As soon as Liu Chuhe finished speaking, the whole classroom exploded. Almost all the students raised their hands and shouted loudly: "Choose me, choose me!"

At this time, who cares about being reserved!

Look at this team.

Leading the charge are Shen Zhaodi, super nanny Han Xinian, and long-legged Sun Shengnan, who is also a very powerful control mage.

Now it seems that Sun Shengnan is the most suitable mage for Shen Zhaodi.

With Shen Zhaodi here, is there still a lack of output? Control people well and wait until they call 666.

Song Xingyou had an idea and shouted loudly: "Zhao Di, let me join the team, and our deal can continue."

"We can do that too."

"That's right, we won't refund the money either, no, we never said refund the money, choose us."

"I'll increase the price."

The four classmates who had given money to Shen Zhaodi before began to fight for the last spot.

Jia Taiping opened the thermos cup and took a sip of wolfberry tea to calm down his shock. He really wanted to talk to the principal about whether it would be okay for someone else to take charge of this class.

Even Song Xingyou, who is the most worry-free, doesn't worry anymore. What kind of transactions, refunds, and price increases are there? Has this team become a market?

Is this something students should have?

Liu Chuhe stretched out an index finger and gently rubbed the side of his nose: "You seem to have made a mistake.

This team is my team, and I have the final say who will be chosen by the rest. "

Sun Shengnan quickly expressed his position: "Yes, Captain Liu Chuhe, he has the final say."

As long as Shen Zhaodi is on the team, everything you say is right.

Although Han Xinnian did not speak, she nodded vigorously to show her attitude.

Song Xingyou quickly turned around, looked at Liu Chuhe and said with an apologetic smile: "Classmate Liu, it was all a misunderstanding before.

I think I'm a good fit for your team.

By the way, many people in my family belong to the Enhancer Guild. In the future, you can come to me to strengthen our team, and I can introduce the most suitable Enhancer. "

Liu Chuhe was a little confused: "Misunderstanding? We are not next to each other, what's the misunderstanding?

No, you look familiar. It seems that I asked you to record the video, but you didn’t even record it!

That's it, you still want me to be on your team? "

Bribe me with a strong master?

Call over all the strengthening masters you know. If they can be compared to me together, I will take your last name.

No, I think I solved the case!

Do you know many strengthening teachers? The person who betrayed me couldn't be your relative!

I was almost tricked to death by you, and you still want to join my team? Dream on you.

Song Xingyou became angry when he heard what Liu Chuhe said about the trial. His perfect plan was ruined by this fat man!

Ke Ren had to lower his head under the eaves, and he had to smile with a smiling face: "It was recorded, it was recorded, and it was recorded very clearly, on Blu-ray."

Liu Chuhe looked at Song Xingyou with disgust and said, "It's not even possible to record him. Our team doesn't want men now."

The other two female classmates who had already paid Shen Zhaodi immediately became excited when they heard the sound, but before they could speak, Liu Chuhe pointed at Ding Zizi and said, "Then you."

It doesn't matter whether he pays or not, the money is not given to him, the key is to look good.

I can't take the exam as a reinforcement teacher. I want to go home and make some big news?

I am a man, and I form a team with four beauties. Is this team cool enough?

I don’t know if our team is the best at playing, but it must be the most beautiful. I've already thought of a name for the team, it's called the Justice Division.

My team, when it comes to the competition, becomes popular without even having to appear on the stage. When the time comes and it becomes a hot headline, when the parents see that this child has a lot of potential, why don’t they take him back quickly?

As soon as the selected team members appeared, all the students saw Liu Chuhe's selection criteria. You are not selecting team members, you are doing a beauty contest. You have selected the four most beautiful female students in the class.

This team looks like a joke, but it turns out that this team is really strong.

Ding Zizi's strength is also extremely strong. The only problem is that there are a few more mages in this team, but it is not a big problem.

With Shen Zhaodi here, what problems could there be?

Shen Zhaodi became more and more vigilant. Sure enough, this fat man was a pervert and he must protect his sister.

Duan Yanchao lowered his head in a rare move. He announced that Liu Chuhe would have no one to form a team with. As a result, the whole class rushed to form a team with Liu Chuhe.

As for Liu Chuhe, he ignored him without even looking at him. This was the biggest insult.

With Shen Zhaodi joining Liu Chuhe's team, the others finally completed the team formation.

Seeing that the last group of teams was divided, Jia Taiping finally cleared his throat and said: "Okay, now everyone has their own team, and each of your teams will be led by a teacher alone.

Liu Chuhe, I will lead your team. In addition, although everyone is in the same class, most of the senior year of high school is spent in their respective vocational classes.

Tank-type professions go to tank classes, and warrior-type professions have warrior classes... Everyone applies for classes according to their own circumstances. I will lead a tank class and teach shield skills. Liu Chuhe, please teach me well from now on. "

Liu Chuhe just looked down at a textbook called "The Geography of Alien Beasts" and said nothing. He had to attend class well, but this was not your class. I want to be a warrior, so I don't want to learn any shield skills.

After Jia Taiping finished speaking, he directly picked up the cup with his wolfberry soaked in it, and the bell rang for the end of get out of class. The master of time management is so precise in time management.

Shen Zhaodi waited for Jia Taiping to leave, immediately stood up from her seat, walked to Sun Shengnan and said, "Go and sit in front."

"Okay." Sun Shengnan replied sweetly, took a step forward with her long legs, and smiled at a male classmate sitting in front of her whose face was covered with acne, " Classmate Shen asked me to sit here."

"Understood." The male classmate packed up his things without saying a word and reluctantly left his seat.

Not far away, Ding Zizi's beautiful eyes turned, she quickly packed up her things and walked over quickly.

He was originally brought into the team as a piggyback, but now the four of them are sitting together. If he doesn't go there, the relationship will gradually fade away. It would be a shame to be replaced one day.

She walked to the front of the four of them, and just when she was about to speak, the two classmates sitting in front of Sun Shengnan and Han Xinnian spoke almost at the same time: "Give way, I understand."

As the two said, they all took their packed belongings and stood up to give way.

The team covered by Shen Zhaodi cannot be offended, cannot be offended.

Ding Zizi looked at the two seats she picked randomly and felt a sense of relief that she had never felt before. In the past, Miss Ding always used money to clear the way, but occasionally she met children from rich families, which was not easy to do. .

But look at it now, there is no need to spend money, others take the initiative to give up, the three million spent is so worth it. She previously spent three million to get a spot to team up with Shen Zhaodi.

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