crypt jackal's knocked back!

The body of the crypt jackal took four big steps back. Before it could stabilize its figure, another figure flashed past. The originally silver dagger in Du Haowei's hand was now shining with a dazzling golden light all over his body.

His only golden chain skill, Deadly Blade. Attacking the opponent's wounds can cause multiple damage.

This is an introduction in the textbook. The specific number of times depends on the depth of the opponent's wound, the location of the wound, the power of the attack, the angle, etc.

Deadly blade, a fatal blow.

The cave jackal's heart was directly pierced by this blow, his breathing stopped, and his body collapsed.

"Quickly, extract the genes..." Zhang Xiaohua spoke quickly, but before he finished speaking, Liu Chuhe had already begun to extract the gene chain of the crypt wolf.

Fortunately, the gene chain of this crypt jackal has not been damaged and can be extracted. The gene chains of the previous two crypt jackals were severely damaged and cannot be extracted.

Zhang Xiaohua immediately issued another instruction: "Master Liu will strengthen Lao Du later, everyone, please be careful..."

But this time he didn't finish his words. He found that besides him, the other four teammates were already on guard. His instructions were still the same, always slow down.

After Liu Chuhe extracted the gene chain of the Crypt Jackal, everyone turned their heads in tacit agreement. Even Du Haowei, after handing over his Blind Mist Chain Skill to Liu Chuhe, also turned around and turned his back. Facing Liu Chuhe.

Enhancement masters cannot watch the enhancement. Even if the conditions outside do not allow it, they still need to turn around. This is a rule that the whole world must abide by.

If they do not comply, if the reinforcement master says something back, they will be directly blacklisted by the reinforcement division guild.

Liu Chuhe took out the instrument he carried and fixed Du Haowei's Blind Mist Chain Technique about ten centimeters above the ground. He also used the instrument to place the genetic chain of the crypt wolf on the ground.

Blind Mist actually creates a kind of fog, and one of Crypt Jackal's chain skills is Dust Mist. This last step of strengthening is to absorb the power of the dust and mist chain technique.

These are the steps necessary to strengthen the Blind Mist Chain Skill.

The reason why we come to the cave of the crypt jackal to strengthen is because the crypt jackal really eats soil and it also lives in this place. Its dust mist chain skill is released after the soil it eats changes in its body. of.

Therefore, only by strengthening here can we absorb the power of the Dust Mist Chain Skill.

Of course, if you can build a separate laboratory and raise hundreds of crypt wolves there for ten or twenty years, you can also strengthen the blind mist chain skill there.

In fact, many chain skill enhancements require specific environments and can be created, but the cost is too high.

For example, it would cost tens of billions to build such an environment, and another billion to maintain it every year. Then, throughout the year, I have to use it three or four hundred times.

After all, there are so many chain skills in the world, and everyone lives in different places, with different qualities of gene chains, and the gene chains used for strengthening are also different. Everyone only uses them to strengthen a certain quality of chain skills. One year Hundreds of times I've said that.

Then, on average, I only made three to four million at a time. In the end, the money I earned was just enough to cover maintenance costs, or even not enough. Who wouldn’t want to get this thing?

Of course, some people will do some particularly popular chain skills that are popular all over the country. In this specific situation, no one can do ordinary chain skills, which is a losing business.

As for the blind mist chain skill enhancement, there is a second way, which is to directly evacuate the soil in the cave, hunt down a cave wolf here, and then promise to bring it to the enhancement master within twenty-four hours. It also reinforces success.

The first method is very expensive, and it’s really not worth it for such a chain skill.

The second method is to clear out the soil here... let's talk about the first method.

It doesn't take long to just strengthen a chain skill. About twenty minutes later, a golden light shines out, illuminating this space extremely brightly.

Although Du Haowei turned his back to Liu Chuhe, he felt the golden light coming from behind. For a moment, his whole body couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Golden light, this is a gold-quality chain skill. The enhancement of his chain skill is completed!

He finally has two golden chain skills, which are their trump card for the whole team to participate in the school competition!

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