Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 54 Please, Use The Defensive Chain Skill

Liu Chuhe desperately waved the long stick in his hand, but there were too many bloodthirsty creeps around him, and he was still suffering from attacks again and again.

Even with the gift of life chain skill, and even though both teams have healing professions, his injuries are still getting worse.

While he was enduring attacks from countless bloodthirsty creeps, he was also watching the battles of the people around him.

The mage on the opposite side and the mage on their side have nothing to say. They are just two words of wretchedness. They hide behind and continuously release various fireballs, such as small fireballs, large fireballs, scattered fireballs, and rotating fireballs that continue to burn...

Huangsang City's specialty mage chain skill - all kinds of fire, otherwise Huangsang Barbecue would be famous!

Chang Wenkang was also hiding behind people, but what they threw was not fire, but various healing chain skills.

It was also a treatment, but Lin Gaoyang was not hiding at the back. Instead, he rushed behind the opponent's tank, holding a long sword in each hand and slashing wildly.

This is a combat treatment.

There are two types of healers in the world. The most common type is those like Chang Wen Kang Na and others who only focus on learning various healing chain skills and assisting teammates with chain skills. This type of treatment is called orthodox treatment.

There is another type, Lin Gaoyang, who can not only heal, but also assist with combat skills.

This type of assistance is divided into three types.

A chain skill that treats itself as half a tank and absorbs some tanks.

One is to treat yourself as a warrior, who can not only heal, but also go up and fight.

There is also the last one that can assist and can also use various magic chain skills.

The latter two treatments actually don't want to become like this. It's just that when they absorb chain skills, they absorb other chain skills in the same gene chain, so they become like this.

Anyway, these four treatments all despise and look down upon each other.

However, most people still prefer pure healing, and some prefer teammates to be semi-tank healers.

As for the other two kinds of treatments, they are both despised and considered to be unorthodox treatments. Especially the treatments for warriors like Lin Gaoyang are the most despised and are generally not wanted by the team.

Liu Chuhe discovered that although Lin Gaoyang was mainly a healer, when it came to fighting, his various fighting skills seemed to be more superb than Zhang Xiaohua, a pure warrior.

Not only Lin Gaoyang, everyone in their team has obviously richer combat experience and higher combat skills.

Geneticists not only need to have chain skills, but also need to practice various skills.

Mages and healers need to study how to release chain skills more accurately and faster, and study the power of chain skills. As for tanks, warriors, and assassins who need to fight hand-to-hand, they need to practice various martial arts.

While enduring the attack, Liu Chuhe was learning Lin Gaoyang's fighting skills. He found that this unorthodox healing martial arts was more exquisite than the two warriors on both sides.

As for tanks?

Whoever wants to be a tank should do it. I, Liu Chuhe, have a heart for output. I want to be a warrior who can carry and fight!

With the cooperation of eleven people from two teams on both sides, one by one the alien beasts were killed. The alien beasts were also intelligent and fearful. As the number of alien beasts became less and less, one by one the alien beasts were killed. Start running away.

But the bloodthirsty creeps, these things are really crazy. They are not afraid of death at all. They fight until the last one dies and no one escapes.

After a battle, everyone was somewhat injured. Although there was treatment, the two healers were now a little exhausted. Forget this minor injury, let them recover on their own.

Lin Gaoyang looked at Liu Chuhe with a look of resentment. He was an unorthodox healer in the eyes of others. There had been an accident in his team before, and he was the only one left. Even counting him, he was not a genius, and he was so old. , also likes to take risks, which leads to the current situation. He does not have a fixed team.

There was no fixed team, so he formed temporary teams of passers-by. He had a lot of experienced teammates, but he had never seen such a tank before, and he had never been so tired.

You can say that guy is not good, but he can really carry it. Maybe he can carry it. This guy doesn't have any defensive chain skills at all. This is not just a need for treatment, but a exhaustion of treatment.

While panting heavily, he looked at Liu Chuhe and kindly reminded him: "Little brother, let me give you a suggestion. Go back and absorb a defensive chain skill quickly, otherwise there will be no treatment to survive."

"No. The first thing he has to absorb is the taunting chain skill." Shen Zhaodi came from the side with a look of disdain. When they just fought, because of the long fighting time, the blood on Liu Chuhe's body slowly dried up, and then she was unlucky again. .

"No, I am a man who wants to be a warrior. I don't want to learn." Liu Chuhe simply rejected the two people's proposals. I want to be a tank and get beaten all day long. I don't have any masochistic tendencies.

"Okay, then I wish you success." Lin Gaoyang smiled softly and said nothing more. Instead, he looked at Zhang Xiaohua who was walking slowly and said, "We will clean the battlefield and collect all the gene chains. According to what we said before , you are six and we are four.

In addition, there are those who died. We haven’t touched the things on them yet, now let’s look at them together? And then divide it? "

Directly divide the dead person's belongings.

Lin Gaoyang said this without feeling uneasy at all. He had experienced too many similar things.

What they can do is to take away the bodies of these people after distributing the things and bring them to the guarding military so that the bones of these people will not be left.

Although some people were directly attacked and killed here, especially when there was a three-star reinforcement master among the dead, people from the military and the reinforcement division guild would definitely come to investigate, but the investigation was still an investigation and they would not be cared about. What was taken.

If we investigate and find someone to retrieve the deceased's belongings, who will report it if others find out about it in the future?

"Okay." Zhang Xiaohua nodded slightly, and while walking towards the bodies of several people in Meng Ruicheng, he asked, "How did they die? What happened before?"

A battle has ended, but Liu Chuhe and the others don't even know what happened before.

Lin Gaoyang walked towards the bodies of several people in Meng Ruicheng and said: "The five of us entered here as a temporary team. A team like ours ventures into various dangerous places for a simple purpose, to make money.

We heard a lot of noise here before and knew that there was an accident here. An accident means danger, but it also means opportunity, so we rushed over immediately.

Then we saw two teams surrounded by strange beasts. One of the teams was attacked and killed by a team of five people.

All five people in this team are assassins. When we arrived, they happened to kill the last person on the other side, who was the enhancer you mentioned. "

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