Liu Chuhe said curiously: "Then when I took the assessment, it wasn't like this..."

"Your assessment is to search for chain skills across the country and prepare in advance. You are not even strengthening experts, who would expect you to strengthen them perfectly? As for the three chain skills you strengthened, I can only say that the person who provided the chain skills was lucky. good.

As for your two-star enhancement master assessment, you were also lucky. Those three chain skills are all common chain skills, and someone happened to provide ordinary enhanced chain skills, otherwise you would have continued to wait. "

Song Manxin said, and explained: "One more thing. For example, if someone only needs ordinary enhancement, but if there is a geneticist who wants to conduct a perfect enhancement assessment, the chain skill will also be provided to that enhancement master.

After all, no one would think that their chain skills are perfectly enhanced. "

Liu Chuhe has already understood, but he still has two very critical questions: "If there are two enhancement masters requesting enhancement at the same time, one is for perfect enhancement and the other is for normal enhancement.

At this time, someone happens to provide the chain skill, and they only require it to be a normal enhancement. So who will the chain skill be provided to? "

"Perfect Enhancer!" Song Manxin explained, "Strong ones are given priority. Of course, the other party needs to raise one-tenth of the cost of Perfect Enhancement. If there is not that much money, it can only be provided to ordinary Enhancers."

"So, if I apply for perfect enhancement and end up only completing ordinary enhancement for others, what will happen?"

"No strengthening is allowed!" President Fang said with a serious face before Song Manxin could speak: "If the other party requires perfect strengthening, when you strengthen the chain skill for the other party, if you find that it cannot be perfectly strengthened, then stop it in time and would rather not strengthen it. , and normal enhancement cannot be completed.

If you give the opponent a perfect enhancement and it turns into a normal enhancement in the end, the consequences will be the same as if the chain skill is contaminated. You will not be allowed to take the enhancement master assessment within ten years, and no one will come to you for enhancement. do you understand? "

"I understand, I understand." Liu Chuhe nodded repeatedly and shouted, "I want to conduct a perfect intensive assessment."

Perfect enhancement consumes more gene chains, so it is natural to have perfect enhancement.

"Perfect enhancement?"

President Fang and Song Manxin were both stunned. You are a guy who doesn’t even know the rules of strengthening. You are a high school student and you have just passed the one-star and two-star strengthening examinations. You are already going to take the three-star strengthening examination. It's scary enough, you also need to take the perfect three-star enhancement teacher assessment!

"I have already told you that the perfect strengthening assessment must be completed to be successful. If you still insist on completing the perfect three-star strengthening, then I will not advise you much."

President Fang said that he did not know what words he entered on his mobile phone. After a while, he looked up at Liu Chuhe and said: "You are lucky. In two days, there will be a chain skill of the Disaster Monkey." Delivered.”

"It will be two days later?" Liu Chuhe was stunned. I have prepared all the things in my schoolbag for nothing!

President Fang said angrily: "Two days is too long for you? You are lucky. Xiao Song's three-star intensive master assessment was an ordinary intensive assessment, so she had to wait for a month before taking the assessment. .”

"Okay, I'll come back in two days." Liu Chuhe left the room carrying a bag of food, and then left the Enhancer Guild.

There were no flowers or applause. The top ten in the trial assessment ended when one person received a gene chain.

Liu Chuhe was greatly disappointed that the news was no longer on the news.

He left the Strengthening Masters Guild and hurried slowly, finally returned to school before lunch, and successfully visited Lilac Pavilion again in Ding Zizi's luxury car.

In Miss Ding’s private room.

Liu Chuhe lowered his head, holding his mobile phone and constantly searching for the prices of various gene chains.

He had just broken through to the second level of Juyuan. If he practiced step by step, it would be impossible to break through to the third level of Juyuan in a short time. The fastest way is to super-perfectly strengthen his Flower of Affinity, then take the potion, and then go out and have fun.

Everything about Super Perfect Enhancement is good, but it costs a little too much.

During this time, he was helping people strengthen themselves, going out on adventures, and got a lot of gene chains that he could sell for money.

Just before he came, because President Fang came back, he also received his salary as a reinforcement engineer, one million oceans. In total, he has a lot of money.

The problem is that the money is spent very quickly. Now that I have the conditions, I naturally want to buy various potions that speed up cultivation. Originally I only planned to buy potions worth five to six hundred thousand, but what discounts are there from the potion sellers? In the end, he was tricked into buying a million potions.

After buying a million dollars, people asked about any full discounts or package discounts. In the end, he just bought more than 2 million potions, and now he still has about 18 million left.

This is definitely a huge sum of money before becoming a geneticist. The problem is, the money is far from enough.

He had just calculated that the perfect enhancement of the Flower of Affinity would require a total of about 120 million, and he had almost scraped together enough. Or borrow it from a rich lady? It just lacks a lot.

Ding Zizi has been waiting all morning, waiting for her teammates to ask her about the chain skills she absorbed last night, but there has been no reply until now. She could only take the initiative and said: "I gained a new chain skill last night."

"Which chain skill is it?" Sun Shengnan stopped eating, looked up curiously and asked, "Is it the Flame Bird Guardian?"

She believes that among all the chain skills that Ding Zizi has absorbed, Flame Bird Guardian is the most valuable.

Ding Zizi was almost moved to tears, but someone finally paid attention to me: "It's not the flame bird guarding me, it's the Thunder Mastiff's lightning and lightning dance."

"Thunder and lightning dance? I don't know who the lightning will jump to next. Maybe it will attack my teammates' thunder and lightning dance?"

Sun Shengnan's eyes suddenly became wary when she looked at Ding Zizi. If she wasn't worried about hurting Ding Zizi's self-esteem, she really wanted to say, sisters, don't use this chain skill in the future. We have Shen Dadu here, and the output is sufficient. , you don’t need to make up the output.

Shen Zhaodi frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something. After a moment, she said calmly: "The lightnings of the thunder and lightning dance are not beating irregularly. They will more often jump to nearby targets."

"I also know that it will give priority to jumping on nearby targets. The problem is that others are not stupid. They will inevitably disperse. At that time, the lightning will not know who it will jump to." Sun Shengnan was a little confused about what Shen Zhaodi meant.

"As long as there is a target nearby." Shen Zhaodi pointed at Liu Chuhe and said, "Let him get close, he can handle it. Maybe this chain skill can have unexpected effects."

She had seen with her own eyes that Liu Chuhe had carried several bloodthirsty creeps and a few lightning bolts, which were not in the way.

"You really think highly of me, I thank you." Liu Chuhe stretched out a palm and put his four fingers together to make a middle finger. You are really a tactical genius. Is this how you repay my kindness?

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