Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 500 The Gene Chain Required For Perfect Strengthening

Yu Yihan couldn't figure it out, even Li Xinglie shouldn't have the gene chain of Oria's alien beast in his body.

She didn't ask Liu Chuhe any more.

This time at the auction, the Crazy Koala Gene Chain got off to a good start, and the bidding for the second auction item was still hot.

One by one the auction items were sold.

Liu Chuhe, on the other hand, would take a quick glance at the auction items whenever a gene chain appeared. After discovering that there were no gene chains with hidden chain skills, he was no longer interested.

"What will be auctioned below are the genetic chains of two ten-star alien beasts, the Giant Blue Ape."

Liu Chuhe immediately sat up straight as he listened to the auctioneer Wan Wan's voice on the booth.

In order to perfectly enhance his sky-shattering strike into a platinum-quality chain skill, he needs the genetic chain of the giant blue ape!

In addition, the gene chains of various nine-star alien beasts and the gene chains of ten-star alien beasts are also needed.

It's just enhanced to platinum quality, can use perfect enhancement, and it's a hidden chain skill, it's just too much.

He couldn't even imagine how many honor points it would cost to upgrade his chain skills to diamond quality in the future.

The problem is, if you have honor points, they may not be able to be strengthened.

Just like the genetic chain of this giant ape, it is not sold in the Honor Mall. If you want to get it, you have to find other ways.

Fortunately, he was lucky this time and met him at the auction. Although he only needed one piece, the auction only offered two pieces, so he had no choice but to bid.

He immediately turned to look at Zai Yinafu and said with a smile: "Senior sister, please use your bidding card. I want to buy these two gene chains."

"Oh, okay." Zaiyinafu took out the bidding card and was about to pass it on when Yu Yihan's voice rang out from the side.

"Use mine." Yu Yihan picked up his bidding card and handed it to Liu Chuhe.

On the side, Zai Yinafu's eyes suddenly changed when she looked at Yu Yihan. There was something wrong. There was definitely something wrong with these two people.

You said that Liu Chuhe's mother wouldn't let Liu Chuhe have contact with other girls. I really believe it. The problem is, how can you explain this if you don't use other people's things?


Zai Yinafu has now come to his senses, aren't you a girl? What does Liu Chuhe's mother mean, other girls don't include you?

Liu Chuhe also looked at Yu Yihan with confusion, what do you mean? No, you're not really interested in me, are you?

Well, although you are also very beautiful and excellent, I already have Shen Yatou. Well, you just need to forgive me. It's very difficult for me to be like this.

Yu Yihan looked as usual and said, "Your mother said that you won't be allowed to use other people's things."

She is here!

It doesn't matter if Liu Chuhe borrows other people's things!

When Yi Nafu heard the words "your mother" again, she couldn't help but let out a chuckle and laughed out loud. How old is Liu Chu, but she still refuses to give in to her mother, is she a mama's baby?

Yu Yihan, you are looking for an excuse. Can you make another excuse? Even if you say Liu Chuhe's father this time.

Liu Chuhe suddenly thought that for others, there was a kind of coldness that his mother felt was cold, and there was a kind of heat that their mother felt was hot. But when it came to him, there was a kind of reluctance that Yu Yihan felt his mother would not allow.

The problem is, he has never met her mother...

He also couldn't understand what Yu Yihan meant.

Logically speaking, in her eyes, she was the one who broke off the engagement and made her embarrassed. She should hate herself very much. And according to her father's wishes, Yu Yihan's family also hated her.

Why does Yu Yihan seem so concerned about communicating with other girls?

Yu Yihan, that is the proud daughter of heaven. With her conditions, she cannot find any kind of man, so why does she care so much about herself?

What on earth did my host do to her in the past? Can feelings be revealed by just doing her winter vacation homework?

He really couldn't figure it out, and the auction had already started. Listening to the constant bids ringing around him, he simply stopped thinking about it, picked up Yu Yihan's bidding sign, and shouted loudly: "Twenty-five o'clock. "

As soon as he finished speaking, several quotes came from all around.

"Twenty-six o'clock."

"Twenty-seven o'clock."

Liu Chuhe raised the bidding sign again and shouted: "Thirty o'clock." He now finally understood why the auction still uses such traditional means to bid when technology is so advanced, because he raised the It's really cool when the bidding sign shouts the price. It makes it more exciting and probably stimulates the bidders to continue bidding and achieve a higher auction price.

Although the Giant Blue Ape is a ten-star alien beast, its gene chain is obviously not as valuable as that of the Crazy Koala. As soon as the price of his thirty honor points was announced, no one around him asked for a quote.

Yu Yihan sat aside and looked at Liu Chuhe with confusion. She couldn't understand why Liu Chuhe sent these two gene chains?

Ju Qing Cang Yuan's chain skill is more suitable for warriors. Liu Chuhe seems to be a tank. What does he need Ju Qing Cang Yuan's genetic chain for?

If he really wanted the warrior's gene chain, he should take a picture of the crazy koala's gene chain.

That's not right. He took out the crazy koala itself, so he should keep it and wait for it to be absorbed.

She put the crazy koala's gene chain up for auction, then turned around and bought the giant ape's gene chain. She really couldn't understand this operation.

Besides, Ju Qing Cang Yuan's chain skills are all of diamond quality. Liu Chuhe is only Galaxy level, so he can't use them.

Give it away?

Does his family still need him to buy gene chains and give them away?

Above the booth, after Wan Wan saw that no one raised the price for thirty honor points, he quickly said: "This is the first time for thirty honor points. Is there anything higher?"

The value of Ju Qing Cang Yuan's gene chain is quite average. Thirty honor points is a little on the high side. She estimates that the price should be enough to close the deal.

Not far away from Liu Chuhe, Zhou Qichu looked at the bidding card in Liu Chuhe's hand, his eyes filled with coldness.

Liu Chuhe was actually holding Yu Yihan's bidding card at the auction!

Damn it, he really wants to take Yihan away!


He also wants to successfully auction!

Zhou Qichu suddenly raised the bidding card in his hand and shouted "Thirty-one!"

At the booth, when Wan Wan heard the price below, he immediately raised his voice and shouted: "It's thirty-one, is there any higher price?"

The higher the auction price, the higher her performance, and she is certainly happy to see people continue to bid.

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