President Fang paused slightly while pouring tea. Then he poured tea for Song Manxin and said with a smile: "It's okay if you don't want to take the exam. When you feel ready, let me know in advance."

After he paused for a moment, he looked up at Liu Chuhe and said, "Do you know why I came to you?"

Before Liu Chuhe could speak, he had already asked and answered: "It's not because of you that you hit someone, it's just a person, what's the big deal.

I want to remind you to be a little more low-key.

From the fact that you beat someone and even took Wang Jingsong's badge, it can be seen that you want to hide your identity as an enhancer.

Therefore, I also punished you in the end, and even the punishment seemed to be heavier than the other party's punishment. In this way, others would not think of you as an enhancement master.

You all know to keep a low profile, but why were you so high-profile when you came to the Strengthening Masters Guild assessment? Passed the one-star and two-star assessments in succession?

You can wait until the others leave, find President Song alone, and then conduct the two-star enhancement master assessment.

Also, when I came back, I found that you had helped people go out to strengthen themselves.

It's not that you can't go out to strengthen people, but you shouldn't touch them in front of so many people, and you shouldn't let the people in the Strengthening Masters Guild know that you were out that day. "

President Fang paused slightly before continuing: "I don't even recommend that you go out to strengthen people.

It's fine for an old guy like me to go out and strengthen people, but it's too dangerous for young strengthening masters to go out and strengthen people.

For many young strengthening masters, no one even knows their identities. When they strengthen people, they leave their assistants in charge of stripping off the chain skills. They will appear again when the assistants have finished stripping off the chain skills.

Otherwise, why do you think the Enhancer Guild has prepared so many rooms, and why do you think the laboratory has two doors that can be entered? It is just for the convenience of the enhancer to hide his identity. "

Liu Chuhe was a little confused. I was still worried about my identity being exposed before, and then you came to me and said this kind of thing? What's going on with you? A strengthening teacher who simply cares about geniuses?

President Fang seemed to see what Liu Chuhe was doubting, and after taking a sip of tea, he continued: "Are you wondering why I am telling you this?

I am afraid, afraid of seeing tragedy happen again. "

He paused once as he spoke, and his breathing seemed to become faster. After a moment of silence, he still sighed and said: "Many people know that I also have an elder brother who serves as the vice president of the Provincial Strengthened Masters Guild. President.

However, few people still remember that I have a younger brother who is even more talented. We are three brothers. "

"President." Song Manxin, who had been silent until now, suddenly interrupted and looked at President Fang worriedly.

President Fang waved his hand gently and said: "It's been so many years, so it doesn't matter.

Among our three brothers, the most talented one is actually the third one. He became a one-star and two-star intensifier earlier than us, and he also became a three-star intensifier earlier than us. However, in the end, he was only a three-star enhancement master. "

President Fang said that although he kept saying it was okay, his eyes were still red uncontrollably and his voice was much higher: "He is dead. Ten days after he became a three-star enhancement master, he was assassinated by a cult member! That year, he was only eighteen years old!"

The room fell into silence for a moment.

After a long time, President Fang's mood gradually recovered. He looked at Liu Chuhe and said, "I'm telling you all this just to remind you to be careful. The three-star enhancement master assessment can no longer be so high-profile."

Liu Chuhe nodded heavily, and then asked: "So, even if I can really take the exam for a three-star reinforcement master, I won't be able to take the exam."

"Why can't you take the exam?" President Fang asked angrily, "Don't you understand what I said? I mean, keep a low profile, a low profile. You can take the exam, but don't let everyone in the city know about it. You can find me quietly. Assessment, who can know?”

Liu Chuhe said helplessly: "But some people already know it. When my identity as a reinforcement master changes from two stars to three stars, won't everyone know it?"

"It's simple. I can give you another enhanced master status. It's not like no one has ever done this kind of thing." President Fang pointed at himself and said, "As the president, I still have this kind of authority.

When opening a new identity, except for the president level of the provincial city's reinforcement division guild, which can be found, the authority of other reinforcement divisions cannot be found. "

"I see. President Fang, when will I feel confident, I will come back to you. I'm still far away."

You just lied a little bit, and I just told you that I want to take the three-star intensive master exam? I'm not stupid.

Liu Chuhe left the room with a smile, but did not return to school immediately. Instead, he returned to his room and searched on the Internet. I can't believe whatever you say.

"President Fang's full name is Fang Ennian, and he also has an older brother who is the vice-president of the Qilu Province Strengthened Masters Guild, named Fang Enshi. These are all correct.

His younger brother, it was hard to find information about his younger brother, but I finally found it. He looked really similar, and he was quite fat. His name was Fang Enci, and he was assassinated by a cult in his early years.

Everything President Fang said was correct. He was the president of the Strengthening Masters Guild, and his brother was also the vice-president of the Provincial Strengthening Masters Guild. This status was reassuring. "

Liu Chuhe thought for a while, took out his huge schoolbag, then took countless food from the room and stuffed it into the schoolbag. Carrying the schoolbag, he came to the president's room again.

This time I need to gather more wool.

This time, the gold-quality chain skills are enhanced into platinum-quality chain skills, which naturally requires a lot of materials!

Even after strengthening the Flower of Affinity, there will definitely be a lot of gene chains left. Since I don’t have space chain skills, won’t the remaining gene chains be wasted?

Bring a school bag and say that you have prepared some gene chain materials. Anyway, many fortifiers will prepare gene chain materials by themselves. Actually, my schoolbag is filled with food.

After a while, the strengthening was completed, I stuffed all the food into my stomach, and put the remaining gene bottles into my schoolbag. Who knows?

My schoolbag was full when I came, and it was still full when I came back, so there was nothing wrong with it.

As soon as he returned to the president's room, he said directly: "President Fang, I have thought about it. I think I am ready. I want to strengthen."

He is only on the second level of Juyuan now, and among the senior high school students, the strongest group is already on the fifth level of Juyuan. He really doesn't know if there is anyone stronger than Shen Zhaodi.

He was far behind. If he wanted to break through quickly, the only way to achieve a breakthrough would be to super-perfect enhanced chain skills.

That was 100 million, and he had no place to steal so much money. The only way was to find the Enhancing Master Guild to steal it.

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