Ding Zizi is really convinced, you guys went out again yesterday!

You guys are doing this, I really want to go out with you. Unfortunately, I have access control at night.

Also, why does your team always catch and kill little lunatics?

Others are afraid to avoid the little lunatic, but you are better off. Are you specifically looking for the little lunatic?

Ding Zizi happily transferred 6.6 million directly.

In the afternoon, videos denounced a certain fat man appeared in the hunter circle of Huangsang City.

"We can't just let this matter go."

"He went too far. Other people's teams were playing well, but suddenly a person came over, and all the treatments were directed at him. The entire team was instantly in chaos!"

"He didn't do this!"

"It's been two days. It's not a big deal. What if the treatment flies to him at the critical moment and his teammates are not treated?"

"Everyone must report him together!"

"I have already reported it."

Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi no longer had to make appointments. After school, when Liu Chuhe went back to give Wu Xiaoxiao a few words of advice, they went directly to the Helian Lake in the river, but they were stopped at the entrance.

"What? We're on the blacklist?

No Entry?

Why? "

Liu Chuhe stared blankly at a soldier who stopped him, pointed at himself and then at Shen Zhaodi, and said with an aggrieved face: "We are just two students."

"Regardless of their identity, all people on the blacklist are prohibited from entering!"



Liu Chuhe wanted to try to save him again, but suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance. The sound was so loud that the whole world shook. Liu Chuhe felt that the ground beneath his feet was shaking violently, as if an earthquake was coming.

The sky had already turned completely dark, but with this loud noise, the entire sky became brighter. The crescent moon hung high, the stars were bright, and there seemed to be faint thunder shining in the sky.

"What's going on?" Liu Chuhe turned his head in astonishment and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

In the distance, around a high mountain, space is constantly torn apart, and then torn apart, forming a space crack. In a trance, it seems that a space from another dimension has descended on that place. The two spaces are overlapping, and the entire sky Because of this, it was shaking crazily!

"Overlapping space, the fourth overlapping space. After fifty years, the fourth overlapping space appeared in Huangsang City!"

Shen Zhaodi grabbed Liu Chuhe: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you run away!"

"Run? Where to go?" Liu Chuhe was in a daze.

"Overlapping space! Overlapping space first appears, and everything in it has not been developed or explored! That is when the value of overlapping space is the highest!"

Just a new space overlapped, and the entire space above Huangsang City was shaking crazily.

The earth trembled, and at the cracks in space, turbulent currents of time and space flew out, falling with thunder, as if the end of the world was coming.

The overlapping space came, and in just a few dozen seconds, a calm, reassuring voice sounded over the city.

“There is an overlapping space in the upper reaches of the Zhulong River in our city. The general public is asked not to go out. Those who are outside should return home as soon as possible and stay away from the area where the overlapping space is located.

Please rest assured that as long as you do not go near overlapping spaces, there will be no danger. "

The sound of the radio sounded in every corner of Huangsang City and kept repeating.

Shen Zhaodi was already dragging Liu Chuhe and running fast, urging: "Hurry up, you are running too slow, please run faster."

"I've tried my best. I'm a human shield, not an assassin. How can I run as fast as you?"

Liu Chuhe was pulled by Shen Zhaodi, and while he was running forward mechanically with his legs moving with all his strength, he asked curiously: "What is going on in this new overlapping space? Why are you so anxious?"

Shen Zhaodi said anxiously: "Can you not be in a hurry?

An overlapping space appears, and no one knows how dangerous it is.

In order to prevent a group of hunters from entering it and dying in vain, the state will take over the entrance to the closed space and wait until the situation is verified before opening it.

However, when the overlapping space first appeared, the surrounding space was unstable, so there were many space gates that could not be completely blocked in a short period of time. We can take the opportunity to enter it through the door of space.

But once time passes, the space will stabilize, and there will no longer be space gates. There will be space barriers all around the overlapping space, making it impossible to enter, and you can only enter through the entrance.

At that time, all entrances will inevitably be controlled, and we will not be able to enter even if we want to. "

"Wait a minute, you just said you didn't know the level of danger? So you still want to go in?

What if after we go in, we find that the weakest animals inside are all six-star or even seven-star beasts, wouldn’t we die and die no more? "Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi as if he were a madman.

"What are you afraid of!

The terrifying overlapping space you mentioned has arrived with much greater momentum than this.

It's not like you've never entered an overlapping space. Whether it's Huangsang Mountain or Helian Lake, there are one-star and two-star alien beasts on the periphery. This is also the case in most spaces.

Also, so what if there is danger?

Do you know what kind of benefits you can get by entering the new overlapping space?

Not to mention anything else, two years ago, not long after we entered high school, an overlapping space appeared in Zhoubin City. A guy who was only on the fifth floor of Juyuan ran in, dug out a piece of A-grade metal ore, and came back to sell it. Five hundred million. "

Shen Zhaodi paused slightly as he spoke, and then continued: "He is nothing.

Ten years ago, a new overlapping space was added to Zhangkou City in Beihe Province. There was a student. He was just a good student in the university and was far from a genius.

But when he came out of the newly added overlapping space, he immediately displayed a chain skill that he had never seen before. The chain skill was extremely powerful, far superior to other chain skills of the same quality. It should be a hidden chain skill.

From then on, he kept improving and became what people call a genius. "

Shen Zhaodi said, giving Liu Chuhe a meaningful look and said: "Although people don't know which gene chain has recessive chain skills, it is generally recognized that it is easier to obtain recessive chain skills in the newly added overlapping space. "

Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi strangely and asked, "Why do you know so well? Do you know everything about Beihe Province?"

“Because that person went to Tianlu Martial Arts University, the only martial arts university in Huangsang City.

People thought that he not only obtained a hidden chain skill, but also had adventures in it, but no one knew what else he obtained. "

Shen Zhaodi said and looked at Liu Chuhe with disgust: "If you don't want to go, I will go by myself."

"Go, go, how can you not go!" Liu Chuhe firmly grabbed Shen Zhaodi's little hand for fear that Shen Zhaodi would throw him away. It really made Shen Zhaodi run away, and she was a human shield. She couldn't do anything inside.

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