Liu Chuhe turned his head and looked to the side. When he saw Zhou Qichu who was still holding the bidding sign high, his brows suddenly furrowed. He took the picture of Ju Qing Cang Yuan's gene chain because he wanted to use it for enhancement. Zhou Qichu followed suit. It was obvious that this was Targeting him!

Bid, right?

I sold five gene chains for 150 honor points, and I'm still afraid of comparing prices with you?

Liu Chuhe raised the bidding sign again and shouted: "Thirty-two o'clock."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Qichu's voice came again: "Thirty-three o'clock."

"Thirty-four o'clock." Liu Chuhe didn't even put down the bidding card, he just held it up and shook it. The meaning was very clear, I want to decide on the genetic chain of this giant ape.

"Thirty-five o'clock." Zhou Qichu also held the bidding sign high. When he noticed that Liu Chuhe was looking at him, he even returned a provocative look.

"Thirty-six o'clock!" Liu Chuhe's face gradually turned cold. I didn't go to trouble you, but you came to trouble me first. Comparing prices, right? I'll see how long you can follow.

At this time, the barrage had exploded in the live broadcast room of the auction.

"Am I wrong? Is the gene chain of Ju Qing Cang Yuan worth so much?"

"Obviously it's not worth it. I just checked the information. In previous auctions, the average price of the giant blue ape's gene chain was fourteen honor points per piece. This price far exceeds its value."

"Obviously there are two parties here that are angry!"

"Is this a meeting of enemies?"

"It's such a pity that the live broadcast of the auction did not capture the bidder's face, otherwise the picture would have been very exciting."

In the auction house, Zhou Qichu and Liu Chuhe were still bidding.

"Forty points!" Zhou Qichu yelled out a price and looked at Liu Chuhe provocatively. If you want to take a picture, you have to pay more honor points.

"Forty-one." Liu Chuhe followed without any hesitation.

"Forty-two o'clock." Zhou Qichu followed closely, sneering in his heart. Looking at Liu Chuhe's bid, he knew that he was bound to get this thing, and there was Yihan beside him. At this time, he would not continue to bid. But even if he admits that he is not as good as himself, he will never give up and he can boldly keep up.

Sure enough, Liu Chuhe's voice came quickly: "Forty-three o'clock."

Zhou Qichu shouted without any hesitation: "Forty-four o'clock." Sure enough, what he thought was right, Liu Chuhe would not give up. The price was already much higher now. When Liu Chuhe raised the price twice, he would Depending on the situation, you may choose not to continue bidding.

if only……

Um? Why didn't he continue to bid? Isn’t it because there are no honor points?

Liu Chuhe directly put down the bidding card, turned around and pointed his two index fingers at Zhou Qichu and shouted: "Silly, you are still raising the price, buy it yourself and play in the mud."

The things that could be bought with thirty honor points were now nearly half the price, so the fool continued to play with him.

Besides, I originally only used one, and buying one of these two would be a waste. If I continue to follow it, it is equivalent to using 44 honor points to buy a giant blue ape gene chain. I am crazy to spend so much. s price.

Since Zhou Qichu likes it so much, let him take it.

The genetic chain of Ju Qing Cang Yuan is all of diamond quality, and he won't need it even if he buys it. You can't just put it away when you don't need it, right?

Zhou Qichu has already spent 150 honor points. With these 44 honor points, it will be almost 200 honor points. Can he not be anxious?

Maybe Zhou Qichu will deal with these two gene chains when he turns around, and he can just buy them when the time comes.

However, it seems that the guy won't sell it to him.

By the way, you can ask around. Didn’t the little profiteer say that you can approach him for any business? It wouldn't be a problem to find him to purchase it yourself.

Zhou Qichu's whole face was so gloomy that it looked like water could drip from it. Liu Chuhe actually dared to call him a fool, even in front of so many people at the auction house and in front of Yu Yihan!

This was the second time Liu Chuhe scolded him.

This guy, he deserves to die, he must die!

More importantly, he is now being fooled by Liu Chuhe!

Forty-four honor points, buying two giant blue ape gene chains, this is a huge loss, and it is also a blood loss.

His honor points were sponsored by his father. One hundred and fifty honor points bought five crazy koala gene chains, which can be explained. No matter how much you spend, it can be explained.

But he spent 44 honor points to buy two genetic chains of the giant blue ape. How to explain this? He doesn't need this gene chain yet!

Zhou Qichu calmed down after buying the genetic chains of two giant apes. Liu Chuhe, on the other hand, did not stop and continued to bid.

As a result, Liu Chuhe gave up after just one round of shooting.

Zhou Qichu's face suddenly turned colder when he looked at Liu Chuhe. He did it on purpose. Liu Chuhe definitely did it on purpose. Did he want to seduce him again? Does he think the same move will work on him a second time?

Zhou Qichu didn't even think about raising the price when he was bidding on two gene chains containing skills to increase vitality.

This is too fake. Why would Liu Chu buy this kind of gene chain? This is a typical therapeutic gene chain. What is it used for?

He also increased the price? Still acting.

It was a joke. No matter how similar he acted, there was no way he would be fooled.

he can……

He actually took the photo. Does he really want to buy it?

But what did he buy the gene chain for treatment?

Liu Chuhe looked at the two gene chains he had photographed and nodded slightly. Only then did he finally get something from the auction.

God knows why the Flower of Affinity needs to be strengthened with a healing chain skill. Isn’t its treatment all about rubbing?

As the auction continued, Liu Chuhe began to bid more and more often, and the genetic chain he used to strengthen himself appeared in the auction, and he naturally took it again.

Sometimes, even if he doesn't really want an auction item, he will make a bid, just to guard against Zhou Qichu.

Who knows if that guy will cause trouble again and shout a few more times to make him confused.

But as he slowly shouted, he discovered that this thing was really addictive.

Just like online shopping, buying and selling can make you addicted, and shouting about this thing can also make you addicted.

He looked up at the booth, and the auctioneer Wan Wan was already shouting: "Thirty-six honor points, five bottles of three-headed coconut tree gene chain, is there anyone with a higher bid?"

Liu Chuhe raised his hand and raised the bidding sign and shouted: "Thirty-nine honor points." You can just shout this casually, and there is no loss. There are so many people bidding, so I only added three points. It's impossible. No one continued to shoot.

It's not fun to always add it little by little, but it's better to add it a little at a time.

I just have a good time, no problem, right?

Based on my performance, the auction won't be able to send me a membership or something? I'm doing this for free.

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