Zhang Xiaohua was a few steps behind Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi. Looking behind him, the three teammates except Du Haowei who were out to explore the road said: "Did you see that the beauty has taken the initiative to talk to Liu... Liu? This is a master." , why are the three of you single?”

"That was obtained in exchange for more than 10 million yuan. Let me, I would rather choose to be single!"


"I still choose money!"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at his three teammates as if they were fools: "How could I team up with people like you? Only children make choices, and adults naturally want everything.

When the girl catches her, everyone is his, doesn't that mean the gene chain is back in his hands? "

"The analysis makes sense."

"But, you are also single!"

While Zhang Xiaohua and the others were joking, the conversation between Liu Chuhe and Liu Chuhe in front also came over.

Shen Zhaodi asked with a smile: "You and classmate Han Xinian took the intensifier examination together before, right?"

"There is such a thing, but it only passed the first round and was eliminated." Liu Chuhe suddenly became alert, why are you asking this? Don't ask, don't look for it, I just took an assessment, it's very ordinary.

From behind, Ran Wenping asked in a low voice that only a few of them could hear: "Master Liu is already a two-star enhancement master. After completing the enhancement for Lao Du, he can become a perfect two-star enhancement master.

Why didn't he admit it, but instead said that he didn't pass the exam to become an intensifier? "

"I guess Master Liu wants to pursue that beauty as an ordinary person. I think what he wants is true love."

Zhang Xiaohua also spoke in a low voice, and after a slight pause, his face became more solemn and he said: "One more thing, the genius Meng Ruicheng, a three-star enhancement master, may have been assassinated by a cult.

Master Liu is also young. He used to be a two-star fortified master. Although he is a genius, he may not be able to be assassinated. But if he is replaced by a perfect two-star fortified master and is so young, he is probably younger than Meng Ruicheng, then...

Therefore, the master may have taken it into consideration. In short, let’s not tell the news that the master is a perfect two-star enhanced master. "


Shen Zhaodi frowned when she heard Liu Chuhe's answer. After she learned that her sister had become an assistant to an intensifier, she immediately went to the intensifier's official website to check.

The Enhancer Guild has indeed added a two-star Enhancer, but the image released by the Enhancer does not look like the other person at all. It is just a blurry shadow, and nothing can be seen.

She then thought of her classmate Han Xinnian who had participated in the Intensifier Assessment, and immediately asked him if there were any new Intensifiers in the Intensifier Guild who were promoted to two stars or above, but the answer she received was that she didn't know.

She asked Song Xingyou again, and she knew that Song Xingyou's aunt was someone who strengthened the Master's Guild.

Song Xingyou agreed to help with the inquiry, but could not give an answer for a while.

Now, I met Liu Chuhe, who had also participated in the strengthening teacher assessment, so I naturally wanted to ask him.

"Classmate Liu, when you took the assessment, did you find that the Enhancer Guild has an additional two-star or above Enhancer?"

"I don't know. I'm taking the exam for the Intensifier. We all passed the one-star Intensifier exam, and none of us took the two-star Intensifier exam."

Liu Chuhe shook his head slightly, becoming more and more vigilant in his heart. If you ask me this kind of question, what exactly do you want to do?

Shen Zhaodi frowned slightly and continued to ask: "Then have you heard that there is a two-star or above enhanced master recently?"

"I haven't heard of it." Liu Chuhe denied it very firmly. I really haven't heard of it, because I am. The point is, I am the only new two-star strengthener added to the Strengthener Guild. The person you are asking about is me. What are you asking about me?

"You don't know?" Shen Zhaodi didn't believe it, "But I checked the official website of the Strengthening Masters Guild, and it turns out that the Strengthening Masters Guild has indeed added a two-star strengthening master. Don't you, the person taking the assessment, pay attention to this?"

"I'm going to take the assessment, why are you paying attention to this?" Liu Chuhe asked, "Besides, you are sure that there is an additional two-star reinforcement master, so why are you asking me?"

"Because that person has no face, I want to know what that person looks like and what his personality is."

"You still want to know what other people look like and what do you want to do? You can't be a member of a cult, right?" Liu Chuhe began to deeply doubt Shen Zhaodi. She was an assassin and asked about the enhancement master...

Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe's vigilant look and was speechless for a moment: "How could I be a member of a cult? If I were really a member of a cult, would I ask so obviously?"

Liu Chuhe nodded slightly, as if it made sense, but he still doubted: "Then why are you asking these questions?"

Shen Zhaodi hesitated for a moment, then explained: "Because my sister is an assistant to a newly promoted Enhancer in the Enhancer Guild, and the other person is at least a two-star Enhancer."

Wu Xiaoxiao?

Liu Chuhe asked with confusion: "Cousin?"

"No, dear sister."


Liu Chuhe suddenly sneered, one is named Wu and the other is Shen, who are you fooling? What's more... you are not considered Xiao, you can even be said to be quite good, but compared to Xiao Xiao, let's not compare. I don't believe you are her biological sister.

Liu Chuhe pretended not to know and asked: "Then what else are you asking about? Just ask your sister."

There are rewards for reporting cults. Ask yourself clearly so that you can report later.

If Shen Zhaodi is not a little sister, she is still pretending like this!

Shen Zhaodi said angrily: "If I could ask my sister, would I ask anyone else? I'm worried that my sister will be bullied."

"Being bullied?" Liu Chuhe was stunned.

Shen Zhaodi said proudly: "My sister is very beautiful."

"That's it, are you afraid that she will be bullied?" Liu Chuhe sneered in his heart, girl, these lies are too false.

"What you don't understand is that she is very beautiful, very beautiful, and...and my sister has a very good figure." Shen Zhaodi said, her eyes suddenly turned cold, "What are you looking at?"

"I didn't look around, I didn't look around. I just want to say that even so, you don't have to worry."

Liu Chuhe quickly raised his hand innocently. He just compared it a little, and found out that this girl's eyes were really poisonous. However, the way she described it, it seemed that she was really Wu Xiaoxiao. what's the situation?

Shen Zhaodi sneered: "My sister just joined the Strengthening Master Guild not long ago, and then that person chose my sister. What was he planning for? Isn't it obvious?

What's more, my sister called me yesterday evening and said that she would not go home to live anymore, but would live in the Strengthening Masters Guild, because the Strengthening Masters also had to live in the Strengthening Masters Guild!

A dignified two-star enhanced master would have no place to live? Do you need to live in the Strengthening Master Guild? What is he thinking! "

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