"Let me check." Principal Ding turned on his phone and checked for a moment before saying, "Zi Zi's score is pretty good, ranked 298th in the city."

The beautiful woman immediately shook her head when she heard this: "298 is about to fall out of the top 300."

"Mom..." Ding Zizi finally raised her head and shouted with a look of dissatisfaction, "There are a total of 50,000 senior high school students in the city. Your daughter's grades are very good, right?"

The beautiful woman suddenly laughed angrily: "Yes, there are 50,000 senior high school students in the city. But they don't have an uncle, the principal, and they don't have as many resources as you.

Not counting anything else, tonight you spent more than 25 million on the light absorption chain skill. The Blazing Bird uses eight gene chains, and the Thunder Mastiff uses seven gene chains.

Absorb one chain skill, and absorb two chain skills in turn. I have never heard of you doing this. "

Ding Zizi looked back at her father: "Dad, my mother thinks I spend too much money.

I knew that she wanted to give me another brother. This was to save money for my brother in advance. I suspected that I was not her biological child. "

"Don't talk nonsense." Ding's father said it lightly, and after a slight pause, he continued with a smile on his face and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing.

From now on, all the money your father earns belongs to you, you can spend it however you want. Isn’t it just over 20 million? fine. "

As Father Ding spoke, he turned on his mobile phone and found his wife to complete the transfer.

Mother Ding's phone vibrated slightly, she clicked on it and saw a message from her husband... Wife is not angry, you have everything your daughter has, take 30 million to spend.

"Humph, I won't let you spoil my daughter." Mother Ding said, but her hands did not stop. She happily accepted the transfer, and then found Ding Zizi - it was a pleasure to cooperate, and the transfer was completed Please check it.

Principal Ding saw that his younger brother and sister-in-law were scolding his niece, and he quickly defended himself and said: "Brother and sister-in-law, Zizi's grades are really good, mainly because of the teacher in their class... Well, the students in their class are under the influence of the teacher , rather special.

And the overall strength of their class is relatively weak in the school. As you know, Zizi is a mage. She doesn't have particularly good teammates and it would be difficult for her to perform well. Otherwise, her performance would be one hundred places higher in the city. "

"My teammates are not strong..." Mother Ding looked at her daughter looking a little annoyed and said, "With such a teammate, you came back today and said that the team you joined will definitely be among the top five in the city?"

Ding Zizi said unconvinced: "The teammates in my new team are different."

"It's different? Didn't you say that in your new team, there are two people who were classmates in your previous class?" Mother Ding really wasn't acting this time, she was really worried.

"Brothers and sisters, let me interrupt first." Principal Ding had to interrupt, "As far as I know, there are only two people in the class that Zi Zi is in now. They were in the same class with her before. Those two are from our school. Top two.”

Ding Zizi puffed up her chest and said proudly: "The results just came out, and they are still among the top ten in the city, one fourth and one fifth."

"So powerful?" Mother Ding felt relieved for a moment, and then asked with some doubts, "Then they still take you to play? Team up with you? Did you give me a benefit?"

"Nonsense, your daughter is obviously great." Ding Zizi looked at her mother with an arrogant look. She couldn't even say that I relied on my money to get into a position with this face.

Father Ding felt that he could finally intervene and said, "Fourth and fifth? I know there is a genius girl in my eldest brother's school. Is she the fourth one?"

"No, she is fifth, and the fourth place is a fat guy." Ding Zizi said, looking at Principal Ding and asked, "Uncle, I never understand, how did Liu Chuhe get such high points?

I asked you before, but you didn’t tell me. Now that we are a team, you can tell me. "

After Principal Ding thought for a while, he nodded slightly and said: "You are a team, so you should know more about it. Besides, if I don't tell you, you will know it when you go out to practice together.

The reason Liu Chuhe got such a high score was because he killed five four-star beasts. "

"Ah!" Ding Zizi exclaimed in a very cooperative manner, "After the trial, was what he said true? He really killed five four-star alien beasts. How did he do it? He is not a tank. ?"

"Because he killed the sucking mosquitoes." Principal Ding sighed. "It is precisely because he is a tank that he managed to kill five sucking mosquitoes."

"Strong to death?" The whole family looked at Principal Ding with curiosity.

"Yes, he just stretched himself to death. Because his vitality was stronger than the sucking mosquito's endurance, and the sucking mosquito finally burst alive."

Principal Ding said, shaking his head slightly. After being a teacher for so many years, this was the first time he saw a student who could kill a sucking mosquito during an assessment.

"Sucked alive, wouldn't all three of his chain skills be life-increasing chain skills?" Ding Zizi felt that this was the only answer.

Principal Ding shook his head slightly and said: "Three? Even three chain skills that increase vitality will not burst the sucking mosquitoes alive. Those are four-star alien beasts, not to mention that Liu Chuhe only showed one chain during the trial. Skills."

"One? How can that be..." Ding Zizi just wanted to say it was impossible, but the next moment she reacted: "Hidden chain skill!"

"It should be." Principal Ding nodded slightly. In fact, he didn't say it, but so many teachers from the school saw it.

Now teachers in other schools may have some rules and won't spread it everywhere, but when their students face Liu Chuhe during the college entrance examination, it is impossible for teachers in other schools not to remind their students.

"He's really lucky to have absorbed the hidden chain skill."

Ding Zizi said something, and then looked at her father with a resentful look on her face: "You still say you love me. Our family sells gene chains, and I don't even have hidden chain skills."

Father Ding's head suddenly became heavy and he said helplessly: "If there is a hidden chain skill, can I not give it to you? But who knows which gene chain has a hidden chain skill?

Who can guarantee that if you get a gene chain with hidden chain skills, you can still absorb the hidden chain skills in it? "

"Oh, that fat guy's luck is really good. Now I understand why Shen Zhaodi must team up with him. I'm afraid she knows that Liu Chuhe has a hidden chain skill."

As Ding Zizi spoke, she suddenly realized that she had focused on the wrong point. She suddenly exclaimed: "He only used one chain skill to rank fourth in the city. He hid his own strength during the trial and assessment.

So, he is stronger than imagined! Our team is not one leg, but two legs! "

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