President Fang was extremely calm when he was drinking tea in the room before. But now, when he heard Liu Chuhe say that he really wanted to continue taking the exam to become a master, he could no longer remain calm.

His fat body suddenly jumped up, and the tea in the cup in his hand spilled all over him, but he seemed not to notice it. He looked very small because of his obesity, and his eyes, which were almost turning into slits, were even wider than ever before.

"You? Three-star reinforcement master? Have you thought about it? Three-star reinforcement master, once you fail the assessment, you will not be able to continue to take the assessment that year."

"Sure." Liu Chuhe also became serious for a rare moment. He must take the exam to become a reinforcement master so that he can strengthen himself.

Chairman Fang looked at the confidence in Liu Chuhe's eyes and looked at this equally fat young man. He seemed to have gone back to many years ago. That day, his younger brother also looked at him firmly and said that he wanted to take the three-star strengthening master examination. .

He seemed to be recalling the past. After a long time, he nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I'll call Vice President Song and prepare an enhancement room for you."

Liu Chuhe was stunned: "President, didn't I say that you are a four-star fortified master and that only you can preside over the fortified master's assessment? Why do you still call me President Song?"

"It is true that I can preside over the assessment, but I cannot complete the assessment of the three-star enhancement master by myself. Another vice-president of the enhancement master guild needs to live broadcast the whole process.

Of course, the video will only be sent to the provincial capital president and vice president, and others will not know your identity. As for Vice President Song, you can rest assured that I am training her as my successor. "

Unlike the previous two Intensifier assessments, this time the three-star Intensifier assessment did not alarm others.

Song Manxin looked at Liu Chuhe with a complicated expression. The child in front of her, who was the same size as her nephew, was about to take the three-star fortifier examination in the blink of an eye!

And she is just a three-star enhancement master now!

She looked at the shameless young face in front of her and couldn't calm down for a long time, until Liu Chuhe's voice came.

"President Song, please stop gasping. Look, the president next to me is drooling."

President Fang was immediately annoyed: "What do you mean? There is saliva on my mouth." As he said that, in order to prove his innocence, he wiped his mouth in front of the two of them. It was obvious that his My hands are wet.

He quickly quibbled: "This...this is tea, tea. I like drinking tea. You all know it, and everyone in the guild knows it."

Song Manxin took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and watched Liu Chuhe speak almost word by word: "Tell me the chain skill you want to strengthen!"

Liu Chu was aggrieved. It was clearly President Fang who had been watching. Why are you so angry at me? You are a typical person who doesn't dare to offend the leader and harm innocent people. Forget it, I don't have the same experience as you.

"I want to strengthen the disaster monkey's doom-ridden chain skill."

After he passed the three-star strengthening exam, he would definitely have to secretly strengthen people to make money. He had just checked that the disaster monkey gene chain obtained by Shen Zhaodi was very popular among assassins, and among them, the easiest one to successfully absorb was Doom-ridden.

There are a total of five three-star intensifiers in Huangsang City. In addition to the two from the intensifiers guild, the other three are in three different 4S stores. Among them, only the three-star intensifiers in Weiying 4S store can enhance the doom-ridden chain technique. It's just a normal enhancement.

If others want to strengthen this chain skill, they must go to Feizheng City or the provincial capital!

This is such a big market. Among the three chain skills to be assessed, there must be misfortune.

Liu Chuhe said, paused slightly, and then continued: "In addition, I also want to strengthen..."

"Wait a minute!" Song Manxin raised her hand and interrupted Liu Chuhe directly, "What else do you want to say?"

Liu Chuhe said matter-of-factly: "Of course they are the other two chain skills. Aren't there three chain skills?"

"Three kinds? Who told you that the three-star strengthening master's assessment requires three kinds of chain skills?" President Fang finally wiped it clean and didn't know if it was saliva or tea water. He looked at Liu Chuhe and said, "Do you think it's still one-star?" Assessment, two-star assessment, requires three chain skills?

The three-star enhancer assessment is a chain skill that enhances gold quality, especially perfect enhancement. Do you know how much materials you will lose if you fail?

Three more? If three chain skills failed three times, it would be a waste of materials nine times. Who can afford it?

Starting from the three-star enhancement expert assessment, it is enough to complete one enhancement. Of course, there are still three chances.

Are you ready for the Samsung Intensifier Assessment? You came for the assessment, don’t you know the rules? "

Liu Chuhe gently lifted the strap of his backpack. Now you tell me that the three-star fortifier assessment only tests one chain skill? Aren’t the contents of my schoolbag all prepared in vain?

Chairman Fang looked at Liu Chuhe, but he looked less and less like his brother. His brother would not be so confused.

He kept telling himself that no matter how angry he was, geniuses are all special. After a long time, he calmed down and said, "Although the general enhancement teacher assessment is an ordinary enhancement assessment.

But I still have to ask you, are you doing the doom-ridden perfect enhancement or the ordinary enhancement? "

Liu Chuhe was puzzled: "What? Do you have to tell me in advance whether it is a normal enhancement or a perfect enhancement? Why didn't you ask during the previous assessment?"

"You!" President Fang wanted to take out a stick and beat Liu Chuhe to death with one blow. Does this kid know how serious the assessment of the reinforcement master is? Why don’t you know anything!

"Xiao Song, come and tell him, I'm afraid he'll be angry to death!"

Song Manxin was used to Liu Chuhe not knowing the rules. Wasn't that the case last time?

“First of all, you need to know that in the Enhancer assessment, the enhanced chain skills are provided by others.

For many people, the price of strengthening chain skills is too high. Therefore, the strengthening master's targeted assessment and enhancement is to let those who participate in the assessment strengthen them for them. In fact, they use their chain skills as guinea pigs.

Naturally, the price is very favorable, only one-tenth of the total cost, including the material fee and the strengthening fee of the strengthening master.

Anyone can apply and use their own chain skills as a test for chain skills. However, except for people who really have no money and no other options, no one would apply to use their chain skills for assessment purposes?

After all, no one knows whether the person doing the assessment will contaminate the chain skills.

Chain skills are provided by others. Some of them want perfect strengthening, and some want ordinary strengthening. Naturally, they have to ask clearly in advance.

If the other party requires perfect strengthening, we naturally cannot let the person who conducts the ordinary strengthening assessment strengthen the other party. So, do you understand? "

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