Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 87 Auntie, Your Chain Skills Are Accurate

Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi quickly changed directions and continued to search for the team.

The danger level of Helian Lake is the medium among the three overlapping spaces in Huangsang City, so the number of hunting teams here is the largest.

Everyone thinks the same thing, if it's too weak it's boring, if it's too strong it's too dangerous, then choose the middle one.

Not long after, Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi saw a fighting team.

Shen Zhaodi sneaked directly and hid aside, leaving Liu Chuhe alone, standing far away.

There are no dense forests around here.

As far as he was standing, even in the dark, he could still be seen at a glance.

In the distance, the five-person team clearly saw the new stranger appearing.

"only one person?"

"what's the situation?"

"What is that man doing standing over there?"

"You want to take advantage of our battle with the alien beasts and then do us harm and take advantage of the opportunity to hack us?"

"It's not like that, he's just alone."

"Maybe there's an assassin lurking nearby."

"That's impossible. That kind of team that specializes in hacking others only has five assassins. How can there be such a thing? Send one person here for fear that others won't notice?"

"No matter what, it feels strange to have such a person standing far away. Everyone should be more vigilant! For treatment, heal everyone's injuries first. We must maintain the best condition."


Liu Chuhe saw from a distance that a water bottle-like shadow appeared under the only woman in the opposite team of five, and then a golden light flew out and fell towards the opponent's teammates in the distance.


Liu Chuhe looked at the distance between himself and the female healer and ran forward quickly. The Flower of Affinity takes effect within fifty meters, so he was definitely more than fifty meters away from the female healer.

After the golden healing light flew a distance of about forty meters, it had already landed on the head of a tank and a soldier in the front row of the opponent. However, the light did not fall, but continued to fly out, and then flew out for more than thirty meters. The rice later fell on Liu Chuhe.


Liu Chuhe suddenly stopped moving forward. I understood it wrong. Fifty meters does not mean the distance between me and the opponent's treatment. It means that after the chain skill flies out, as long as it is within fifty meters from me, it will fall on me. .

In the distance, the four teammates of the female healer were all stunned. Auntie, what are you doing?

If you leave your teammates untreated, what are you going to do to treat a stranger who appears out of nowhere?

By the way, this aunt is a rare mage healer. She is both a healer and a mage. She didn't want to release a spell to attack others. She misplaced it and used it as a healer.

In the front, the most seriously injured tank could only shout loudly: "Auntie, it's time, don't be confused, hurry up and get treatment!"

"I...Okay..." The female healer waved her hand again. This time, what appeared under her body was no longer the shadow of a golden bottle, but the shadow of a seed.

Immediately, a ball of golden healing energy flew out, and then, like the previous time, it landed on the stranger who suddenly appeared.

All the teammates almost went crazy: "Auntie, what are you doing!"

"Auntie, it's us, not asking you to cure him!"

The female healer is aggrieved, I am really healing you, but the healing energy flew away on its own.

That kid, I don’t believe it anymore, everything will fly at you.

A phantom of silver flames appeared under her body. The next moment, the temperature of the air around her rose sharply, and a huge fire wheel appeared in front of her, spinning and flying towards Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe was feeling happy when suddenly, a huge fire wheel flew towards him, which frightened him and turned around and ran away.

No, the treatments you are messing around with here are not serious treatments. Why do you use magic in just one treatment?

After the fire wheel flew a distance of more than fifty meters, it suddenly exploded, and clusters of sparks flew out in all directions, extremely dazzling in the dark night.

Sparks fell to the ground, instantly igniting the earth, and the weeds burned rapidly.

Ten meters away, two of her teammates were splashed by sparks.

The two of them have gone completely crazy. Auntie, who do you belong to?

Healing others and beating our own?

We didn't offend you, did we?

Liu Chuhe let out a long breath. Fortunately, the distance was far enough that the flames could not reach him.

The place where the flames exploded was still more than twenty meters away from him, but he still felt a heat wave in the air.

This woman became angry so quickly. No, she has to run!

In the distance, the female healer saw that she did not hit the opponent, but accidentally injured her teammates. She felt guilty in her heart. She immediately raised her hand and waved, and another healing chain skill flew out.

Then he bypassed his two teammates again and flew towards the fat man in the distance.

However, Liu Chuhe was receiving this third treatment while running away into the distance. The other party became angry with embarrassment. If he didn't run away, he would definitely be beaten...

That night, he kept trying to get treatment from others. After the treatment was almost complete, he and Shen Zhaodi went to find a little lunatic to fight with him. After he almost couldn't hold on anymore, he went to find someone for treatment again.

Once, he even met a team with double healers. The feeling was, in one word, great!

Of course, he was hunted down by others. After all, who could bear to ask for treatment like this?

Fortunately, the other party also took care of it, but they would not chase after twenty or thirty meters. They were also afraid that there was a trap or a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

In this way, the two of them entered Holy Lotus Lake from late at night until dawn, and then walked out.

In one night, Liu Chuhe really didn't know how many strange beasts he killed, but he knew the gene chain and only extracted four bottles.

"The little madman's gene chain sells out 800,000 a bottle, and we only earned 3.2 million after working hard all night?

Then the two of them split it equally, one person with 1.6 million? No, the ticket price of 100,000 yuan has to be deducted. "Liu Chuhe has settled the accounts. The speed of making money must be too slow.

If you expect to earn enough money for perfect enhancement, then you have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse?

He also knew that in fact, they were making money very quickly. After all, they were just two people, and everyone else was a team, divided among five people.

And they don't need treatment, he can just go out and have fun.

The problem is, he needs too much money.

What he is considering now is not to strengthen the Flower of Affinity Chain Skill. The Flower of Affinity Chain Skill can wait until the three-star enhancer assessment to strengthen the flower chain skill.

What he was thinking was that after getting the Flower of Affinity and breaking through again, he would be able to absorb the chain skills again. At that time, he would need to strengthen the Hundred-fold Poison.

The Hundred-fold Poison is not a hidden chain skill, and the material cost required for super-perfect enhancement is not as high as the Gift of Life and the Flower of Affinity, less than 100 million, only over 90 million!

I thought that after becoming a strengthener, I would be able to live a leisurely life in the future. Who knew, after all this, I would be poorer than before.

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