Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 65 The Whole Class Of Matryoshka Dolls

Jia Taiping looked at Song Xingyou with a kind face and asked, "Classmate Song, haven't your team been decided yet?"

Song Xingyou nodded and replied honestly: "Teacher, not yet."

Jia Taiping looked normal and continued to ask: "Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Teacher, I'm waiting for classmate Shen Zhaodi." Song Xingyou looked resentful. Why didn't a good team form?

Jia Taiping couldn't ask any more questions for a moment. Shen Zhaodi was the one who was least worried.

As for what he was waiting for Shen Zhaodi, he didn't even want to ask, and it would be in vain to ask.

He turned to look at the classmates and asked: "What about you? Why didn't you form a team?

You can't be waiting for her too, right? "

He didn't believe it. Everyone couldn't just wait for Shen Zhaodi to form a team.

"No teacher, our team is waiting for Song Xingyou."

"We are waiting for Ding Zizi."

"We are waiting for Ge Yongning."

"We are waiting for Zhu Lubin."

"We are waiting..."

Jia Taiping felt dizzy when he heard what was said below.

You, the sub-top spec, want to team up with the top spec, the high spec wants to team up with the next top spec, the mid spec wants to team up with the high spec, and the low spec wants to team up with the mid spec.

Are you playing matryoshka dolls with me here?

The problem returned to Shen Zhaodi, who was not easy to worry about.

Jia Taiping looked helplessly at Shen Zhaodi and asked, "Classmate Shen, tell me, what's your situation?

Don’t you have any classmates you want to form a team with? "

"Yes, I want to team up with Liu Chuhe." Shen Zhaodi turned around and stared at Liu Chuhe.

She thought about it all night last night. Liu Chuhe was too cunning. In order to prevent her sister from being deceived by him, the best way was to team up with him and then stare at him.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless exclamations sounded from all around.


"Liu Chuhe?"

"Why is it him?"

"No? Liu Chuhe doesn't seem to have much money, right? He directly gave Shen Zhaodi his wallet?"

"Shut up, do you think your life is too dull?"

Everyone's eyes instantly fell on Liu Chuhe, and their eyes were full of doubts, confusion, and envy!

That's Shen Zhaodi. If she's on the team, doesn't that mean she's destined to be number one in the school?

Duan Yanchao stared at Liu Chuhe with his eyes wide open, feeling a sharp pain on his face.

He had already spoken out, leaving Liu Chuhe without a team to form, and forcing Liu Chuhe to get out of the first team.

Now Shen Zhaodi said in front of the whole class and the teacher that she wanted to team up with Liu Chuhe! This is a slap in the face!

Duan Yanchao couldn't figure out why Shen Zhaodi was on the same team as Liu Chuhe?

Qi Zhisi did not speak, but looked at Shen Zhaodi with a gloomy face.

If others don’t understand, how can he not understand?

Shen Zhaodi, this is against him, because he is the only person who can threaten Shen Zhaodi's status.

The first assassin? The strongest student?

The number one throne will only be mine!

Sun Shengnan was so excited after listening to Shen Zhaodi's words that he almost jumped on the table in front of him. Life was really full of ups and downs.

Before class, she had a headache because of the problem of team formation, and finally had to make a temporary decision to hug Han Xinian's calf, but...

What I hugged was not the calf, but the thickest thigh!

My life is bright!

Under the gaze of the whole class, Liu Chuhe shouted loudly: "I don't want it, I won't team up with her."

No matter who you team up with, you can't team up with this girl. Look at her eyes, that murderous look...

I teamed up with her, but one day I wasn't killed by the enemy, and she stabbed me to death. I refused to team up with her.

The whole class was completely stunned. What did they hear?

That's Shen Zhaodi!

No one in the whole school would refuse to form a team with her, but now someone refuses!

Is this Liu Chu crazy?

Sun Shengnan even grabbed Liu Chuhe anxiously and shouted anxiously: "Are you stupid?

That's Shen Zhaodi. To team up with her, all you have to do is stand on the sidelines and shout 666.

That is equivalent to buying a high-level VIP audience ticket.

When the time comes, you don't have to worry about anything. You just have to stand aside and be responsible for the situation with us. Then it's enough to watch Shen Zhaodi kill people randomly. You actually rejected her! "

Jia Taiping looked at the class that had fallen into chaos and had to raise his hand and pat the table and shouted: "That's enough, that's enough, everyone be quiet.

Student Shen, both parties must be willing to form a team. Liu Chuhe doesn’t want to be on the team with you. Why don’t you try someone else? "

Let the most troublesome front wave and the back wave Liu Chuhe team up, will I, the teacher, be able to sleep peacefully in the future?

The students around him heard this and reacted. It would be better if Liu Chuhe refused. Only by refusing would they have a chance. They all shouted, "Yes, Student Shen, let's find another teammate."

"Classmate Shen, our team is missing an assassin."

"Classmate Shen, our team also lacks assassins?"

"Aren't you an assassin? What assassin do you lack?"

"Do you understand the double thorn?"

Shen Zhaodi said firmly: "No, I will team up with him." The fat man refused. He must have a guilty conscience and he must be watched closely.

"No, I don't want her."

Jia Taiping was very annoyed, this is class, what are you two doing here?

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the young couple are having a quarrel and are showing off their affection.

"Shut up, both of you. I see you raised your hands, Sun Shengnan. What do you want to say? You tell me."

"Teacher, doesn't it depend on the opinions of all teammates when forming a team?

Han Xinian and I were also in Liu Chuhe's team, and we agreed that Shen Zhaodi would join our team. "Sun Shengnan said and looked at Han Xinnian.

Han Xinnian tilted his head. After thinking for two seconds, he nodded and said, "I agree too."

She admired Liu Chuhe because he was an enhancement master, so she wanted to form a team with Liu Chuhe, but she would not refuse if there was another powerful fighter in the team.

Although I don’t know why Liu Chuhe rejected Shen Zhaodi, we are all classmates, and Shen Zhaodi is not a bad person. Can conflicts be resolved?

"Okay, then you guys will form a team and just settle down." Jia Taiping waved his hand impatiently. He didn't want Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi to team up.

But the problem is, if Shen Zhaodi doesn't find a team, and no one else forms a team, then what will happen if the whole class doesn't form a team?

When Liu Chuhe heard that Jia Taiping asked him to team up with Shen Zhaodi, he still wanted to make a final struggle: "Teacher, I don't agree with this... this team.

Don’t you read my opinion as the client? Teacher, teacher..."

But helplessly, no one paid attention to him at this time.

His whole body was not well.

Form a team, right? Form a team.

I am a human shield, why am I afraid of you being an assassin?

Wait, I'll find another hidden chain skill that increases defense when I get back. I'll stand still and let you chop. If you're not tired and you gasp, I'll lose.


Liu Chuhe remembered something and said, "Teacher, I..."

"Shut up, you already have a team, now it's time for others to form a team.

Today is the last day for all of you to complete your team formation. "Jia Taiping no longer wants to hear Liu Chuhe's voice. Why is this student so troubled?

"Teacher, there is one less person in our team." Liu Chuhe was also convinced, couldn't you wait for me to finish my sentence?

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