Lin Gaoyang continued to tell everyone what he saw.

"This five-person assassin team is obviously a professional killer. After they killed the other party, they didn't even check the other party's belongings. After seeing us appearing, they immediately broke out of the encirclement of these strange beasts and escaped. .

In fact, with their strength, they are enough to kill us.

However, there is a group of strange beasts here. If they kill us, they will also be attacked by the strange beasts. Something unexpected may happen. After all, they cannot see the light, so they choose to leave.

The five assassins all sneaked away, and the remaining beasts naturally rushed towards us, and then this is what you saw when you came out. "

As he spoke, he lightly shrugged and said: "As for why they were surrounded and killed, maybe it was because of vendetta, or maybe because..."

"Maybe it's because he's too talented." Zhang Xiaohua took over, "What kind of hatred would make the other party find such a group of people to surround and kill? Five assassins, or kill one genius enhancer, the price is not small. .

What's more, if there is such a big hatred, it's impossible for him not to know about it, and I'm afraid he won't go out to take risks easily. Therefore, the greater possibility is that Meng Ruicheng is too genius!

The nineteen-year-old three-star enhancement master can achieve perfect two-star enhancement. Such a talented fortifier must have been the work of those crazy cult organizations. "

"Cult, this is really the biggest cancer in the world! I really don't know what they are planning!" A look of hatred appeared on Lin Gaoyang's resolute face.

When everyone heard the sound, they also became angry.

"Don't think about it, it must be someone from a cult."

"In addition to all kinds of destruction, what they do most is hunt down all kinds of geniuses."

"The situation in China is still good. In some countries, cults have become so rampant that they are lawless.

A few days ago in Xini Kingdom, they had a city. After their reinforcement division examination ended, a group of reinforcement divisions who had participated in the examination were immediately attacked and killed, and more than half of the new reinforcement divisions died. "

"Half a month ago, the third placer in the national high school martial arts test in the Kingdom of Flamenci was killed by a cult more than a month after the martial arts test ended.

He was the only civilian kid among the top five in their country's high school martial arts exam this year. Many people said that his talent was actually the best among this group of students.

Several other people are either from powerful families or from the royal family, and are well protected, but this commoner..."

"We in China have a strong crackdown on cults and strict supervision. The situation is much better. News of geniuses being attacked and killed will break out, not to mention those so-called free countries."

"Speaking of which, the people of these cults like to kill the genius enhancement masters the most. After all, the genius geneticists all have a certain level of strength, and many of them also have life-saving means. And they all come from a big family of geneticists, and they have family members. Expert protection.

Genius Enhancers are different. Many Enhancers have no fighting ability. It is impossible for them to stay in the Enhancer Guild and never go out, and it is impossible for them to have someone around them to protect them all the time. try to find

When they were alone, even a geneticist who had just entered Juyuan could assassinate them. "

"Don't talk about Juyuan Realm, I have seen news before that a very talented four-star enhancement master died in his own home, and the murderer was his woman.

This murderer was not even a geneticist, but because of her beauty, the cult sent her to the four-star enhancement master and directly poisoned the enhancement master.

Once those cult members decide to take action against a certain genius, their people will approach him in any capacity. "

Liu Chuhe listened to the conversation of several people. The more he listened, the more panicked he became. Are you sure you have solved the case? Was that arrogant guy killed by a cult?

That five assassins are all from a cult? Is the cult so rampant?

That guy was killed just because he was young and a three-star enhancement master.

Well, I am two years younger than him. When the time comes, I will also pass the three-star fortified master examination. Wouldn’t I be even more of a genius than him? Those cult people, aren’t they crazy enough to want to kill me?

How to take the exam for this three-star intensive master?

If after I pass the exam, my family can find me and I can just go home and live there.

But what if my family doesn’t come to me? Do you stay in the Strengthening Masters Guild every day?

Just go to school, who knows if someone will come to assassinate me on the way to school?

Let's go have a meal. Who knows if the meal has been poisoned?

Poison should be fine. With my blood volume, ordinary poison should not be able to kill me.

Besides, when I return home, who knows if the cult people will continue to target me, and I will not be able to live well in the future.

No, I can't take the exam for the time being. Even if I take the exam, I have to take it secretly, or wait until I become stronger, such as after reaching the Star Realm.

The world is too dangerous.

While Liu Chuhe was thinking, several people had already walked to the bodies of several people in Meng Ruicheng.

Zhang Xiaohua took the initiative and said: "In order to avoid making everyone unhappy if there are problems with the distribution later, why not talk about the distribution plan before we see anything?"

He pointed at Meng Ruicheng's body and said: "Six or four points, we need to take out all his things first, calculate the value and then divide them. That will take time. The smell of blood here is too strong. It will cause trouble after a long time." It would be troublesome if other strange beasts came.

How about this, you are six and we are four, then you choose first, and one side chooses the same. "

Lin Gaoyang has experienced so many similar things that there is almost no need to consider how to distribute them.

"Okay, then it's settled." Zhang Xiaohua nodded simply. If the price of the items is not much different, they may suffer some losses, but if the price of the items is very different and one item is particularly valuable, then they I made a huge profit.

As the distribution plan was settled, everyone's eyes fell on Meng Ruicheng. Among the dead people, only the space above Meng Ruicheng's body looked a bit illusory, even giving people a sense of overlap.

He has space chain skills!

After a person dies, the chain skill will also die with him and cannot be extracted from the dead person again.

The Space Chain Technique is quite special. If a person is alive, no one can forcibly find any items they have in the Space Chain Technique except he himself who can open the space and take them out.

But when the person dies, the chain skill also dies, but the space will not die, but will automatically appear and reveal itself where the person died.

Anyone can open this space and remove all items inside.

The dead space had no protective power. Du Haowei just lightly struck this space, and there was a sound like glass breaking.

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