Liu Chuhe finally obtained the Cangyuan white rhinoceros gene chain.

This time, unlike before when he only saw the gene chain, his memory chain technique fed back more information.

Cangyuan white rhinoceros gene chain (two-star alien beast)

Chain skill:

Thick (bronze quality): Has rock-like skin that can increase its own (very little +) defense.

Negative effects: Slowness: Left and right movement flexibility is affected (weakened).


Rock-piercing (Bronze quality): Every time the Cangyuan white rhinoceros is excited, happy, or sad, it will run rampant and hit everything in sight with its rhino horn.

After years of impact, its rhinoceros horns have the power to penetrate rocks.

When it charges forward in a straight line and launches a strike, the attack can have incidental (very little) penetration effects.


Hidden chain skills:

Gift of Life (Bronze Quality): The Cangyuan White Rhinoceros possesses the bloodline of the Eternal Giant Rhinoceros. Although it is very thin, there are always one or two lucky ones who can inspire the bloodline of the Ancient Giant Rhinoceros in their bodies. It is a gift from God and their own vitality. Get a (small-) boost.


Comment: So meaty that he has no friends.

What does [absorbable] mean?

When absorbing a gene chain, it will fail because there is a conflict between one's own genes and the absorbed gene chain. Especially, the more chain skills one possesses, the higher the possibility of failure.

And even if you successfully absorb a gene chain, no one can guarantee which chain skill you will obtain.

But the information fed back by his own memory chain technology means that he can choose which gene chain to absorb at will?

Thinking of this, his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably due to excitement.

This is too scary, especially since he can also see hidden chain skills.

Hidden chain skills are extremely rare to begin with, but if you want to get the chance of getting hidden chain skills...forget it, you should go out and turn left. There is a lottery shop over there. If you go to buy a lottery ticket, you have a greater chance of winning the jackpot.

They are alien creatures with hidden chain skills. Most of them may not be able to release their hidden chain skills until they die.

Unless you are lucky and encounter an alien creature with a hidden chain skill, and this creature happens to also use its hidden chain skill, you will know that this alien creature has a hidden chain skill.

Otherwise, people would not be able to tell which alien creature has a hidden chain skill.

The most sophisticated instruments in existence cannot determine whether a gene chain contains recessive chain technology.

Even if you know that a certain alien beast has a hidden chain skill, you may not be able to extract the gene chain. Extracting gene chains from alien creatures is not 100% successful.

If you fail, it's all in vain.

Even if the above points are met, you happen to encounter an alien beast that has awakened a hidden chain skill, kill it, and successfully extract its gene chain.

You may not be able to absorb it either.

After all, there are several chain skills in a gene chain of an alien creature. When absorbing it, there is no guarantee which chain skill can be absorbed. There is a greater possibility that the chain skill will be lost if the absorption fails.

And he can not only see the hidden chain skills, but also perhaps be able to determine which chain skills to absorb!

Liu Chuhe originally planned to have lunch after buying the gene chain at Weiying store.

But now, he didn't care about eating at all. He left the Weiying 4S store as quickly as possible and returned to his dormitory.

After closing the door, he immediately opened the bottle cap of the gene chain. The Origin Qi attached to his palm and sucked towards the gene chain.

After becoming a geneticist and possessing Origin Qi, you can directly use Origin Qi to inhale gene chains into your body. If a non-geneticist wants to absorb the gene chain, he must use the help of a geneticist to guide the absorption of source energy.

He could clearly feel the Origin Qi pouring into the gene chain, and he could distinguish the three chain techniques in the gene chain.

Thick, rock-piercing, gift of life.

For this multiple-choice question, even patients who have been abandoned by the ICU know what to choose.

The gift of life!

Hidden chain skills!


In the dormitory, Liu Chuhe couldn't help shouting.

If he really gets the hidden chain skill, he can really choose which chain skill to absorb!

You can see hidden chain skills and choose which chain skills to absorb!

Doesn't this mean that I can absorb all the hidden chain skills in the future?

Liu Chuhe could clearly feel that his vitality had become extremely strong, and he was full of vitality and energy...

As for how much this has increased and what the specific difference is, I really don’t know.

This chain skill increases vitality. How do you feel the change?

When others obtain the power chain skill, they instantly become infinitely stronger; the rapid chain skill makes the speed faster; the flame chain skill can directly emit flames; the perspective chain skill can see...

Chain skills can be divided into two categories, such as releasing flames, performing fatal attacks and other chain skills. After releasing a chain skill, the human body itself and the genes of this chain skill will also be fatigued and cannot withstand the continuous release of the same chain skill. Planting chain skills is actually equivalent to having CD time.

The other kind, such as chain skills that increase vitality and defense, these chain skills directly increase vitality and defense without the need to release them, and there is no gene that cannot bear it due to fatigue.

Similarly, this passive chain skill cannot be released and has no effect.

A chain skill that increases vitality? Go get a beating yourself and see how resistant you are?

Otherwise, do you really want to try it?

And reinforcement.

The hidden bronze-quality chain skills are as powerful as silver-quality chain skills, or even stronger! The gift of life can increase vitality (a small amount -).

The silver chain skills he saw that increased vitality were all (minor) improvements, but some were followed by (-), some were followed by (+), and some were not added at all.

What would happen if I strengthened the gift of life into a silver chain skill?

The Juyuan level's carrying limit is silver quality chain skills, so if it absorbs bronze quality chain skills, it can also be strengthened to silver quality.

However, who would strengthen this hidden chain skill that has never been discovered before?

Does your memory chain skill have this kind of enhancement?

The idea just popped up in Liu Chuhe's mind, and an extra piece of information immediately appeared in the memory chain technique.

Life Gift Chain Technique Damage Strengthening Technique...

The perfect strengthening technique of Life Gift Chain Technique...

Life Gift Chain Skill Super Perfect Strengthening Technique...

This naturally means choosing the Super Perfect Strengthening Technique.

In Liu Chuhe's mind, various needed gene chain materials emerged.

The sea-swallowing hippopotamus gene chain, the shrunken turtle gene chain... the flying cockroach gene chain?

Well, cockroaches are all weaklings who cannot be killed, and their vitality is indeed tenacious. But the problem is, just to strengthen the bronze-quality chain skills into silver-quality chain skills, does it require such a powerful genetic chain?

The flying cockroach is a six-star alien beast equipped with golden chain skills! As for the price of the flying cockroach gene chain, it is around 6 million, and the gene chain of the six-star alien beasts all starts at 5 million.

This is still just a genetic chain. The super-perfect strengthening technique requires a total of 6,636 different gene chains, requiring 99 gene chains.

Among these ninety-nine gene chains, four six-star alien beast gene chains, six five-star alien beast gene chains, forty four-star alien beast gene chains, and thirty three-star alien beast gene chains are needed.

Samsung Alien Gene Chain starts with 500,000 yuan.

The four-star alien beast gene chain starts with one million.

The five-star alien beast gene chain starts with two million.

The six-star alien beast gene chain starts with 5 million!

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