When Shen Zhaodi heard Song Xingyou's words, she thought of Meng Ruicheng.

She also saw Meng Ruicheng's body, but she didn't say much, but asked in a cold tone: "So, this matter is true, who is that person?"

"I don't know. I asked around and it is said that the guy himself specifically told the Enhancer Guild that he wanted to keep a low profile so that everyone would not leak his information, so the Enhancer Guild would not leak it and others would not know about him. name.

Everyone just knows that he is a fat man.

By the way, it is said that he went out last night and seemed to have accepted a mission to strengthen his body. However, he did not know what mission it was or where he went to strengthen it. "

Song Xingyou didn't say a word. In fact, there was someone who knew the name of this reinforcement master, and that was his aunt who was in charge of the assessment.

But when he asked his aunt, her aunt said nothing and scolded him.

"Okay, I understand. I'll give you a chance to help for free."

"We are all classmates, no need, I..." Before Song Xingyou could finish speaking, he found that the other party had hung up the phone.

It's past midnight, and the lights in the central city are still bright, but in Dongcheng District, the lights are much dimmer, a residential area only 300 meters away from Jingtai Garden.

Jia Taiping sat cross-legged in a not-too-large room. There were only four weapons hanging on the four walls in the entire room.

A huge black shield that was broken in the middle, a spear without a tip, a strangely shaped blackened staff, and a slender broken sword.

All four weapons were severely damaged.

The teachers at No. 2 Middle School are all very well paid, especially the martial arts instructors.

But Jia Taiping lives in Dongcheng District. He is also the only one among all the teachers in No. 2 Middle School who lives in Dongcheng District.

He just closed his eyes and sat on the ground, motionless, as if he was asleep.

Suddenly, there was a rapid ringtone in the room, and his cell phone rang.

Jia Taiping looked down and saw five words appearing on his phone - student Shen Zhaodi.

This time, call!

Jia Taiping's expression suddenly changed, and the space in front of him suddenly fluctuated, as if a door to time and space had opened out of thin air, and a long black stick appeared in his hand.

Space chain technique!

The call was connected almost at the same time. Before the other party could speak, he asked eagerly: "Student Shen, what happened?"

He knew that his student liked to go out hunting, and he knew even more that this classmate was not the kind of student with a strong background and no strong support.

"Teacher Jia, I'm sorry to bother you at this time. I'm calling you mainly to ask you for the phone number of classmate Liu Chuhe." Shen Zhaodi was rarely polite to her teacher.

After answering Song Xingyou's call, she already had a judgment in her mind.

That guy Liu Chuhe has been fooling him, that two-star enhancement master is Liu Chuhe!

But she discovered that she did not have Liu Chuhe's contact information. Not only her, but the entire class did not have Liu Chuhe's contact information. Although Liu Chuhe was in the group, he never spoke in the class group, and he also Cannot be added via group chat.

So she could only call her former class teacher, who is also her current class teacher, Jia Taiping to ask for Liu Chuhe's contact information.

Listening to the voice coming from the phone, Jia Taiping loosened the long stick in his hand and placed it on the ground. His tense body also relaxed, and the solemn look on his face disappeared, and there was even a trace of Confused, but soon, this confusion turned into anger.

"Shen Zhaodi, you still knew how to call me. You ran away without saying a word on the second day of school. Do you still know that you are a student? Now, when you call me, you still ask me for Liu Chuhe's Telephone!"

On the other side of the phone, Shen Zhaodi explained gently: "Teacher, I have asked you for leave."

"Do you think you're asking for leave? You guys ran away, and then you told me. That's not asking for leave, it's a notice. Why are you looking for Liu Chuhe? That guy, like you, only told me after he moved out of the dormitory, People will be informed after they run away.

That kid also skipped class without saying a word. Or is it worse than you that he skipped all the classes in the first two days of school? I was confused, Liu Chuhe was such an honest student before, why did he become so promiscuous as soon as he entered the senior year of high school? "

Jia Taiping seemed to be asking Shen Zhaodi or himself. As he spoke, he seemed to have figured it out, and his voice suddenly became louder: "Shen Zhaodi, you are the most promiscuous in the whole class, no, in the whole school. It can't be you." Are you bringing Liu Chu with you?"

"Teacher, I'm just asking you for Liu Chuhe's contact information." Shen Zhaodi was speechless. What does Liu Chuhe Talang have to do with me?

"What are you doing with him at this time? You are a little girl..." Jia Taiping seemed to have noticed something keenly and educated him, "Shen Zhaodi, are you in love with Liu Chuhe? You are still a student now!"

Shen Zhaodi almost went crazy: "Teacher, me and him? If it is what you think, will I not have his phone number?"

"Then why are you in such a hurry to find him? If you have any questions, we can discuss them at school tomorrow," Jia Taiping said with a sigh and advised, "Shen Zhaodi, I know you are a genius, so you always go out hunting.

But teacher, I have lived for so many years and have seen too many geniuses. Those geniuses are protected by experts when they go hunting. None of them go out alone like you.

Hunting is too dangerous. If you want to experience it, you can wait until the school organizes the experience, or wait until after college..."

Shen Zhaodi listened helplessly to Jia Taiping's long speech. After waiting for five minutes, Jia Taiping said a little too much. When he paused for a while, he found the right opportunity and made up an excuse and said: "Teacher, I picked up Liu Chuhe The things must be returned to him quickly."

"What can't be returned tomorrow?" Jia Taiping looked out the dark window and asked, "How dangerous is it for you to wander outside so late?"

Shen Zhaodi felt tired. I am an assassin, but I am still in the city. How can I be in danger? If there is danger, others are also in danger, okay? As a teacher...

He couldn't call me without finding a reason.

She had an idea and suddenly said: "Teacher, I found his house key. He can't go home without the key. He will definitely be more dangerous. I want to find him and give him the key quickly."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that Liu Chuhe's phone number is 1556..." Jia Taiping did not check at all and directly reported Liu Chuhe's phone number. After that, he reacted.

"How did you find his key? And you said you're not together? What's going on with you two? I told you that during the critical period of your senior year in high school, you shouldn't fall in love early... Hey, hey, where are you?"

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