Liu Chuhe was stunned. How could Shen Zhaodi know everything?

Apart from Wu Xiaoxiao and Song Manxin, no one else knows that I live in the Fortified Masters Guild. Shen Zhaodi could know, obviously only through the mouths of these two people.

So, are you really Wu Xiaoxiao’s sister?

But sister, you may not believe it, but I really have no other place to live.

Now that I am both a geneticist and a fortifier, I have a lot of things to do. I can't continue to live in the dormitory. If you doubt me like this, you really doubt my character!

I just liked your sister, so I chose her as my assistant. Also, what do you want to do after asking so much? You are the one with bad intentions.

Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi, who was still playing with the dagger in her palm while walking, and suddenly felt a little cold in her legs.

He quickly changed the subject and said loudly: "So that's it, but I really don't know such a strengthener. By the way, why do they all call you Xiaoye."

"Because we don't know her name, she always goes hunting with the team at night. She is young, so we call her Xiaoye." After hearing the words of the two people, Lin Gaoyang explained with a smile.

Shen Zhaodi saw that Liu Chuhe didn't know anything, so she simply stopped asking. She decided to go back and wait for news about Song Xingyou. Although she didn't speak anymore, she still walked with Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe entered Helian Lake last night, and when he left, it was early morning again.

This was straight away for a day and a night.

However, his entry into Lotus Lake this time was definitely a fruitful one. First, he broke through to the second level of Juyuan, and also obtained a second chain skill, a very, very special and magical hidden chain skill.

He also understood the application of Origin Qi.

The last time I made about 18 million!

Different from when they entered, this time they first handed over the bodies of several people in Mengruicheng to the guarding soldiers. After telling them everything they saw, they delayed for a while before leaving.

The two teams separated, and Liu Chuhe and Zhang Xiaohua and others returned directly to the Strengthening Division Guild.

The Enhancer goes out to strengthen the chain skills. After the enhancement is completed, he must return to the Enhancer Guild to report again.

Moreover, Liu Chuhe is a two-star enhancement master, but this time he has completed the perfect enhancement. His title will naturally change accordingly, becoming a perfect two-star enhancement master.

As soon as Shen Zhaodi walked out of the area of ​​Helian Lake, her cell phone vibrated crazily. She opened it and the first thing she saw was her sister's missed calls and messages. The earliest one was around early yesterday morning.

"My sister came home, but she didn't see me. She asked me where I was? Didn't she want to live in the Strengthening Master's Guild? Why did she come home so suddenly? Did that guy bully my sister? Or something?"

Shen Zhaodi was anxious and immediately dialed her sister's phone number.

Not long after, her sister's stern voice came to her ears: "Shen Zhaodi, tell me, why did you promise me? Did you go hunting again?"

"Yes..." Even across the phone, Shen Zhaodi still lowered her head like a child who made a mistake, but soon, she raised her head again and asked with concern, "Sister, didn't you say you want to live in the Strengthened Masters Guild? ?Why did you come home suddenly again?"

"Because the master accepted an intensive mission, I went home. Don't interrupt and tell me when to go home." On the other side of the phone, my sister's voice was still stern.

"Go home as soon as possible. I just walked out of Helian Lake. It will take an hour to go back." At this time, Shen Zhaodi was extremely well-behaved.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." After the words fell, the phone was hung up.

After saying these four simple words, Shen Zhaodi suddenly raised her head, looked at her teammate who was driving in front of her and said, "Send me to Dongcheng District first. I'll be at Honggou Road in an hour."

The teammate who was driving said helplessly: "Sister, do you know how far it is from here? Even if there is no traffic at night, it will take an hour and a half."

"One hour!" Shen Zhaodi emphasized again. Every time she went back, no matter what time it was, it would be three or four o'clock in the night. No matter how tired she was, her sister would always be at home, waiting for her return.

But she knew that her sister needed rest more.

Lin Gaoyang reached out and patted the driver in the front seat and said, "Okay, Xiao Zhan, if you open it, all the points will be deducted from me."

"It's mine." Shen Zhaodi added.

"You're a minor and don't have a driver's license."

There was silence in the car for a while.

Shen Zhaodi didn't speak anymore, but glanced at Lin Gaoyang gratefully. She picked up her phone and continued to browse. In addition to her sister's phone calls and messages, the most popular ones were those of her classmate Song Xingyou.

She was looking at her phone when Song Xingyou called again, and she answered the call naturally.

"Classmate Shen, you finally answered the phone. You must have gone out for training again. Classmate Shen, you are really hardworking."

Song Xingyou was lying on the bed. Hearing the call, he sat up excitedly. The goddess finally answered his call.

Shen Zhaodi often goes out for training. He and some classmates knew it. Shen Zhaodi did not say it himself, but someone had met Shen Zhaodi when he went out for training. The difference was that they were taken out by others for training, while Shen Zhaodi directly formed a team with others. Experience.

However, in his excitement, he accidentally knocked his body against the wall on the side. He couldn't help it, this bedroom was much smaller than the one he lived in before, and for a while, he was a little uncomfortable with it.

As for why I changed rooms?

On the night of the coffee cup incident, he was kicked to the first floor and was not allowed to go to the balcony.

He was going to college in one year, but he was treated like this, and he didn't dare to say anything.

After Song Xingyou finished his compliments, without waiting for Shen Zhaodi's reply, he immediately took credit and said, "Classmate Shen, after you asked me, I immediately called my aunt to ask, but I didn't get anything out of her.

But you also know that there are many strengthening masters in our family and we know many strengthening masters. It took me a lot of effort to get a piece of news from other strengthening masters.

This time during the Intensification Master assessment, a super genius appeared. It is said that the genius seemed to be just a high school student, but he took the one-star and two-star enhancement exams one after another, and passed both of them, directly becoming a two-star enhancement expert. "

"High school student?" Shen Zhaodi asked in disbelief. Her sister had been working hard to become an intensifier. She also knew how difficult it was to become an intensifier. So a high school student became a two-star intensifier? Is there such a genius in Huangsang City?

"We can't really be in high school anymore." Song Xingyou stood up from the bed and walked to the window and said, "I didn't believe it at first, but I asked several strengthening teachers and they all said so, and this matter has already been reported It spread in a small area.

They suspected that he was not from our Huangsang City. After all, fortifiers pay attention to inheritance. Such a young genius fortifier must have a well-educated family. There is no one like that in Huangsang City. Everyone suspected that he was from the provincial capital. Enhancer.

Of course, there are also genius enhancers. Meng Ruicheng from Feizheng City next door became a two-star enhancer after graduating from high school. He is also a perfect enhancer who can complete the perfect enhancement of a chain skill!

Therefore, there are still genius enhancement teachers for high school students. "

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