Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 77 The Poison Of Hundreds Of Twists And Turns

Half an hour later, Niu Zekai, who was in third place, walked out after selecting the gene chain.

A member of the Strengthening Masters Guild looked at Liu Chuhe, then at Shen Zhaodi and said, "You two, fourth and fifth, are both from the same school, so let's go in together."

Others were accompanied by a guard from the Strengthening Masters Guild to accompany a student in. But when they arrived at Liu Chuhe's place, four people accompanied the two of them into the storage room.

Mainly because of the way the fat man was causing trouble before, they had to be careful.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Enhancer Guild to open up all the gene chains for them to choose from. The gene chain they can choose this time is the highest five-star alien beast gene chain.

As soon as they entered the storage room, Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi walked directly to the deepest part, where the five-star alien beast gene chains were found.

While Shen Zhaodi was slowly studying the genetic chain one by one and what the chain skills were different from, Liu Chuhe quickly started looking for it with excitement on his face.

For such a large Enhancer Guild, with so many gene chains, there must be one or two hidden chain skills.

But slowly, he realized that he was wrong.

Ordinary, still ordinary, ordinary again.

Five stars, four stars, three stars...

He looked all the way until he saw all the gene chains here, but found that none of them had hidden chain skills.

You are a guild of strengtheners, but you don’t have a hidden chain skill? So poor?

He had to wonder if there was anyone in the Enhancer Guild who could tell that all the hidden chain skills had been taken away!

Sure enough, hidden chain skills are really rare, even rarer than I imagined. Before, I could only say that I was really lucky, and I encountered hidden chain skills one after another!

The Enhancer Guild does not have hidden chain skills, and the 4S store in Huangsang City does not have hidden chain skills either. Can I only choose an ordinary chain skill?

Liu Chuhe thought about it. If he had a choice, he would naturally choose the hidden chain skill, but now he has no choice.

If he continues to wait, his current two chain skills, among which Flower of Affinity, will be basically useless when defending the ring. How can any serious healer challenge him!

It's simply impossible to defend a chain skill for a hundred days with the gift of life.

If you can't hold on for a hundred days, you won't be able to get a sky-breaking blow!

In order to strike the sky, even an ordinary chain skill must be absorbed.

Liu Chuhe once again switched from the gene chain area of ​​one-star alien beasts, two-star alien beasts, and three-star alien beasts.

When choosing chain skills, he would naturally give priority to bronze-quality chain skills.

When he uses super-perfect enhancement, he can use chain skills to affect the flow of his source energy and break through faster. If it is a silver chain skill, he cannot carry a gold-quality chain skill now, so he cannot speed up the breakthrough through strengthening.

The two guards following Liu Chuhe became more and more vigilant. This boy is really worrying. Are you sure you are choosing a chain skill? You are looking so fast. Have you clearly seen what gene chains they are?

Do you choose gene chains like this? What exactly do you want to do?

Finally, the fat man they were following stopped.

Liu Chuhe looked at a bottle of Samsung Alien Beast Gene Chain.

Barefoot Green Spider Gene Chain (Three Stars)

Chain skill:

Web of Binding (Silver Quality): Releases a special red spider web to bind the opponent (reduced -) for time.

Corrosive liquid (Silver quality): Corrosive venom is sprayed on the ground. After being contaminated, the movement will be (weakened -) slowed down.

Poison of a hundred folds (bronze quality): Release poisonous gas, which lasts for ten minutes and consumes the enemy's life (reduced -).

Cut it!

This is an ordinary chain skill, and it is a bronze-quality chain skill. Memory chain skills basically describe very little about the power of ordinary bronze-quality chain skills, and the word "diminished" is rarely used.

Generally, chain skills of silver quality will be described as "cut".

Obviously, the power of this hundred-fold poison is stronger than the ordinary bronze chain skill. But this chain skill is not particularly popular.

Chain skills that simply cause damage by poisonous gas not only look at the total damage that the poisonous gas can cause, but also the duration. Generally, people rarely absorb long-lasting chain skills.

The damage you caused is too high, and it lasts too long. The battle is over, so what's the use of continuing?

As for the bronze quality, the chain skill lasts for ten minutes, and the duration is not that long.

It takes up to five minutes for rookies to peck each other with bronze-quality chain skills. Who would use your chain skills that last ten minutes?

Choosing those chain skills with shorter duration and lower damage are easier to use than this chain skill.

Liu Chuhe looked at the introduction of chain skills in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

Lasts long? It really lasts a long time for me.

Then, the condition for releasing the Sky-shattering Strike is to damage the opponent three hundred times. The longer the poison lasts, the better the duration, the better!

This is still a bronze quality chain skill, and you can strengthen it to silver quality when you go back. This is simply a chain skill made for you.

Shen Zhaodi had finished selecting the chain skills. She returned all the way and looked at Liu Chuhe who was staying in front of a gene chain. She took out her mobile phone and scanned the gene chain. She saw a look of surprise on Liu Chuhe's face.

"The Barefoot Green Spider Gene Chain has two control-type chain skills, and they are both group control, which is suitable for you. Besides, this gene chain is not easy to buy outside, so it is a good choice."

But she remembered Liu Chuhe's words that if you want to be a warrior, you don't need to learn chain control skills.

Now, when he came to the Enhancer Guild, there were so many better chain skills to choose from, but he didn't choose. Instead, he was looking at the Barefoot Green Spider Gene Chain, obviously hoping to get a chain skill that would be useful to the team.

Recalling the previous situation where Liu Chuhe took action directly, she felt a little recognition in her heart. In fact, this fat man was reliable. It would be better if he could stay farther away from his sister.

Liu Chuhe stretched out his hand to collect the gene chain of the Barefoot Green Spider, and said with a proud look on his face: "What a good choice, this is the best choice."

After the two selected the gene chain, they left the room.

Shen Zhaodi came with Liu Chuhe and a teacher from the Education Bureau, but when they returned, there were four of them. In addition to her and the teacher from the Education Bureau, there were Principal Ding and Jia Taiping.

After these two people arrived at the Enhancer Guild, they were stopped outside and not allowed in at all. It was said that it was the president's intention.

In the car, Jia Taiping covered his chest with one hand and pointed at Shen Zhaodi with one hand. He looked angry and helpless and said: "Classmate Shen, can you save me some trouble?

After so many years, so many students have come to receive trial rewards, but you and Liu Chuhe are the only two people who have made such a big fuss. The leaders of the Education Bureau called me and the principal to come over. What are you doing?

What's even more outrageous is that the president of the Strengthening Masters Guild simply refused to let us in. How cruel are you to offend this person? Now our No. 2 Middle School has become famous. "

Shen Zhaodi corrected: "Teacher, the more famous one is Ninth Middle School, and those who were beaten are their people."

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