Liu Chuhe was also helpless. He had traveled through time, and it seemed that he had not inherited the original martial arts skills of the owner of this body, or that the original host had no martial arts skills.

He admits that he is a bad guy, but if you think your teammates are a bad guy and feel embarrassed, that's your problem.

Liu Chuhe shouted to Shen Zhaodi with an unhappy look on his face, "Shen Dazong! Pay attention to your tone, it was you who begged me to form a team!"

When Shen Zhaodi heard the name "Big Butt", the dagger that was originally intended to be stabbed suddenly turned into a reverse grip and stabbed fiercely at a bloodthirsty worm in front of her. Even though she changed her movements temporarily, she could not see any trace of it. The pause, everything is so natural.

The sharp dagger was inserted into the body of this unlucky bloodthirsty worm, leaving only the hilt outside.

She seemed to regard the bloodthirsty worm as Liu Chuhe venting his anger. After inserting the dagger, she even stirred it vigorously before pulling out the dagger.

At the same time, she quickly dodged to avoid the bloodthirsty creep's counterattack, and said fiercely: "Fat Liu, for the sake of being on the same team as you, I wanted to give you a 20% discount and teach you a few tricks. Stick method. Now, charge the original price! Five million!"

"I'm on the same team as you, and you teach me stick skills for a fee! I've never seen such a shameless person like you. Why don't you call her Shen Zhaodi instead of Shen Tu Mao!"

Liu Chuhe said sarcastically: "Isn't it time that when our team goes out to practice together, you will also charge some fares?"

Shen Zhaodi didn't take it seriously at all and said: "It's good to know."

"I am the captain, and I charge the fees." Liu Chuhe waved the stick in his hand and looked at Shen Zhaodi with suspicion and said, "Returning the stick technique, you are an assassin who knows the stick technique?"

"I'm better than you anyway."

"Nonsense, if you have the ability, show it to me and let me see."

"How to provoke generals? Childish."

"Shen Zhaodi, you ungrateful guy, I just taught your sister the strengthening technique, shouldn't you teach me the stick technique?"

"I have promised to team up with you."

"Let's make a deal. I'll teach your sister how to strengthen, and you'll teach me how to use the stick?"

"Okay!" Shen Zhaodi answered extremely quickly. She had been waiting for this sentence.

Liu Chuhe looked at the proud Shen Zhaodi and secretly shouted in his heart, "I am losing money by replacing the strengthening technique with the stick technique. It seems that the only way to turn the loss into profit is to become this girl's brother-in-law."

At that time, everyone will be mine, and I will make the profit no matter what.

Or, think about it?

Wu Xiaoxiao is really good at everything except that her brain is not very good.

The two of them fought and bickered all the way, going deeper and deeper.

Shen Zhaodi didn't have a stick, but she still continued to explain while fighting.

Using daggers to explain, in her words, all weapons are interoperable. Many dagger and short-blade attack methods can still be used for reference with long sticks.

And more often than not, she was pointing out Liu Chuhe's mistakes.

"You like sweeping so much, why don't you use a stick? Just use a mace!"

"Small range, remember small range. With such a large range, who can be hit by you?"

"My waist needs to move. If you don't twist it, where will the strength come from?"

"Are you a pig? You can only hit with the front end? What is the back part used for?"

Shen Zhaodi kept correcting Liu Chuhe's movements. As he spoke, she suddenly stopped talking, and her body gradually became blurry. Within about two seconds, she completely disappeared, leaving only her voice ringing in Liu Chuhe's ears: "Be careful, someone is coming."


Liu Chuhe raised his head and looked around blankly, why didn't I see anyone? How did you know someone was coming? It seems like you don't have detection chain skills.

Not long after he was puzzled, five figures appeared in his sight, four of them familiar.

Lin Gaoyang!

The combat healer who originally formed a team with Shen Zhaodi had four other people in the team except Shen Zhaodi. The other one was a stranger who should have replaced Shen Zhaodi.

Lin Gaoyang saw Liu Chuhe surrounded by a group of bloodthirsty creeps, and with a wave of his hand, a green healing light fell.

At Liu Chuhe's feet, an inconspicuous flower shadow flashed away.

Lin Gaoyang was so experienced, but in just a flash, he saw the shadow at Liu Chuhe's feet.

Chain skill?

I healed his injuries, and there is still a chain skill on his body? What chain skill?

When we met the day before yesterday, he didn't have this chain skill, and he didn't look like he had made a breakthrough, which was strange.

He was confused for a moment, but he didn't delve into it further. There were too many chain skills in the world.

He looked at the bloodthirsty creeps lying on the ground around him, then looked at Liu Chuhe who was alone, and said with a smile: "Which assassin are you teaming up with to hunt here? It can't be Xiaoye, right?"

It wasn't like he didn't know Liu Chuhe's level. It was obvious that Liu Chuhe couldn't have killed these bloodthirsty creeps. Since he couldn't see anyone else, it was obvious that there was an assassin sneaking around.

"It's me." Seeing that it was an acquaintance, Shen Zhaodi also revealed her figure.

"It's really you. I said I would invite you today, but you refused. It turns out that I came with him. I heard something going on here and wanted to come over to see if there were any opportunities to make a fortune. Since it's you, then... Will not be disturbing."

Lin Gaoyang simply said a few words, waved his hand, and left with his team in a cool manner.

"He just left like that?" Liu Chuhe looked at Lin Gaoyang's departing back with disdain and shouted, "You don't even want to talk about how much milk you have for me."

"Why didn't you say it earlier! Now that everyone is gone, what's the use of saying it!"

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

The two of them were still as before, bickering and fighting while Shen Zhaodi was guiding them.

About ten minutes later, as the last bloodthirsty worm died, Liu Chuhe sat directly on the ground, panting heavily. Not only was his body tired, but his body was also covered with scars.

With the continuous fighting, his vitality continued to decrease and was no longer so strong. Now the recovery speed of his injuries is also rapidly decreasing to a degree visible to the naked eye.

On the ground, there were a total of seven corpses of bloodthirsty evil worms. In the end, only one bloodthirsty evil worm could extract the usable gene chain.

Shen Zhaodi finished extracting the gene chain, put the gene bottle into her backpack, and then put the backpack on her back.

All the gene bottles harvested by the two of them were put in the backpack by Shen Zhaodi. In the previous battle, Shen Zhaodi's back seemed to have eyes, and she had never been hit before.

"Hurry up and find a chain skill to increase defense." Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe who looked exhausted and said with disgust, "You look like you are not going to be able to survive. How long do you need to rest? I'll go elsewhere first." Turn around, I’ll find you again after you’ve rested.”

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