Duan Yanchao's fists were clenched tightly, as if they were about to explode at any time.

It's just that he really doesn't dare to take action. There is no team yet. If he does it at this time, he will definitely be dealt with seriously. If he doesn't do it well, he will be demoted to another class. It will be more than worth the gain.

Sun Shengnan was sitting in the back row of the classroom, listening to the verbal exchange between Liu Chuhe and Duan Yanchao, and could hardly help laughing. She really learned a lot today.

No matter what Duan Yanchao said, Liu Chuhe's answer was always two words. Even later, before Duan Yanchao finished speaking, he was blocked by Liu Chuhe's two words.

In the end, Liu Chuhe, who was provoked, didn't look angry at all and even looked cheerful, but Duan Yanchao, who was provoked, was very angry.

It turns out that this can still be done, and I learned it.

Suddenly, a bell rang, and it was time for class.

It is said that in the last ancient civilization, the school bells were like this. After so many years, technology has advanced so much, but the bells have not changed at all.

With the bell ringing for class, Jia Taiping stepped into the classroom. In addition to Jia Peacock, his nickname is - Master of Time Management. He always comes to class on time, and his time is accurate to the second.

Duan Yanchao glanced at Liu Chuhe with a ferocious expression, turned around and returned to his seat, and let you be rampant for a while. When the time comes to separate into teams, no one is in the same team as you. Let me see if you can still laugh out loud.

Liu Chuhe also returned to his seat, stretched out his hand and gently touched Han Xinnian in front of him, and said without shame: "Classmate Xiao Han, how many people are there in our team now?"

He thought he was going home soon, and he didn't care whether he formed a team or not.

The problem is, now he doesn't dare to take the exam to strengthen the teacher. Who knows when he will be able to return home.

In today's situation, we must form a good team. He now hopes to form a strong team and make some news during various competitions.

Sun Shengnan felt that his outlook on life had been refreshed again. What does your team mean?

Han Xinian invited you before, didn't you refuse? Now that we are here, we will directly join your team? How can people be so shameless?

Han Xinian turned around happily, with an apologetic look on her cute little face, and said sheepishly: "There are only two of us in our team at the moment."

Sun Shengnan was speechless for a moment. Did you just acquiesce that you are a team? He has rejected you before, so you're not curious why he suddenly asked you to form a team again without even asking?

That's it, you two are a team?

This is a high school team, a team that lasts a lifetime!

Han Xinnian looked at Sun Shengnan on the side, took the initiative to lean in Liu Chuhe's direction, and whispered in Liu Chuhe's ear: "Classmate Shen Zhaodi asked about you, but I didn't tell her.

But I don’t know your contact information, and I can’t tell you the news. "

She did not see Liu Chuhe become a two-star fortified master with her own eyes, but she participated in the fortified master's assessment and had some contact with the fortified master circle, so naturally she knew the rumors about the genius two-star fortified master.

She even saw with her own eyes how Liu Chu went to take the exam for a two-star reinforcement master. So she was sure that the two-star enhancement master was Liu Chuhe.

Everyone is also seventeen years old. She only passed the first round of the competition, but Liu Chuhe is already a two-star enhancement master.

I really don't know how he did it.

Is this the legendary genius? Born to know it?

"I understand." Liu Chuhe nodded lightly. None of this mattered because I had been exposed.

Sun Shengnan found that she seemed to suddenly not recognize the world. What about Liu Chuhe and Han Xinnian?

Are these two so close?

Their faces are almost touching each other, but they still have a leg?

Never heard of it?

Besides, Liu Chuhe used to look pretty good, but now Liu Chuhe is so fat.

Han Xinnian, do you, a cute little girl, have such a strong taste?

Just as she was wondering, Liu Chuhe turned around, looked at Sun Shengnan with a smile and asked, "Are you sure about the team now?"

"No." Sun Shengnan suddenly became depressed. Shen Zhaodi's team was about to be disbanded, and two powerful mages suddenly appeared, Song Xingyou and Ding Zizi.

Although she is also a very powerful mage, the problem is that although she has an output heart, her chain skills are all control-type, and her output ability is not as good as that of Song Xingyou and Ding Zizi.

And among the three teams that invited her, they all had controls. The more controls, the better, but they lacked the output of violence.

So for those three teams, the first goal now is to recruit Song Xingyou or Ding Zizi into the team, and the remaining team will find her.

Liu Chuhe heard the news and said decisively: "You don't have a team, how about joining my team?"

Sun Shengnan never thought that the joke of that day would one day come true.

Are you on the same team as Liu Chu?

She knew that Liu Chuhe could carry it very well.

Moreover, it is rumored that Liu Chuhe has little control ability. And she happens to be a mage who controls the flow. It seems that they really match each other.

Although Qi Zhisi and Duan Yanchao threatened anyone who teamed up with Liu Chuhe, they would target them.

But they have Han Xinnian in their team. No matter how threatening they are, just because of Han Xinnian, are they afraid that they won't be able to recruit two strong teammates?

Han Xinian is a super healer!

If Shen Zhaodi is recognized as the thigh, then Han Xinian can also be regarded as the calf.

If you can’t hug your thighs, why don’t you hug your calves?

Sun Shengnan weighed it in his mind, nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will join your team."

"Well, our team is still short of two people. Do you have any recommendations?" Liu Chuhe really didn't know much about the classmates in the class, so he could only rely on his two teammates for recommendations.

"I think..." Sun Shengnan thought for a while, and just as he was about to name a person, Jia Taiping's roar came from the podium: "Liu Chuhe, please be honest!"

Sun Shengnan burst into tears. Finally, it was not me who took the blame.

After Jia Taiping walked into the classroom, he immediately glanced around the classroom, and then said: "Today is the last day. The teams of other classes have also been fixed. Our class's team should also be fixed."

"No!" came a very neat answer from below.

"None of you who are talking have formed a team?" Jia Taiping was confused. It's the last day, and the whole class just formed two teams?

"None of them." The answer below was unusually neat.

Jia Taiping looked at the students below and felt a headache. I am good at teaching the last class. If you don’t have anything to do, let me teach you a class. It’s really tiring. The other classes were all divided into teams yesterday. You guys are one Not even the team?

"You..." Jia Taiping glanced around and finally landed on Song Xingyou.

Although Song Xingyou is not the strongest in this class, he is the most worry-free classmate. From the first year of high school to the second year of high school, Song Xingyou has always served as the monitor of his class.

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