Shen Zhaodi knew what Liu Chuhe meant by "roaming", and she also wanted to go out for a while, but the problem was that the conditions did not allow it.

She typed quickly: "My sister won't let me go out at night."

Liu Chuhe sneered. If you want to refuse, just refuse. The excuse you made is too bad. I don't believe your sister can control you.

"It's okay, I'll take care of your sister." Just kidding, this is my assistant, let's see if you have any excuses to refuse.

Shen Zhaodi quickly replied: "Where?"

"Old place." Liu Chuhe felt that Lotus Lake was more suitable, mainly because there was a little lunatic who could use his blood to taunt and draw hatred.


Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi's response with a smile on his face. Now he can go out and upgrade!

On the other side, Ding Zizi found that sitting here was really boring. She had just offended Shen Tashi, so she still had to have a good talk and mend the relationship.

She turned her head to talk to Shen Zhaodi, and then she inadvertently, she swore, she really didn't mean it, she just glanced at it. As a result, she saw Shen Zhaodi's chat interface, and the person she was chatting with turned out to be Liu Chuhe!

Did the two of them chat alone?

She took another closer look, out of pure curiosity, so she took a look. At first glance, she became unsteady and slid off the sofa.

What did she see?

Why did Liu Chu want Shen Zhaodi to accompany him out at night? Shen Zhaodi even agreed!

It's still the same place, obviously this is not the same time.

The most important thing is that Shen Zhaodi's sister is also involved. Have you even met your parents?

At this moment, she felt that she had truly solved the case.

No wonder Shen Dadu must be paired with Liu Chuhe. It turns out that you two have hooked up a long time ago!

You guys hid it well enough. When did it start? I've been in the same class with you, and I didn't even notice it at all!

How could Liu Chu be so talented that he could actually win Shen Zhaodi's heart?

Yes, he is quite strong, ranking among the top ten in the trial.

But no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than Shen Zhaodi?

As for appearance, the appearance of these two people is not on the same level at all.

No, it should be one ceiling and one wooden floor!

I really don’t know how Liu Chuhe succeeded.

Liu Chuhe was strengthening his chain skills while imparting strengthening knowledge to Wu Xiaoxiao outside the door. Slowly, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. My strengthened chain skills were used in conjunction with the devil's tactics, and those tactics were asking me to sacrifice.

So, I'm strengthening a chain skill that can hit me?

Is there something wrong with me?

It really doesn't take much time to strengthen the bronze chain skill. It only took about an hour. He had completed the strengthening and asked Wu Xiaoxiao to come in and return the chain skill to Sun Shengnan. After everyone left, he specifically said to Wu Xiaoxiao: " Stay here tonight.”

"Live here? Then...that room?" Wu Xiaoxiao pointed to the lounge, her voice trembling.

Liu Chuhe looked in the direction of Wu Xiaoxiao's finger, right? If you live here, then I might not be able to bear it tonight and won't go out with your sister. Xiaoxiao, don't tempt me.

Liu Chuhe resisted the temptation with difficulty, and said righteously: "What I mean is, I will live here tonight, and you should also live in the Strengthened Master Guild. Well, your own room."


Wu Xiaoxiao's face instantly turned red with embarrassment. She lowered her head and tried hard to look at the tips of her shoes and said, "Master lives in the Enhancer Guild, so naturally I live in the guild."

Unknowingly, the night was already dark, and Liu Chuhe deliberately assigned a bunch of tasks to Wu Xiaoxiao, and then said that he would give instructions tomorrow. Then he and Shen Zhaodi ran out.

After paying the ticket fee of 100,000 yuan with a look of pain on their faces, the two of them headed straight into Liansheng Lake, heading towards the gathering place of bloodthirsty creeps.

There are really very few major hunting teams who are willing to provoke bloodthirsty evil creeps. In fact, if they have the choice, they don't want to kill bloodthirsty evil creeps. The main reason is that Liu Chuhe really doesn't have the ability to control the chain, so he can only find these little ones. Crazy.

Although he can handle it, he doesn't dare to provoke too many bloodthirsty creeps.

About an hour later, they finally found six lone bloodthirsty worms.

For the bloodthirsty creeps, six is ​​the only one left.

They had just killed the bloodthirsty evil worm just the day before yesterday, and were already very familiar with this little lunatic. Shen Zhaodi let out blood, and Liu Chuhe was stained with the blood of the bloodthirsty evil worm to mock him. The rest was Shen Zhaodi's crazy output.

Liu Chuhe held two long sticks from the underground jackals and waved them around randomly, but he paid more attention to Shen Zhaodi.

Shen Zhaodi held two daggers in her hands, jumping and moving between the black evil worms, like a dancer. Every time her dagger fell, it was filled with an indescribable sense of beauty.

Fluttering clouds and flowing water cannot even describe her battle.

The two words Liu Chuhe kept hovering - art!

This is the real assassin!

At the same time, he was more curious about Shen Zhaodi's various behaviors in school, and her sister's work as an assistant to the reinforcement teacher. Obviously, the two of them were short of money.

I have never heard about their parents.

So where did Shen Zhaodi's fighting skills come from?

He didn't believe that Shen Zhaodi's art-like fighting skills were understood by her alone.

In today's era of great genes, strengthening techniques are passed down, as are martial arts. Normally, a family with inheritance will be fine, but they are like this. Could it be that there has been some big change in the family?

Just as he was thinking, he was distracted when a bloodthirsty worm hit his ribs hard, causing him to gasp in pain.

From the side, Shen Zhaodi's voice full of contempt came almost at the same time: "Your stick skills are really hard to watch. I really don't know how you got the warrior class."

Liu Chuhe gathered the energy in his body, swung his arm fiercely, and swung his long stick at the bloodthirsty worm that had just attacked him. He used so much force that the long stick even made the air around him ring. A whining sound broke through the air.

This stick is full of momentum, bringing up a series of afterimages.

Just as the stick was about to hit the bloodthirsty creep, the opponent's body suddenly jumped to one side to avoid the stick.

"Is this your stick technique? I really doubt how you reached the third year of high school. Even a three-year-old child is better than your stick technique."

While Shen Zhaodi was moving and attacking with ease among the bloodthirsty worms, she said mercilessly, "You actually used a sweep to attack? Even a fool can dodge with such a slow movement.

This is a stick. The most powerful part is the tip, the front part of the stick. With your level, it would be embarrassing for me to team up with you. "

When Liu Chuhe thought about it, Shen Zhaodi's words did make sense. He no longer swept, but smashed hard at the bloodthirsty worm in front of him from top to bottom. He had already aimed accurately and felt his speed. It was fast enough, but the stick still hit nothing.

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