Liu Chuhe finally made a breakthrough. He made 50,000 yuan last night. After going back to practice, he could finally completely control the origin energy and break through to become a geneticist.

Before, he could only feel the Origin Qi when he was practicing. Now, the Origin Qi was flowing in his body all the time, nourishing his body all the time.

As the Origin Qi circulated, he could feel that his five senses, power, speed, and physical strength were much stronger than before.

Geneticists put aside chain skills, but their physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people. It is the first level of Juyuan level that represents becoming a geneticist. When one is skilled in using Origin Qi, ordinary pistols are difficult to threaten.

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely die if your throat is cut with a knife, but the geneticist is protected by Origin Qi. Especially in important parts such as the heart and throat, the Origin Qi becomes stronger and stronger. Even if he is hit by a gun or a sharp knife, the geneticist will not be killed because of the obstruction of the source energy.

In the same way, in a battle between geneticists, it is difficult to kill them instantly if they hit the heart, neck, etc., unless the difference in strength between the two sides is too large.

There are five levels in the Juyuan level. Each time you break through a level, your own carrying capacity will increase, and you can absorb one more chain skill.

Liu Chuhe habitually finished the meal he had packed back last night, and suddenly realized what he was doing.

"I've become a geneticist. I don't have to be fat anymore. Why do I still eat so much? At noon, I can't eat so much at noon. Let's go see the gene chain first."

Liu Chuhe had visited all the 4S stores in Huangsang City countless times, but this time, he was the most excited.

He has the opportunity to obtain a genetic chain and possess magical chain skills!

The world he lived in before did not have chain skills!

Today, all the 4S store employees in Huangsang City were very surprised. The little fat man only showed up at noon. Why did he come so early this morning? Did some smart guy trick him into offering free meals in the morning at his 4S store?

Even in the morning, even if there was no free meal, every salesperson in all 4S stores avoided Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe didn't care about others, but looked at the gene chains one by one, looking for the gene chains with hidden chain skills.

Ordinarily, the gene chains are all the same, and only one of each type of gene chain is needed. In that case, the 4S store does not need to occupy such a large area.

But the problem is that when people absorb the gene chain, they may not be successful.

Sometimes, the gene chain can be successfully absorbed in one go, but sometimes it takes ten, twenty, or even hundreds of times to successfully absorb the gene chain.

Therefore, many people pay attention to metaphysics when absorbing gene chains.

When they choose to buy gene chains, they will pick and choose the gene chains they think will allow them to successfully absorb them. In fact, it is the gene chains that look pleasing to the eye. Although the same gene chains all look the same, some people think that a certain bottle of gene chain looks good. It's pleasing to the eye.

Therefore, the 4S store does not say that it displays all the gene chains, but it also selects many gene chains and puts them outside for people to choose.

"All 4S store managers in Huangsang City should resign themselves. What kind of managers are these? None of the genetic links they enter have hidden link skills."

Liu Chuhe walked around and found not a single gene chain containing recessive chain skills. Now only the Weiying store is left.

If it doesn't work, let the spare tire be turned into a regular one?

Give it a try with the white rhinoceros gene chain?

If you get the hidden chain skill, wouldn't it take off immediately? That's a hidden chain skill!

However, once the shot fails, the other two chain skills can really kill people.

Liu Chuhe was thinking as he walked into Weiying 4S store.

"He's coming, he's coming."

"Run quickly."

In Weiying store, all the salesmen saw Liu Chuhe who had appeared earlier than yesterday. They all stayed away and cursed in their hearts for being cunning. This little black fat guy, this is the time when he starts to change to the store. It's hard to figure out the pattern. .

Liu Chuhe was completely speechless: "No, what are you running for? I'm here to buy gene chains. If you have business, why don't you do it? If you have money, why don't you make money?"

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he simply started shopping in the store by himself. The other two chain skills of Cangyuan White Rhinoceros Gene Chain were still too bad. If there was another one he could afford, it would still have hidden chain skills. gene chain, he would decisively take it.

But after walking around for a long time, he still didn't see the second gene chain with recessive chain skills.

It seems that the only way to get the Cangyuan white rhinoceros gene chain is first.

People always have to have dreams!

No one can resist the temptation of hidden chain skills!

Liu Chuhe walked to the area where the Cang Yuan White Rhino Gene Chain was located. He pointed at the bottle of Cang Yuan White Rhino Gene Chain with the hidden chain skill and said, "I bought this bottle of Cang Yuan White Rhino Gene Chain."

All around, a group of salesmen are hiding further. You have already used this trick before, and we will not be fooled again.

"Are you crazy if you don't make money even though you have money?" Liu Chuhe looked around helplessly and shouted, "What's going on? Is this the service attitude of your 4S store? The customers want to buy something, but why are there no sales and entertainment? I want I’m filing a complaint against you.”

However, the sales team has gone further. You can complain. If you complain, the general manager will not blame us.

"If you don't come, I'm going to complain to your head office." Liu Chuhe turned on his phone.

In the distance, the salesmen are still indifferent. You can complain, but the general manager will respond when the time comes. If you don’t get on the gene chain 4S store’s blacklist, we will lose.

"Forget it, you are working here too. It's not easy. I won't complain to you. I really want to buy the gene chain." Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Liu Chuhe could only take out his mobile phone and directly switch to the balance interface. Gao Gao shook his phone and shouted, "I'll pay now."

"Okay." A clear female voice came from the crowd, and Yao Leilei stepped out.

On the side, another saleswoman quickly reminded: "Don't be fooled. You just came here and you don't know. She has used this trick before."

But this time, it seemed too late.

Although Yao Leilei walked out, she was still a little wary. She looked at Liu Chuhe cautiously and said, "Don't lie to me. Do you really buy it?"

"That's right." Liu Chuhe asked, "Do you think I come to your store almost every day just for sightseeing? I'm researching which gene chain is suitable for me."

Yao Leilei was speechless, we didn't assume you were here to study gene chains, we knew you were here to eat, and then you wanted to buy a gene chain, which was the cheapest Cangyuan white rhino gene chain in the whole store.

Do you know how much money you have eaten in our store in the past two months?

Liu Chuhe quickly paid 10,000 yuan with his mobile phone. When he first came to this future world, he couldn't figure out why in this world, he still used his previous mobile phone to scan QR codes to pay?

Later, he finally understood that people used to use facial recognition payment, iris payment, voice payment, etc., but there are some geneticists in this world who have special chain skills that can change their appearance, even iris fingerprints and so on. .

Payment methods such as face payment and iris payment are equivalent to other people's ATM machines.

Therefore, the payment methods in this world have returned to the original payment methods of cash, swiping cards, and scanning QR codes with mobile phones.

In the control room on the second floor, the general manager of Weiying 4S store with a Chinese character face opened a bottle of red wine made from alien grapevines that he had treasured for a long time.

I finally saw some money back from this fat little black guy, so congratulations!

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