Han Xinnian and the others saw Liu Chuhe staying in front of a gene chain, and out of curiosity, they all came over.

Sun Shengnan immediately asked curiously: "What gene chain are you looking at?

The genetic chain of the abyssal giant ape? You are a tank, what do you do with this genetic chain suitable for assassins and warriors? "

Ding Zizi glanced at Liu Chuhe, and then saw Shen Zhaodi beside her, she understood a little, and said, "Are you showing Zhaodi the gene chain?

This gene chain is suitable, but if Zhaodi breaks through and reaches the Galaxy level, he will need gold-quality chain skills instead of silver-quality chain skills. "

Liu Chuhe turned around and looked at Ding Zizi, his eyes suddenly emitted a blazing light. Among the flaming sparrow gene chain that this girl wanted to absorb before, there was a chain skill called blazing burst that caused continuous damage.

The triggering condition for the sky-shattering strike is to injure the opponent three hundred times, so I just need to create a chain skill that can cause continuous damage.

Sustained damage does not necessarily require the mage's chain skills, chain skills such as bleeding are also possible.

Ding Zizi felt uncomfortable when Liu Chuhe looked at her, and interrupted her repeatedly: "Let's go eat first, I'll treat you to Dingxiang Pavilion."

Lilac Pavilion, with an average consumption of 10,000 yuan per person, is still 100% full.

Liu Chuhe now felt that it was a wise choice to bring a young rich woman like Ding Zizi into the team.

Before leaving, he took a look at the points required to redeem the Abyss Giant Ape Gene Chain.

Eight thousand points.

The credits of the teams in the double rankings must be stable. If it lasts for 100 days, that would be 2,500 credits per person. One hundred days would be three months, plus 900 points.

This is just over 3,000 points, which is a huge difference from 8,000 points.

Therefore, I have to keep the number one spot on my personal list, and it will take a hundred days at the earliest to get the reward!

Several people quickly left the school and came to Lilac Pavilion.

Liu Chuhe once thought that the free meals from major 4S stores were delicious enough. Later, he ate the free meals from the Strengthening Master Guild and felt like he had discovered a new world.

Now, when he ate the Shiquanshiwei fish prepared by the chef of Dingxiangge, he realized for the first time that the food could be so delicious.

A piece of fish is divided into ten layers, and the flavors are progressively layered. This feeling...

He ate a fish weighing four and a half kilograms by himself. Ding Zizi originally asked for such a fish, but with Liu Chuhe's efforts, she successfully asked for three.

As for how much to spend? Who knows, it’s not like I’m paying the bill anyway.

Ding Zizi, Lilac Pavilion.

This is basically a store opened by someone else.

When Liu Chuhe and the four girls walked out of the box, it was no surprise that they once again attracted countless eyes.

"Look, this is a rich man. He's obviously so fat, and he's followed by four beauties."

"To be precise, it's one stunning beauty and three beauties. With this quality, this fat guy can't be the child of the richest family in Huangsang City."

"Don't be stupid. The son of the richest family is Yushu Linfeng, and he is now at the Wuhan University. As for the second richest man, he is the owner of the Lilac Pavilion where we are eating. It is said that their family only has one precious daughter.

I don’t know which family this fat man is from. Judging from the way the manager nodded and bowed, it was obviously not easy. "

The manager of Dingxiang Pavilion personally escorted Miss Ding and her party out of the gate. Looking at the fat figure walking among the four beauties, the more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt.

I always feel like I have seen this fat man somewhere?

Liu Chuhe's class mainly focused on cultural classes in the morning, and various practical classes in the afternoon.

Jia Taiping stood in the training room of his professor's tank class, his face getting darker and darker. Liu Chuhe didn't come. That kid skipped class again!

It was not until one class passed that he realized that Liu Chuhe had not skipped class, but had gone to the warrior class next door with two sticks in his hand.

"I was really wrong. The thing that makes people worry the most is not Shen Zhaodi, it's this guy. You're a tank but you don't have to learn warrior skills!"

Jia Taiping had no choice but helplessness, what else could he do? This is the student's own choice. He can't just force people to come to class.

The one-day course ended unknowingly. Liu Chuhe did not return to the Strengthening Masters Guild immediately. Instead, he went to major 4S stores in Huangsang City to find a suitable gene chain.

If you can't take the three-star intensive master's exam, the only move that can make big news is to wait until the entrance competition for your senior year of high school. During this time, you must make every effort to improve your own strength.

Sky-shattering strike, this magical skill must be learned, and you must ensure that you are the first among all your classmates to collect 8,000 credits. Only in this way can you prevent others from choosing that gene chain.

Therefore, I need a new chain skill, preferably a chain skill that causes continuous damage. I have strong vitality and continuous fighting is what I am good at.

"I was really wrong. I also complained about too many hidden chain skills, but there are so many 4S stores, why don't they have any hidden chain skills! That's my mouth."

Liu Chuhe walked around and didn't find even a hidden chain skill. He had no choice but to return to the Enhancer Guild. After having a free dinner, he returned to his lounge to study the few skills he saw today. Available gene strands.

There is no recessive gene chain, so you can only choose a suitable one from the remaining gene chains.

There are only three types of chain skills that can cause continuous damage.

One is a chain skill that continuously burns flames. This kind of chain skill that deals mostly magic damage can basically be ruled out.

One is bleeding, but bleeding requires stabbing someone else first. With his agility and speed, it can basically be eliminated.

Then there is only the last one left, poison.

"Ding bell, jingle bell."

The phone rings.

He turned on his phone, and the newly created Justice Division team group was being frantically refreshed by Sun Shengnan.

In Huangsang City, in the Zixingyuan Villa District, a villa covering an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, Ding Zizi kept refreshing the messages on her phone, and stopped picking up food with her other hand.

In the main seat, a rather handsome middle-aged man looked at Ding Zizi with a doting look on his face and said, "Zi Zi, what's so interesting? You haven't even eaten yet."

Ding Zizi said without raising her head: "The total results of our trial and assessment are out."

On the side of the man, a graceful and beautiful woman heard the voice, and she immediately became interested and asked with concern: "Oh? Who is the number?"

"I don't know, today is the end of the trials for the last five schools, and the results have just come out.

It's just that everyone knows the results of some of the previous people based on the results of all the previous schools. The official has not officially announced everyone's ranking. "Ding Zizi still didn't raise her head.

"Your uncle is here, why don't you ask him?" The beautiful woman looked back at Principal Ding, who was sitting opposite her husband, and asked, "Brother, how are Zizi's results this time? How many are there in the city?"

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