Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 25 - At last the blood boils

Months passed and in a blink of an eye, it has been 10 months since Byron came into this world and began his new life.

Leaving his studio feeling refreshed, Minato stumbled upon Kushina.

"Good luck with your graduation exam Minato, even if you don't need it. The girls and I will come to cheer for you later."

"Thanks Kushi, see you later" Giving her a kiss on the cheek as morning greeting, Minato continued on his way to the academy.

While on the road, he began to think about what will happen after that 'I don't think I will be placed on a genin team, with a war around the way those will be useless because the chunin or more will enter the battlefield while genin will act as a support. Well, I suppose I will finish under Jiraya as an apprentice this time around instead of being on a team under him. It's better that way, I won't have people slowing me down and I could begin challenge myself on hard missions to battle against real enemies and not just those in my mind. Well, of course not without insurance, I don't want to die because I overestimated myself.'

Arriving at the academy, he went to the classroom 4-a, where the examinations will begin. Entering the room, he looked around but doesn't recognize anyone 'Well, the generation of Shikaku and Fugaku is 2 years older than me so they are still in the third year, and with a war around the corner, their clans will not be foolish enough to graduate them early and send them to the battlefield. A genin is a soldier of the village, the clans have little say in how the Hokage dispatched them. Not that he will kill them intentionally, but he can't give them an obvious better treatment, if not he will lose the impartiality that he should have.'

He took a seat in the back of the class and began to wait while listening to the chatter of the 4th year student.

"Today I will graduate and will be on my road to becoming Hokage!" "I will finally be able to accept missions and do ninja stuff, my time to shine is near!"...Listening to all those silly talks, Minato scoffed internally, knowing that more than ninety percent of those guys will soon die and those that don't will be scarred for life.

"Hey Ito, did you read the new chapter of Inazuma eleven?" A sudden conversation caught the attention of Minato.

"Yeah, I hope they will teach a lesson to those pricks of Epsilon soon! I'm sure that Inazuma eleven will win the next match against them"

"You're right, there is no way that they will lose with Shawn Frost from the Land of Frost's academy training like a madman to score!"

"I'm so frustrated that Axel Blaze was fired! But Tori, the daughter of the Fire Daimyo sure is cute!"

"You're right. But man, that guy Genesis sure is a genius to draw such an amazing manga. Since he introduced the concept of manga, people began to try drawing one but they're so lousy. Not only that, he even wrote without discrimination against other countries. Even if the Inazuma team from Konoha's academy is on the path of becoming the strongest, he was kind enough to make the Royal academy from the land of Whirlpool the strongest for a whole 40 years, even if everybody knows that Konoha has always been the strongest."

"Do you think that he had a friend from there that died and dedicate this book to him?"

"Hum, you may be right."

'Of course, they are lousy, in a world where they don't even know the meaning of entertainment, trying to write a story from scratch with just imagination is not something that you guys can do. You use chakra just to wage wars instead of developing things with this amazing energy, so there is no way people will beat me on imagination' Thought Minato, disdaining people that try to reap some benefits by copying him.

'And what dedication to a deceased friend, I just stated the truth. Uzushigakure were stronger than Konoha since the 2nd Hokage died'

"Okay students quiet down, the writing test will begin!" The teacher of the 4th year came in class and began to distribute subjects.

Minato answered all the questions in thirty minutes, all the knowledge already inside his brain. His thoughts then wandered, and he began to brainstorm on how to better his lifestyle without attracting too much attention on himself and without people using his ideas to wage even more wars 'Technology mixed with chakra could literally destroy the world, not even talking about the pollution. Sigh, it seems that I can only create things based on chakra, I don't want to see a mix of Hiroshima and Juubi's bijuudama.

Hm, maybe some minerals could act as natural energy storage and could be used as energy sources. After all, people here pass their times to wage wars for territory without even unearthing the resources hidden in their own, so a thing like that should exist underground since it has been thousands of years that the Shinju stopped suċkɨnġ all the natural energy. Well, no use of thinking about it now, I can't traverse through earth like those Iwa guys.'

1 hour later, "Okay time is up, put your pens down and go to the training ground for your next test!"

Following the students outside, Minato listened to some grumbling about 'lousy written exam'. 'Whichever the world, people dislike studying despite it being the only thing that can make us humans stand at the top of the food chain. People forgot that the human mind is our most powerful tool...Would have I been such a barbarian if I was born in this world?' Thought Minato

Arriving at the training ground, the students were fanshinobing, the Hokage came to see them! Even if they knew it already, they couldn't stop themselves from being excited. While Minato was...

'Fuck, all this lineup just for me, seriously? Danzo, the 2 elders bats, the three future Sannin...Oi oi, times truly have changed. Even Itachi who showed more genius than me at my age was not able to have such a line up for his graduation exams' All of them were situated on an elevated platform in the training ground, with the three still youthful elders and the Hokage sitting. And from Minato's memories, only the Hokage should have been here for the graduation exams.

Sensing the cold and hard gaze of Danzo, with the curious borderline creepy of Orochimaru's, a chill went down Minato spine 'I hope all will go well, I'm not ready to battle those monsters. Hokage guy, protect me well!'

Seeing that Danzo has his eyes on Minato and even came here to see him personally, Sarutobi frowned inwardly and decided that more measures have to be taken to ensure he did not die young. It's not every day that such promising seedlings came by, and before his death, Tobirama made them promise that when one comes by, they should nurture them. He will not let him fall in Danzo's hands, where he would just become a puppet against him.

Standing up, the Sandaime coughed and gathers the attention of all students. "Each one of you possesses the will of fire. It is passed down by the Hokage to each generation. It helps us fight and protect the village even when things look bleak. It's the will to never give up. As the Hokage, every one of the villagers is family. The will of fire is what binds us together. I hope to see you become fine shinobis, helping me protect this big family!"

In a corner of the training ground, Kushina, Tsume and Mikoto were listening to the Sandaime speech, and couldn't help but ask themselves how did they even think one time that the will of fire was all that mattered, and that people they don't even know was considered their families 'Did we one time thought of dying for other people because of this speech?' A chill went down their spines, if not for Minato they would maybe in the future sacrifice themselves for people that will not even care about it, thinking that it was normal for them to give their lives to strangers.

Having finished his speech, he went back, and the battle graduation began, with one chunin going to the center of the training ground and battled with the hopeful genins.

Looking at them, Minato was at least relieved of the intelligence of the higher-ups. They are far stronger than Naruto's generation, so even if they're weaklings, they will be useful cannon fodder and not burdens. 'I wonder what would Hashirama think? All that he worked for went to smoke since he died. Madara and Hashirama changed because of power, will I change too? I hope I will not become a melodramatic jerk one day. Well, if I become one Kushina will punch me to wake me up, it's good to have people that you can count on. I understand slightly the power of friendship...Or not, even if I like them I can't deny that if we fight together they will become big burdens. I hope that one day the will catch up to me, teamwork would only be useful by then'

"Next, Namikaze Minato" Minato's name made the higher-ups perked up, they were truly bored to death. If not for him, they will have never come here to look at those boring fights.

Arriving in front of the chunin, Minato took a deep breath. To others, this action made them think that he was nervous, but Minato was calming his excitement, not his nerves, hoping that he will not be swept up by the fight and show too much. After all, it will be his first time that he fights a real shinobi, even if it's a sparring match. 'Gosh, why am I so excited? Since when did I become a battle freak...But thinking of one day battling Madara truly makes my blood boil. It has been a long time since I've felt this alive.'

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