People in this era have been exposed to knowledge about overlapping spaces since childhood, and they know that as long as they stay away from overlapping spaces, they will not be in danger.

It's night again now, and the place is remote. There are no riots like those where traffic jams are serious and people are frantically running for their lives.

Many hunting teams also went out one after another, rushing towards the upper reaches of the Zhulong River where the overlapping space appeared.

Everyone knows that exploring new overlapping spaces must be extremely dangerous, but danger also means opportunities!

They must arrive as quickly as possible!

In the land of China, every city will have one or two pioneer teams.

The pioneer team, as the name suggests, goes to pioneer after a new overlap appears. In addition to pioneering, they are also responsible for controlling the entrances to the overlapping space as soon as possible.

The members of the pioneer team all own aircraft!

You are running on the ground and others are flying in the sky. How can someone be faster?

Fortunately, dimensional space appears. When the spaces of their world overlap, the space is extremely unstable and multiple entrances will appear.

Even if there is a pioneer team, they will not be able to guard all the entrances for a while, so if they are fast enough, there is still a chance to enter.

If it is too late, after the entrance is gradually stabilized, it will really be impossible to enter.

The more Shen Zhaodi ran, the more anxious she became. Liu Chuhe, the fat man, ran too slowly. If they continued at this speed, the day lily would be cold when they arrived.

We must find a way.

She looked at a speeding car in the distance and suddenly asked Liu Chuhe, "Can you drive?"

Although today's cars all have autonomous driving, the problem is that they have to go into overlapping spaces. After the overlapping space appears, all nearby places will be set as no-travel areas. The autonomous driving system recognizes them as no-travel areas, but it will not Moving forward.

"Car? I've never ridden a motorcycle before, but a car..." Just as Liu Chuhe was about to answer, a roar came.

From a bifurcated road on the side, cool-looking motorcycles were approaching from a distance.

Car party.

Sure enough, no matter what era or city, there are such a group of rich second generations who play with cars.

"No need!" Shen Zhaodi immediately let go of Liu Chuhe's hand, quickly ran to a brightly lit place, and wildly swung her arms toward a group of car enthusiasts in the distance.

A group of car enthusiasts suddenly became excited.

"Hey, there's a girl saying hello to us in the distance."

"The overlapping space suddenly appeared tonight, and it's remote here. I guess I can't get a taxi home. Would you like us to give her a ride?"

"I don't think we'll have an affair tonight."

"It's just that it's too far away and I can't see the face clearly."

"Not only the face, but also the figure can't be seen clearly."

"Having said that, you will know after you go over and take a look."


A group of seven or eight motorcycles roared and rushed to a stop in front of Shen Zhaodi in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, all the men in the group, except for a thin man, became restless.

"Beauty, do you have any questions?"

"Beauty, you want us to give you a ride? No problem, just take my car."

"You guy, there's someone behind you, take my car, I'm a thief."

These guys were shouting one after another, and even two guys with girls sitting in the back seat joined them.

Shen Zhaodi's eyes swept over the motorcycles in front of her, and finally her eyes fell on the longest motorcycle. She looked at the other person and asked: "I want to borrow your motorcycle, is that okay?"

These motorcycles are sports cars and are not suitable for carrying people. It would be fine if two people of normal build could squeeze in, but with Liu Chuhe's figure, he really couldn't squeeze into an ordinary motorcycle.

"Beauty has good eyesight." The man said as he took off his helmet, flicked his hair, and saw a row of cars under him, and said coolly, "This is the latest model of Rayon X-9. Beauty, get in the car. ."

"No, I'm talking about borrowing. I want to ride." Shen Zhaodi said and walked up to the man.

The man looked at the beautiful face in front of him, and his heart beat wildly and uncontrollably. At this moment, he seemed to be no longer himself, and his brain seemed to have stopped thinking.

"Okay, no problem, please, please. I didn't expect you, beauty, to be young, and you also like the feeling of being able to control yourself."

After getting the other party's permission, Shen Zhaodi ignored him. She stepped onto the car and urged Liu Chuhe, who was walking slowly, "Hurry up."

Immediately, she raised her wrist, waved it towards the man, and illuminated a digital code: "This is my ID number. You can ask me for a car when the time comes."

After Liu Chuhe heard Shen Zhaodi's words, he quickly ran a few steps and squeezed into the back seat with difficulty.

Before he could sit firmly, a huge roar was heard, and the motorcycle jumped out, almost throwing him away. He subconsciously hugged forward with his hands, and his whole body lay completely on Shen Zhaodi's body. On his back, he stabilized his body.

From the front, Shen Zhaodi's cold voice came: "Hand, if you don't want your hand, just say so."

"Sorry, mistake, mistake." Liu Chuhe quickly let go of his hands, but as soon as he let go, his body tilted again, as if he was about to fall. He was so frightened that he quickly stretched out his hands again and hugged him. Shen Zhaodi.

Before Shen Zhaodi could speak, he shouted first: "The speed is too fast, there is no place to catch this broken car!"

In the distance, a group of motorcycle gangs looked at the two people walking away. A thin man suddenly looked at the man who had just lent the motorcycle with a strange look and said jokingly: "Old Hu, you are going to be happy this time for nothing." One game."

On the side, someone immediately laughed and said: "What? Who are you looking down on? So what if the beauty has a boyfriend?

A fat man, he doesn't look like a kid from a rich family. How can we, Lao Hu, be able to pry the corner off? "

"Let's make a bet on when Lao Hu can pry that pretty girl over? I'll bet on tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I bet tonight!"

The thin man looked at Lao Hu sympathetically and said, "Forget it, I won't make any more money from them.

That girl is different from us.

To put it bluntly, we people are just a group of rich second generations with no ability. The worst among us, I, didn’t even have the chance to pass the genetics university. You only went to the genetics university, and none of you got admitted to the martial arts university. "

As he spoke, he paused slightly and then looked at everyone and said, "As you know, my sister is in her third year of high school, so when she has nothing to do, she always pulls me to talk about the geniuses in our Huangsang City.

Unfortunately, the girl my sister talked about the most was the girl who just borrowed the car.

She is also a senior in high school and is a famous genius in our Huangsang City. She is a super genius and one of the top five in the city.

I don’t know which martial arts university she can go to, but there will definitely be no problem getting into one. A first-class martial arts university is not impossible. "

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