When Jia Taiping heard Shen Zhaodi's words, he changed from covering his chest with one hand to using both hands, and said angrily: "How dare you say that! I shouldn't let you and that guy Liu Chuhe be on the same team. I think I will be pissed to death by you two sooner or later." .”

"Teacher Jia, watch your words! Are there any problems with the first and second teams in our school?" Principal Ding, who was sitting aside, glared at Jia Taiping, and then looked at Shen Zhaodi with a pleasant look and asked, "Shen Classmate, what’s going on?

Why didn't Liu Chuhe come back? "

"It's okay. He stayed to clean up, so it won't have any impact. And President Fang said it was the other party's problem." Shen Zhaodi said, looking at the teacher from the Education Bureau and asked, "Am I right? Teacher."

"That's right, President Fang has indeed determined that the problem is with classmate Ke Jieming. In addition, Principal Ding, this matter happened at the Strengthened Teachers Association. President Fang has also given the result, and our Education Bureau will not handle it anymore. .

However, after returning, I still have to teach my students well. "The accompanying teacher just gave Principal Ding a slight nod.

When something like this happened, he had asked his leader for instructions early. After the leader knew that Chairman Fang had dealt with it, he immediately said that he should stop taking care of it.

Normally, they can handle this kind of matter according to Chairman Fang's method, but Chairman Fang is obviously partial to Shen Zhaodi, so they handle it this way? Can the principal of No. 9 Middle School be willing?

Besides, President Fang is famously strong. If they follow suit and deal with it, what does that mean? Chairman Fang has finished handling it. Are you going to handle it again? Not satisfied with Chairman Fang’s handling?

So, not dealing with it anymore is the best option.

No. 2 Middle School was not far from the Strengthening Masters Guild. Soon, everyone returned to the school.

Principal Ding smiled and comforted Shen Zhaodi and said, "Okay, the teacher will find justice for you. Go back and have a good class."

The genius in your own school must be coaxed well. As for Jia Taiping...

"You, go back and have a good class. You don't have to interfere in this matter."

After saying that, Principal Ding took out his mobile phone and called the principal of No. 9 Middle School. As soon as the call was connected, he started questioning the principal without waiting for the other party to speak: "Principal Huang, the students in your school are so shameful!"

Shen Zhaodi returned to the class. As she thought, the classmates in the class had indeed learned about what happened in the Strengthening Masters Guild. Although the other students were curious, they did not dare to ask him directly. Only her three teammates joined in. Come up.

Ding Zizi asked curiously: "Zhao Di? I read online that you and Liu Chuhe beat up Ke Jieming from Ninth Middle School. Is this true?"

"Really." Shen Zhaodi nodded slightly.

Sun Shengnan looked at the empty seat next to Shen Zhaodi and asked with concern: "So, what about Liu Chuhe? Why didn't he come and really stayed to clean? I heard that he was banned for six months and banned for six months. Strengthen him!"

"It's okay. He said that there are no plans to strengthen in the past six months." Shen Zhaodi glanced at Han Xinnian while speaking.

There was not much worry on Han Xinnian's face. She had participated in the Strengthening Master assessment and knew the Strengthening Masters Guild best. The president of the guild, Fang, was a well-known protector. Liu Chuhe was a member of the Strengthening Masters Guild. It'll be okay.

Ding Zizi looked at the three people who were silent and no longer spoke. A pair of small hands hurriedly grabbed the clothes and tightened them again and again. Are you done now? Don't you care about me? I'm also a member of the team, don't you care what kind of chain skills I absorb?

Liu Chuhe waited in the Strengthening Masters Guild until the last person had chosen the chain skill and everyone had left. Then he took a broom and, under the supervision of Wang Jingsong, walked to the lounge where he had beaten people before.

Just as he took the position and before he could move his hands, there was the sound of high heels hitting the ground outside the door.

Song Manxin appeared at the door with a smile, waved to Liu Chuhe and said, "Let's go, the president wants to see you. Wang Jingsong, come and clean up."

When Liu Chuhe heard the sound, he immediately returned the tools Wang Jingsong had just prepared for him with a smile.

Wang Jingsong took the tool numbly. Sure enough, my hunch was right. I knew it would be bad if I met this guy. I am a two-star fortified master. I am cleaning the house? I can't bear it!

Seeing Liu Chuhe was about to leave, he suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute."

Song Manxin's eyes widened: "What? Do you have any objections?"

Wang Jingsong hesitated for a second: "No, give me back my badge."

"Sorry, I forgot, I forgot." Liu Chuhe returned the badge to Wang Jingsong and said, "Thank you for the badge. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

Wang Jingsong ignored what he said and invited me to dinner? Where else can you go? People who eat free meals at the guild every day! I am also an intensifier, won’t I go there myself? I still need you to please?

Liu Chuhe followed Song Manxin and asked in a low voice: "President Song, does President Fang know that I am an enhancement master?"

"Of course." Song Manxin paused for a moment, waited for Liu Chuhe, and said with a chuckle, "otherwise, do you think President Fang would let you off so easily when you beat someone in the Strengthened Masters Guild?

Unexpectedly, you are also a genius geneticist and ranked fourth in the city's trial. Unexpectedly, you also have a side that can turn a beauty into a beauty. "

Liu Chuhe sighed inwardly, he was careless, he was really careless this time, there was one more person who knew his identity.

Song Manxin walked side by side with Liu Chuhe, looked at Liu Chuhe who was silent and said with a smile: "Are you afraid? Don't worry, don't worry, President Fang is a well-known protector and won't do anything to you. "

Liu Chuhe still didn't speak. Am I worried that President Fang will deal with me? What I'm worried about is that my identity as a genius enhancer has been exposed!

Forget it, even if I tell you, you don’t understand the troubles of our geniuses.

He followed Song Manxin all the way up. This was the first time since he joined the Strengthening Masters Guild that he came to the top floor of the Strengthening Masters Guild. President Fang's president's room was located on this floor.

There were no outsiders in the living room, only Liu Chuhe, Song Manxin and President Fang.

Chairman Fang sat behind the tea table, poured a small cup of tea into the tea cup, looked up at Liu Chuhe as if seeing an old friend and said: "Come, have a cup of tea, this is tea from overlapping dimensions. "

Liu Chuhe sat down and took a sip, and then heard President Fang's question: "I heard that you want to take the three-star intensive master exam? Now that I'm back, let me know when you want to take the exam."

Liu Chuhe shook his head repeatedly: "I won't take the exam, I won't take the exam. It was just an impulse at the time, but later I found that I was still not ready."

Take the three-star intensive examination? Are you afraid that you won't die quickly enough?

"No more taking the exam?" Song Manxin looked at Liu Chuhe with surprise. You were so demanding at the time that you were even a little angry because you couldn't take the three-star strengthening master exam. Now that people are here, you say you won't take the exam again?

You weren't playing tricks on me at first, were you?

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