Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 24 - You're weak.

A sweet feeling arose from the depths of their hearts, their own family, people that they love and can trust.

For Mikoto, it was so unlike her clan that was full of coldness and formality. Even her father that loves her is willing to sell her to the clan to preserve his place.

For Tsume, it was the same, her clan was full of rivalry, the strongest becomes the alpha and lead the pack. Knowing that people will respect and love her even if she is not the strongest made her smile sweetly.

And Kushina...She bawled her eyes out and swept Minato in a hug. Since the news of her family's death, she was sad and lonely, not knowing what to do with her life. But now, she has her own family!

"I'm joking, those seals were slaves seals" Exclaimed Minato with a wicked smile and dark voice.

Kushina exits his embrace and went back to sit, chatting with Mikoto and Tsume completely ignoring him.

'Oi oi, not even a reaction, and here I wanted to scare them a bit. Do they trust me that much? They're pretty naive. Well, good for me. I will just have to protect them from the bastards outside...And for that, I will have to make them suffer first' An ominous aura surrounded Minato, making the 3 girls shiver, feeling that they would be in for a world of pain.

"Well, now that all the formalities are done, I'm going to train you"

Hearing that, they stopped chatting and concentrated on Minato. This whole conversation began because of that but they forgot about it because of all the things that were said.

"I will first train you all in the basics. You must train your body and mind first to accumulate chakra. For the next months, you will do all sorts of exercises to better your agility and endurance, and exercise your taijutsu katas while in battle between each other or with me. With that, you will learn to meditate and to access your mindscape"

"What's a mindscape?" Tilting her head, Kushina asked.

"It's a place where all your memories are stored, and where your consciousness resides. To find it you must 'fuse' with your chakra, and it will guide you there"

"And what is the use of accessing our mindscape?" questioned Tsume.

"You will have full control over your memories, able to review anything easily. If you trained in your mindscape, your spiritual energy will grow and so will your chakra. And if one day you have full control over it, you could even slow the time there, training 1 year there for one night. One of the reasons I'm so good at fighting is thanks to the image training that I did, and you could unlock it when you can have access to your battles memories." Enticed Minato, knowing that they need to have concrete examples to understand the awesomeness of the mind.

"Gasp" They were shocked to the core, there exist such a thing. They thought that is was impossible to train the mind, that their mental power will grow with age and experience compared to their physical power trained by stressing the body. But if they could train their mental energy, doesn't it mean that they will have higher chakra reserves than others in the future?

Seeing the doubt in their eyes, he knew what they were thinking "It's true that the Yamanaka have access to people's mind, but they use their technique only for attacking and taking over the bodies of their adversary. You must understand that chakra was not made to fight in the first place. The more you understand chakra, the better grasp of it you will have and only then could you hope one day become a true powerhouse, surpassing the Kages." 'And one day, we could even link all our mind together, becoming even closer'

"As strong as the Kyuubi?" asked Kushina hopefully

"En(Yes), one day you could even eject him from your mind where he was sealed if you become strong enough, without dying"

Kushina made a joyful shout, happy that she could one day be the only one in her body

"But for the time being, you should squeeze him dry. Even if I pity him a bit, in the end, he is not my friend and I don't really care about him, so you should use his chakra to train yourself."

"Pity him?" Asked Mikoto thoughtfully

"Hm, yeah, don't tell me you believe they are mindless beasts of destructions" Seeing them turned their head away bashfully, he sighed "They are thousand years old, if we still exist here it's because they did not bother to kill us all and were minding their business before Hashirama came and capture them to 'protect humanity'"

"So they were enslaved even if they did nothing, just because of fear" exclaimed Kushina in pity, and having the last respect that she had for Hashirama vanishing.

"You can say that, but even if you're not afraid anymore and try to befriend him, I doubt that will work, he should merely be a ball of hurt hiding behind a ball of hate. After all, if he did not wipe out humanity, it must be because he can't do it. Maybe the Rikudo Sennin deemed him as a guardian of us or something like that. And from the stories I've heard, this guy is full of hate, who will not be? He was captured by the people that he protected."

"Hm, I will still try 'ttebane, if we must share my body for the years to come I will prefer to be on good terms with him" Pumping her fist, Kushina was fired up.

"Suit yourself, but to do that you must first learn to access your mind. And apart from that, you will only train chakra control and the basics of ninjutsu for the time being, because, with your pitiful level of chakra, it will be a waste of time to train other things. And with the Kyuubi inside of you, your chakra level will shot through the roofs Kushina, and you will have a headache with that"

"Is that your secret training? It's a bit banal and boring" exclaimed Tsume suspiciously

"The basics are the fundamentals, what is the use of breathing fire where you could sneak in, slit a throat and escape without being seen by anyone? A true ninja does not need fancy tricks. The only ninjutsu worthy of being used is those powerful and fast. The fireball Jutsu of Mikoto's clan can be evaded so easily that it's pathetic and should be called 'Fire style: Distraction no Jutsu'" explained Minato

Mikoto made an awkward face, her family ritual Jutsu was considered a distraction by Minato. But thinking about it, it made some sense, she never heard of anyone boasting about frying enemies with this Jutsu. A simple Kawarimi and it became useless because it takes far too much time to cast it with all the hand seals.

"Well, you will only do that for the time being, with some kunai and shuriken throwing. Only when you become strong enough with the bases will specializing be useful. Even if you learn some Jutsu now, it will be so weak that it will be laughable." Remembering Kakashi being awed because Sasuke spit out a pitiful fireball at 12 years old was laughable to Minato. Itachi was considered S-rank with only his Bukijutsu, fireball technique, and Sharingan. And even then, the fireball technique was just used as a diversion.

"You must take the full course of the academy and only graduate when you become 12 years old, even if you have to buŧŧ heads with your clans. But beware of changing your character too fast, if you do that there will be suspicions."

"Do you intend to graduate early?" asked Mikoto, catching on it.

"Yes, the Hokage and Danzo already have their eyes on me, so I must show the results befitting of a genius. The Hokage will surely have me graduate in the next graduation exam in 4 months and place me under a mentor, maybe one of his disciples, to keep tabs on me and at the same time grooming me for maybe being his successor. After all, the level of people at the academy is low so they have no choice but do that when somebody talented appear."

"But why can't we graduate early too?" Asked Kushina grudgingly, not willing to be left behind.

"Because you're weak, and a war is on the horizon. If you graduate early, you will have strong chances to die...Or not. You're two clans heir and a jinchuuriki so they will not allow you to graduate early. So just act like the usual, Konoha is our base, we must not let them know that something is up"

Seeing him calling them weak made them internally seethe in indignation, but unfortunately, he only said the truth. They must train extra hard to become his equal. And for the war mentioned, they can't do anything about it, after all, if they fight in it they will be only canon fodders, and they are not willing to sacrifice themselves for the village anymore.

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