Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 26 - Katon: Trick no jutsu!

"Come" Said the no-name chunin.

Taking the initiative, Minato lunged at him at low-chunin speed, and began to ȧssault the chunin with his still imperfect Goken. He prefers to fight with the swift style, but it's better to show that he still has progress to make in Taijutsu.

No-name was caught off guard, he never has thought that such a young kid could be this powerful, so he was on the backfoot during the first exchanges, dodging and blocking his attacks. Thankfully, he was slightly faster and stronger than Minato thanks to his size, so he began to counterattack and took back the upper hand

Minato could have kept him on the backfoot thanks to his 'Hyper intuition' and his experience, but he is only here to pass a test, not to show all his cards.

The battle continued, with the chunin on the winning side mainly thanks to his size and longer appendages, and Minato seemingly having no choice but to dodge, and unable to retaliate because of his short reach.

Instead of rejoicing, No-name became more and more restless, because he was unable to land the finishing blow, each time Minato will evade it at the last second.

He was unable to believe that he showed such an unsightly sight to the Hokage, taking such a long time to beat an academy student. Instead of being a show of prowess of that student, it became a true battle. If his friends learned of it, he will lose all face in the ninja corps.

Unfortunately, he was not thinking clearly anymore, he never asked himself why did the elders and the Hokage students come here?

Because of his restlessness, he made an obvious mistake letting a big opening. Knowing that it was safe to take it without appearing to be an experienced fighter, Minato took advantage of it and deliver a powerful kick in the stomach of his adversary, making him stumble back.

He then crossed the distance between them while doing hand signs (mudra). Seeing that, no-name was alarmed, ninjutsu was not authorized, what did that guy think he was doing? And where the fuċk did her learn one?

"Katon (Fire style), Fireball Jutsu" Finishing the hand signs, Minato took a deep breath, seemingly gathering chakra into his lungs to expel a fireball.

The chunin hurriedly rolled to the side, having no time to perform one himself because he was caught unprepared, unable to believe that this madman will use such a thing for a graduation exam.

Not only him, even the spectators were caught off guard, with the Sandaime frowning thinking that because he was losing, Minato resorted to cheating.

But against all the expectations, no fireball exited Minato mouth. Instead, he lunged at the rolling chunin, and punched him on the temple, knocking him out.

A huge silence fell over the training ground, before a burst of loud laughter rang.

"Hahaha, way to go kid. You even tricked us!" Jiraya laughter seemingly woke them up, and a burst of discussion explode on the training ground.

Some students were awed that somebody three years younger than them won against a chunin, while others that were jealous of him said it was only because he used a trick in the end so it did not count.

Meanwhile, the Hokage broke out in a chuckle, unable to believe that he has been had by a child. Truly, the new generation surpassed the old.

"Look hime (princess), he is my student, isn't he awesome? Well, having a teacher like me, it's only a matter of fact. Why don't you go out with someone as awesome as me?" Boasted Jiraya, trying to take credit for Minato feat.

"Bullshit Jiraya, you taught him nothing since sensei ȧssign you to him, you bȧrėly went to see him only once a month. And I hope for you that you did not teach him your perversion if not I will beat you half-dead" Threatened Tsunade, waving her fist. What was left unsaid was that even her grandmother Mito was admiring the kid. But saying it to others will only attract trouble for him, a thing she was not willing. During the month that he came to her house, she has developed a soft spot for him, taking a liking to this little guy. 'Nawaki became even more motivated, not willing to be shown up by a kid younger than him' Thinking of Nawaki, her face broke into a fond smile, sending Jiraya in his disillusions.

Unlike his teammates and his sensei, Orochimaru sensed something in Minato, that he was hiding things like him and he was not what he displays. After all, Minato could be considered acting like a snake. 'Interesting, I will observe you Minato, maybe you could surprise me' Licking his lips, he somehow sensed that when he will shed all pretense, he would be for a huge surprise.

As for Danzo, nobody knew what he was thinking. Since coming here, his eyes were cold and unwavering.

Suddenly, Minato Hyper Intuition sent him a horrible feeling, like he was a prey observed by a snake. Knowing who it was, he mustered all the will that he had to not display any signs of having sensed something, not willing to let Orochimaru know it. Even if Minato was stronger than Orochimaru at his peak, having the memories is far from insufficient to even survive against somebody of this caliber. He was thankful to not have hidden, at least now that he is in the light, Danzo and Orochimaru will not dare to touch him lightly. If he had hidden and one of those two discovered him, he would have been finished. Just thinking about it sent a chill down his spine, making him aware that even if he knows the events that will happen, he is still weak. He can still be killed by side characters that never appeared, and it will be his end. After all, he doesn't have a second chance and plot armor.

Going to his buddies, they congratulate him. Minato kissed them on the cheek as greetings, used to it thanks to his previous world. When he did it the first time, they blushed crazily and had all sorts of funny reactions, but they became used to it with the months, marking it as one of Minato's quirks.

Seeing Minato so close with them, pellicular lights passed through Hiruzen and Danzo's eyes. The first was happy that the seed he was ready to nurture have a close relationship with Kyuubi jinchuuriki, while the latter was thinking that if he controlled Minato, he could control the Kyuubi jinchuuriki, or vice versa.

The two of them didn't really put Mikoto and Tsume in their eyes, knowing that they were merely chess pieces from their clans and that they would never hold any real power.

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