Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 61 A Phone Call In The Middle Of The Night

Shen Zhaodi quickly wrote down Liu Chuhe's phone number and looked out the window.

After some time, she suddenly said: "Okay, I'll go back first."

"Here? This isn't even close to Honggou Road, it's still ten minutes away. Aren't you in a hurry to go back?"

"I can take a shortcut myself, the time is about the same." Shen Zhaodi left a message, opened the car window, and jumped out and disappeared into the night.

Xiao Zhan, who was in charge of driving, said a little unhappily: "This little girl, she just leaves when she says..."

"Okay, please stop saying a few words." Lin Gaoyang said solemnly, "She... is not easy.

She is different from us. We do not enter the overlapping space, and there is no other place to go or anything else to do.

But she is a genius, but she enters the overlapping space to fight again and again, and still lives in Dongcheng District. Which of us will live in Dongcheng District?

None of this is what she should bear or do at her age. "

Among the group of people, the oldest and most silent man suddenly sighed and said: "I have teamed up with her more times than you, and I know her better than you do. She is more dedicated than you have ever seen." .

This is the fourth time I have teamed up with her. In the previous three times we teamed up, she was severely injured and almost died twice!

A genius like her should be in the limelight and enjoy the admiration of her classmates, but she fought for her life again and again...

As Captain Lin said, it's not easy for her. If you can help, please help her. "

For a moment, several people in the car fell silent.

After Shen Zhaodi jumped out of the car, she quickly shuttled back and forth.

Naturally, she would not be as fast as a car when running at full speed, but after all, there were many roads that could not be covered by car, but she could travel directly to her home in a straight line. Counting from the point where she jumped from the car, the time was actually about the same.

She had long been accustomed to the dark night, and her whole body was almost completely integrated into the dark night. While moving quickly, she even dialed Liu Chuhe's phone number.

After Liu Chuhe returned to the rest room of the laboratory, after absorbing the Selaginella gene chain and obtaining the affinity mark, he began to check the news about the cult.

A cult is not a sect, but a collective name for many evil organizations. It is called a cult because what they do is really not human affairs.

They are obviously human beings, but they always do things that harm others and do not benefit themselves, assassinating geniuses, sabotaging research, and causing trouble with various countries.

These cults look like traitors from other dimensions who have infiltrated humans, so some people call cults traitors. They are the enemies of all humans.

As for their purpose, some cults claim to establish a new order, while others promote some kind of human elite plan. In short, they are all crazy. As for the real purpose, who knows.

For those who join a cult, whether they are assassinating geniuses or sabotaging any human plan, the cult they belong to will be rewarded.

"Who would do something that is not beneficial? The top leaders of these cults must also be beneficial."

Liu Chuhe muttered, but his cell phone suddenly rang, and it was an unknown caller.

He never refuses to answer calls from strangers. What if his family or his fiancée calls back and asks him to go back and have a soft meal?

The phone was connected and a female voice came.

"Master Liu, do you still need an assistant? How about my little girl becoming your assistant?"

The words were nice, but no matter how I listened, I felt that the voice was full of murderous intent?

Liu Chuhe couldn't help but shuddered. Isn't this Shen Zhaodi's voice? Does she know that I am a two-star enhancement master? How did he know, what Zhang Xiaohua and the others said?

But she doesn't have the contact information of Zhang Xiaohua and others.

This girl is cheating on me.

"Sorry, you dialed the wrong number. I don't know what you are talking about." Liu Chuhe pretended not to hear Shen Zhaodi's voice.

Shen Zhaodi laughed angrily: "Now, you are still pretending to me? Liu Chuhe, do you think my knife is not sharp enough?"

"You know me, oh, it's Classmate Shen. Classmate Shen, is there any misunderstanding? I'm confused if you have no beginning or end." Liu Chuhe changed his lying posture. Anyway, anyway, I just don't admit it.

"Misunderstanding? You are clearly the two-star enhanced master. My sister worked as your assistant, but you kept pretending to be stupid with me when I asked you!"

"Me? A two-star fortified master? Classmate Shen, you think too highly of me. I am really a two-star fortified master. Am I still here? I'm so damned.

I wish I was that kind of genius, but the problem is that I'm not. Where did you hear that I am a two-star enhanced master? "

Liu Chuhe deliberately pretended to be calm, but he jumped up from the bed. It had only been a day, how could my identity as a two-star enhancement master be exposed?

Which shameless guy exposed it to me?

Shen Zhaodi said while running quickly: "Where else do I need to hear about it? It has already spread throughout the circle of Huangsang City's intensifiers, and the two-star intensifiers from the genius high school have been discovered in the examination of intensifiers."

"It's a rumor. Why don't I know? You believe this kind of rumor. You should check the official website of the Strengthening Masters Guild. It has to be officially announced to be credible! Besides, even if it is true, what does it have to do with me?"

Liu Chuhe cursed secretly in his heart, "Those unreliable reinforcement masters, I knew they wouldn't keep secrets, but the problem is, you spread the word too fast. It spread in just one day, and it spread so well." Circle it and let Shen Zhaodi know about it.

It’s better to have Miss Song Manxin, who is gentle and reliable, and always keeps secrets, otherwise my identity will be exposed directly.

"You still want to lie to me? You told the Strengthening Masters Guild not to let them talk, and the Strengthening Masters Guild will naturally keep its secrets. As for you...

There is news that he is a fat man. You and Han Xinnian were the only high school students who took the intensive teacher examination that day. The fat man naturally refers to you. "

"Fat person? Let me tell you, you are discriminating against fat people. There are too many fat people, so I can't be the fat one. Besides, our school is not the only one in the city, maybe it's someone from another school."

Shen Zhaodi jumped over the two-meter-high wall in front of her with a slight leap. While continuing to run at high speed, she said: "Really? Then tell me, at that time in Holy Lotus Lake, why did your five teammates all call you master?" ?”

"Joking, joking, do you understand? Because I have participated in the enhancement teacher assessment, that's why they call me that." Liu Chuhe said while cursing secretly, pig teammates, really a bunch of pig teammates.

Shen Zhaodi continued to ask: "Then, why do they still call you?"

"What? You? Did you hear it wrong? They kept calling you, not you. You are thinking too much." Liu Chuhe would not admit it, but just after he finished speaking, Shen Zhaodi's increasingly cold voice came over .

"Oh, is that so? Then why did I meet you at Lake Holyland?"

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