Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 86 Who Says Treatment Can’T Be Borrowed?

"Wait a minute..." Liu Chuhe saw Shen Zhaodi was about to leave, so he reached out and grabbed her. However, Shen Zhaodi's slender waist just twisted slightly, and he grabbed Lonely.

"Don't leave in a hurry..." Liu Chuhe pointed at his bruised face and shouted, "Look at me like this, how long can I still resist?

You ran away alone, leaving me here as a human shield with little health? Touch your own conscience and see if it hurts. "

"Pay attention to my wording. I said I'm looking for you, not coming back to find you. I think you're not just a martial arts class, you're at the elementary school level, and the same goes for cultural classes."

Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe with more and more contempt: "Do you think I will look for strange beasts alone in a dangerous area after fighting for so long?

I will enter a relatively safe area, and you will be safe enough to rest there. Tell me, how long do you have to recover? "

"I don't know either." Liu Chuhe shook his head. Since the life gift chain skill was strengthened to silver quality, he has never exhausted it to the limit and then recovered.

"You don't even know this?" Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe in front of her, feeling as if she was looking at a huge pit. That's your own chain skill. Don't you know it?

"Can you blame me? I used to have healers around me. Lin Gaoyang from your team can also treat me. But that guy is too stingy. He just saw me and only treated me once, not more. Stingy, you guys... …”

Liu Chuhe was talking, but his face suddenly showed a look of excitement: "Treatment... there are many teams here, and other teams have treatment."

"So what if other teams have treatments?" Shen Zhaodi really couldn't understand why Liu Chuhe was so excited: "What? Can other people's treatments be lent to you and given to you?"

Liu Chuhe suddenly smiled: "It's not a bad idea."

With that said, he took Shen Zhaodi to search. Not long after, he saw a familiar team fighting a group of strange beasts about forty meters away.

As a healer, Lin Gaoyang was still at the forefront.

Shen Zhaodi saw Liu Chuhe lying on the ground like this, motionless, with a look of impatience: "Didn't you say you were going to borrow some treatment? What are you doing lying down here? Go up and borrow it!"

"They don't need treatment. What can I borrow? Just wait. It's coming."

Lin Gaoyang looked at the fighting situation, kicked away a horned beast in front of him, and suddenly raised his hand,

Under his feet, a golden vortex appeared, and a golden light that looked like spring water flew out of his hand, and then flew away into the distance.

The golden healing chain skill flew to a forest more than 40 meters away, shining and dancing in the forest, and it seemed that a vague shadow could be seen.

"what's the situation?"

"Old Lin, what are you doing?"

Several teammates were stunned when they saw the healing chain skill flying away. A veteran like you, Lao Lin, could miss even a chain skill? It’s so outrageous!

Liu Chuhe felt the refreshing breath all over his body, with a look of enjoyment on his face. This was the hidden chain skill!

Shen Zhaodi was lying on the side with a look of shock on her delicate and beautiful face. She and Lin Gaoyang had formed a passerby team more than once, so she knew Lin Gaoyang's level well.

How could Lin Gaoyang make such a low-level mistake? If Liu Chuhe made such a mistake, she would think it was normal, Lin Gaoyang? How is that possible!

What's more, she just saw clearly that a phantom flashed past Liu Chuhe. Although Liu Chuhe's huge body blocked it, she could only see a little phantom, but it was also certain that it was Liu Chuhe. When He released the chain skill at the beginning, it was a phantom that was revealed.

When Lin Gaoyang treated Liu Chuhe smoothly before, a phantom appeared, and what appeared this time should be the same phantom that appeared that time.

What kind of chain skill is this? Can you also forcibly absorb other people's healing chain skills?

This chain skill is clearly a bronze-quality chain skill, and what Lin Gaoyang released is a gold-quality healing chain skill. With two qualities difference, he can forcefully absorb the released healing chain skill?

Also, Lin Gaoyang's healing chain skill is not aimed at one person, but a chain skill that jumps to heal multiple teammates. But this time, all the chain skills fell on Liu Chuhe, and there was no jumping at all!

Lin Gaoyang looked at the direction where the chain skill was flying down and frowned slightly. Under his feet, a silver shadow like a leaf appeared.

He raised his hand and waved, and another healing chain skill flew down. This time, the chain skill flew into the woods again like before, and it was exactly the same as before.

This time, everyone realized something was wrong.

"Something weird!"

"What's there over there? Can it attract healing chain skills?"

"Alien beast? Or something?"

"Brother Zhang, go over and check."

Shen Zhaodi looked at the healing chain skill that fell on Liu Chuhe again, but she suddenly reacted, grabbed Liu Chuhe and ran out: "Run, they have noticed a problem and are coming to investigate!"

Next to Lin Gaoyang, the assassin who replaced Shen Zhaodi was just about to take action when a burst of movement came from the forest. Although it was dark, it seemed that two figures could be vaguely seen running quickly.

"That seems to be a human being!"

"It should be a human being. It seems that there is a fat person and a thin person!"

"Human? Was the healing chain skill absorbed by them? What were they doing then? Did they want to harm us?"


"Forcibly absorbing the healing chain skill? What kind of chain skill is that?"

"Greedy chain skill! Greedy chain skill is very rare in the world. It seems that our country does not have this kind of chain skill.

On the contrary, the Bangzi country next door has such chain skills, just like the people of their country, everything belongs to them. Greedy chain skills, seeing various healing chain skills, will also greedily absorb them.

However, those chain skills not only absorb healing, but also greedily absorb poison, miasma, etc. In short, it is a very useless chain skill. People in the Bangzi Kingdom treat this chain skill as a treasure and are prohibited from exporting it. .

It is rare and useless to begin with, and it is a chain skill from other countries, so we in China can hardly see greedy chain skills. "

"So, those are two people from Bangzi Country?"

"Not necessarily." Lin Gaoyang looked at the figure that disappeared in a blink of an eye and whispered: "A fat man and a thin man. Don't you think you have seen this combination somewhere?"

Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi ran for two kilometers before stopping.

After running all the way down, Shen Zhaodi showed no sign of fatigue at all and was not even breathing. She looked at Liu Chuhe and asked, "Is this what you call borrowing treatment?"

While Liu Chuhe was breathing heavily, he was able to say: "That's right, don't look at me with admiration, it's just a small chain skill, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

Shen Zhaodi continued to ask: "So, do you plan to keep borrowing it like this?"

"Of course." Liu Chuhe asked, "Is there any problem?"

"No problem, you continue." Shen Zhaodi shook her head and borrowed other people's treatment so that others would have no treatment available. There is no big problem if you continue like this, but you will be easily caught and beaten to death!

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